DNF Live Allard

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

"Hehe, the strengthening furnace? You put the weapon behind you into it and try it, it will definitely satisfy you." The audience in the live broadcast room laughed, and Wang Yan explained with a smile: "This is an equipment decomposition machine. If you have equipment that is so broken that it cannot be used, you can try to disassemble it, but you can disassemble colorless magic crystals, and even colored magic crystals can be disassembled."

"Are you so powerful? Are you Kaili's new clerk?" The swordsman frowned first, and then relaxed his brows. He took out a broken necklace from his waist. The necklace was broken in half. Unable to hang it around the neck: "Can this necklace be disassembled? And how is the cost calculated?"

"Sister, come here." Wang Yan couldn't make a price, so he had to call out to Kaili who was standing beside him. Kaili walked over with a smile, looked at the swordsman's outfit and the necklace and said with a smile: "Disintegrate 100 gold coins at a time."

"Boss lady, grab it." The swordsman whispered, what is the concept of a hundred gold coins, sometimes he can't earn so much after being busy for several days, Wang Yan couldn't help but support his forehead, one hundred gold coins is equivalent to the earth With a purchase value of 1 yuan, this cheap sister Kelly really dared to speak up.

"Your statement is wrong. You must know that the decomposition machine can decompose at least five to eight colorless magic crystals at a time, and there is still a chance to decompose colored crystals or even elemental crystals. You will definitely not lose money. You must know that the current market A piece of colorless magic power crystal is worth more than 30 gold coins, isn't it a good deal to exchange your equipment that is too damaged to be used for at least 150 gold coins?"

"Huh, is that so?" The swordsman originally wanted to turn around and leave, but after hearing Kaili's words, his brows stretched, and Wang Yan smiled and said, "It's like this, guest, you should know that this machine is my machine. Brought from the heavens with all the hard work, there may only be a few of these machines in the entire continent, and the rest you won’t see are all regarded as collectibles, don’t you plan to seize such a good opportunity?”

"Then let me give it a try. Let me tell you first, I won't pay a single copper plate if I don't have five colorless magic crystals." The swordsman thought for a while, and quickly made up his mind. Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly turned to Kelly Give a thumbs up, or this person can do business.

When Wang Yan took the broken necklace and put it into the activated equipment decomposition machine, there was a buzzing sound, and soon there were pieces of colorless and transparent magic crystals falling from the groove below the decomposition machine When he came out, the swordsman couldn't help but clenched his fists and muttered silently: "One piece, two pieces, three pieces..."

"Wow, congratulations, you have obtained seven colorless crystals in total. Please put them away." Kelly, who was standing by the side, glanced at the colorless crystals in the groove after the equipment dismantling machine stopped running, and was filled with joy immediately. He congratulated the swordsman, who scratched his head, obviously satisfied with the result. After all, he originally planned to sell this broken necklace for a few gold coins. After all, it was only a necklace made of silver material. The magic power is pitifully small.

After putting away the seven colorless crystals, the swordsman paid for the use of the equipment disintegrator. He still felt a little distressed about paying the money, but he became excited when he thought that he could get more than 200 gold coins immediately, and then tightly Clutching his pockets and walking towards the distance, he had to take this opportunity to get a few more pieces of broken equipment and sell these colorless magic crystals by the way.

"It's open, the weather is really nice today." Holding the purse in her hand, Kaili took out a golden coin and put it in front of her for observation. Passed the money bag over: "Brother, give it to you, it is your machine after all."

"No, look at what this is." Wang Yan quickly declined. To be honest, he didn't even bother to pick up a hundred gold coins when they fell on the ground. The equipment decomposition machine was brought out to help Kaili. The other party has worked hard for so many years, and it is time to take a good rest.

Seeing a stack of magic gold cards of various colors in Wang Yan's hand, Kaili couldn't help being secretly amazed, maybe there are millions of them, except after meeting that high-flyer Forrest Gump who earned hundreds of thousands of gold coins at once. , the most money she earned was no more than [-]. After all, the strengthening furnace itself required a lot of energy, and she needed furnace rock carbon and colorless magic crystals to fill it in. Normal strengthening did not make money at all.

"Brother, you are actually a small rich man. I really didn't expect it. Then I will be impolite. How about making you a big meal at noon?" Seeing this, Kaili smiled and took back the purse. She felt warm in her heart. Although one hundred gold coins was not much, it was also a lot. She had seen many close relatives quarrel over money, and she couldn't help feeling that the magic power of gold coins was amazing.

"That's great. I've heard that Hutton Mar is the capital of gourmet food. It's the place with the largest food production in the mainland. All kinds of food have attracted many tourists to taste it. I really want to see it soon. "Talking about food, Wang Yan became interested. He smiled at Kaili and agreed. Kaili was also very happy, and then hung up the prepared banner. The red characters on it were very conspicuous: "Extraordinary discount! Strengthen today Just [-]% off!"

The effect of the discount is obvious no matter on the earth or on the Arad continent. Not long after the banner was hung up, it attracted many onlookers. Professionals who didn't intend to strengthen also paid for strengthening one after another, but most of them stopped after strengthening once.

Wang Yan and the audience in the live broadcast room also saw how the real intensification furnace works. After the guests paid, Kaili took out pieces of furnace rock carbon from the box on the side and filled them into the intensification furnace. The supplementary strengthening furnace started to operate, and a burst of energy enveloped the weapon placed in the strengthening furnace. Through the transparent shield, the professional stared at his weapon closely. After the strengthening was over, he was He checked it nervously, and laughed when he saw the dots of fluorescent light on the weapon. The famous Kaili Enhancement Shop in Hutton Marr really lived up to its reputation, and the enhanced equipment looked even more destructive.

Kanina's grocery store business over there is also good. She has been doing business on Hutton Mall Center Street for several years. Many people know this young but desperate little girl. Most of the passers-by After seeing the things in the grocery store, I would think of something missing in my home, so I went in and picked something to take home.

Celia was helping Kanina to sell bread. This kind sister soon attracted a large number of children. They took the silver coins given by their parents and held the silver coins high while smelling the smell of bread in the air. Crying with his hands, Celia has never been so busy at all, and at this moment, she didn't even have time to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

After finally sending these young children away, Celia also smiled when she saw the contented smiles on those children’s faces as they ate bread. How wonderful that these children can live in Hutton Mar, Their childhood should have been wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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