DNF Live Allard

Chapter 226 Celia's Shyness (45)

Chapter 226 Celia's Shyness (45)

Surrounded by six flying pets and a large group of chirping birds above his head, when Wang Yan appeared on the central street of Hutton Marr, he attracted many crowds of people watching. Wang Yan also felt that he was a bit ostentatious. He quickly picked up his speed and trotted to Kanina's grocery store.

Celia was lying on the counter with her chin resting on her back, watching the people coming and going on the street. She was not as thick-skinned as Kanina, who often shouted at the door of the shop: "Look, look!" Take a look!"

Celia felt a little ashamed just thinking of this picture, so after Kanina left and entrusted Celia to watch the store, she only sold a few pieces of bread and milk, without Kanina's yelling, passing by Few pedestrians stop here.

"A lot of birds!" Celia's attention was attracted by the large flying birds in the sky. She sat upright and looked out, and saw Wang Yan who was trotting over. Those birds also followed Wang Yan to the shop. Outside, a large piece of dark clouds fell on the crossbar beside the door.

"Where did you come from, Carey, why did you bring so many birds? Huh? Where did you find Poppy and Hagendi?" Celia stood up after seeing Wang Yan's figure. Walking out of the counter, her eyes fell on Bobby, who was struggling to fly behind Wang Yan. Hagendi easily followed Wang Yan, and Celia recognized the magical creature at a glance. origin.

"Haha, I just came back from Grandma Oran, the pet trainer in Old Street, which is only a few kilometers away from your tree house hotel. Isn't your hotel about to open? I think I will prepare a gift for you, After thinking about it, I still feel that pets are better, Seria, do you still like these little things?" Wang Yan trotted over and entered the grocery store with a blushing face and no panting, and then five Bobby landed on the glass counter However, Hagendi was flying around Celia, and it felt the natural breath from Celia, which made it very fascinated.

"Is it them?" Celia looked at the large flock of birds on the crossbar outside the grocery store. She had an unconcealable joy on her face, and she looked at Wang Yan with a slightly shy gaze. How could he be so considerate?Celia secretly thought.

"These Bobbys are the same, and it, this Hagendi seems to be very destined for you, Celia, as soon as it comes in, it will fly to you and circle around. It can also speak the language of elves, Try talking to it." Wang Yan was relieved when he saw the surprise on Celia's face, Celia left the defense line of Alvin, who was full of birds and flowers, presumably the other party would miss the little beasts and beasts that he often encountered there. Asuka, now that there are so many birds that can talk to each other, and Bobby who is talkative, Celia will never be lonely in her future life.

Celia looked at Hagendy flying back and forth beside her, and couldn't help nodding: "Well, I feel the kindness and joy it conveyed to me. It's such a lovely creature. I only live in Lorraine. I’ve seen Hagende in the depths. They are very vigilant in the wild and don’t allow anyone to approach them. I only had time to call out to it but I couldn’t see it. How did you get this Hagende to follow you, Kerry? Woolen cloth?."

She stretched out her hand and spread it out, and Hagan landed on it boldly. After retracting its four wings, it looked like a shrunken little person. It stared at Celia with its big round eyes, and muttered in its mouth Speaking Elvish, Celia can also easily talk to each other. After all, the low-level Elvish language is something she has mastered innately.

"It's a contract. I got it from a pet trainer, and now it's given to you, Celia. I hope you will like the gift I prepared for you." Wang Yan scratched his head, and then took the pet contract that had been kept all along. After taking it out and handing it to Celia, the other party took it and looked at it, and then tore up these contracts by hand.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yan looked at Celia and asked in surprise. Without the constraints of the pet contract, those birds had to go to the sky and leave immediately. At this time, Celia waved out balls of light green magic power. , the birds on the crossbar at the door lost their contractual constraints. They originally fanned their wings and planned to leave, but after feeling the light green magic power released by Celia, they scrambled to fly up. The goal is not to represent freedom. Instead, the sky poured into the grocery store.

Wang Yan only saw a large group of birds covering Celia, but Celia was a natural elf in her previous life, and it is normal for the magic power in her body to attract creatures. Those birds, including Bobby and Hagendi, were all bathed in light Stretching his body in the green magic power, Hagendi's humanized face showed a satisfied expression. The magic power of the natural elves is a good nourishing product for it. After receiving the magic power for a long time, its power will become stronger. powerful!

"Look, they are not bound by the contract, and they still won't leave here. How wonderful it is to fly freely in the sky." Celia comforted the group of birds with magic power, and then looked at the king standing by the door. Yan, with a smile on his face.

"Only you can make these creatures follow you smoothly." Wang Yan couldn't help but hold his forehead. The so-called contract constraints seem to be less effective than Celia's magic bath. Anyway, those birds and Bobby are now He left Wang Yan and came to Celia's side, leaving him standing alone at the door.

"Thank you, Kaili, for the gift you carefully prepared." Celia jumped over the flock of birds and came to Wang Yan, then pursed her lips and said, "I like it very much."

Wang Yan smiled without saying a word, watching the group of birds fluttering their wings and following Celia to the outside of the house. At this moment, Celia became the focus of everyone's eyes on the street, watching the group of birds in light green dress flying around. Asuka and Bobby's Celia, everyone has only one feeling, that is nature, and it seems that people and nature should be like this.

"Okay, I let them go to the tree house to settle down first, otherwise it would be bad if they were watched and knocked down." After Celia went out, she whispered something to the birds, and the birds They flapped their wings and flew towards the east, and soon out of everyone's sight, Celia took Bobby and Hagendy back to the grocery store, these little creatures gathered around Celia, it is not surprising It was so conspicuous before.

"Well, the Tree House Hotel will be reopened tomorrow, and it's been a few days since you've been in Hutton Mall, how do you feel?" The two sat side by side at the door of the grocery store, looking at the people coming and going On the street, Wang Yan looked at Celia beside him with a smile and asked.

"It's very good. It's very lively. I also met more friends such as Kanina and sister Kaili. Do you know that sister Kaili has a great reputation among warriors?" Saili Yatuoji tilted his head to look at Wang Yan and then looked away, teasing a Bobby in the palm of his hand, who kept spitting bubbles to express his inner joy.

(End of this chapter)

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