DNF Live Allard

Chapter 187 Kelly's Strengthening Furnace

Chapter 187 Kelly's Strengthening Furnace
"Did she come with you?" At this moment, Kaili realized that Celia was not Socia's friend, but her younger brother Kaili, whom she had just met.

"Well, the friend who came all the way from the Alvin defense line, her name is Celia, and she is planning to open a hotel in Hutton Mall. I also decided to help. Do you have any objection?" Wang Yan looked at Sai Liya, intending to see the other party's choice, Kaili nodded, stretched out her hand and waved to Celia: "Come with me, or you can live with Kanina, both of us are far away from here It's very close."

"Yeah yeah, Celia, come with me, I just made new flavors of bread, apple flavor and red bean flavor, oops, I forgot I haven't had dinner yet, so hungry, Kelly Sister, let's go back."

"Then, Sister Socia, I'll go first." Celia finally made a choice. After she heard that Kanina could make bread, she also came to study in interest. There are still quite a few people in the tavern at the moment. For guests, Celia doesn't like places with so many people, and thinks that Kanina's grocery store will definitely be much quieter.

"Well, if you have time tomorrow, come and play." Socia nodded, and after Celia left with Kelly and the others, she couldn't help but sighed. This elf companion seemed to have made her own plans.

"Let me just say that your relationship with her is not as close as she is with Kelly. You didn't see that when you were on the Irwin line of defense, the two talked endlessly all day long. Guissard and I listened to it after a while. I can’t go on anymore, I can talk about how much water to add to the mushroom soup, it’s really interesting.” Seeing that Socia seemed to be in a bad mood, Zuo A-Gump said jokingly.

"Oh? Is that so?" Socia blinked. Could there be such a patient young man?Aren't warriors of this normal age going around everywhere?

"Don't underestimate Kaili. The opponent's strength seems to be mediocre, and the hidden strength may be beyond your imagination. Let me tell you, when he was attacking the ice dragon..." A-Gump seemed to have some thoughts when he saw Socia. Wanting to find out what Wang Yan was thinking, he quickly waved his hand to signal the other party not to act recklessly. He recounted all kinds of things that happened after meeting Wang Yan. Ice Dragon, and after repelling the mysterious black-robed man with powerful cleric skills, Socia shook her head. She also couldn't understand the real identity of this seemingly simple Kaili.

After leaving the Moonlight Tavern, a gust of cool wind hit everyone, and everyone felt extremely comfortable. The four of them, including Wang Yan, didn't like the noisy environment in the tavern. They all smiled lightly after looking at each other. Get up, tell about the interesting place you just saw in the tavern, the four of them walked away from the Moonlight Tavern gradually, and finally disappeared at the end of the street.

In the tavern, Paris finished drinking the beer in the glass, put down the glass with a bang and stood up, no waiter dared to come up to stop her leaving figure, Paris hiccupped and waved her hand back: " Put it on my account."

"This damn girl is keeping accounts again, and she still owes me dozens of gold coins." At the counter, Socia pouted and took out a small notebook, turned to the page with Paris's name and swiped vigorously. People who run taverns can't avoid encountering difficult drinkers like Paris, but she can't say much. After all, the other party will become richer from time to time, so she will take the initiative to pay back the drink.

After going out the door, the head-on wind made Paris wake up a lot. She waved to the dark corner of the street, and soon a few young boys and girls gathered around, muttering around Paris said something, and took out today's harvest from her bosom, Paris took it, turned around and returned the money bag to the other party: "I take it to buy some food for my younger brothers and sisters, if I find you Whoever goes to gamble, I will break his legs so that he can only crawl."

"Don't dare." Several people looked at Paris timidly. They were just some underage homeless wandering in Hutton Marr. They lived a hard life with fear every day. At the risk of being interrupted by the patrol guards, they can make a fortune before they can fill their stomachs. Most of the time, they still rely on begging to make ends meet.

"The seemingly prosperous Hutton Marr, the world under the bustling is real." Paris walked alone in the dark alleyway, and the occasional alcoholic who passed by saw her and ran away screaming as if seeing a ghost. Far away, the corners of Paris's mouth curled up slightly. They were in a good mood today and they ran fast.

Arriving in an alley where the road ahead was blocked, Paris knocked on the wooden door next to the alley, but no one responded for a long time. She nodded, and then lifted the stone manhole cover of the sewer in the center of the alley. The sewers are quite clean, without the unpleasant smell and cross-flow of sewage that other sewers have.

"I, Paris, the ruler of the Hutton Mar sewer, this name will one day spread throughout the Principality!" Paris looked up and looked back, and she could vaguely see the lights in the distance, she whispered Just a word, and then easily fell into the sewer. After a while, the tightly closed wooden door was opened, and a small figure in a dark cloth robe covered the sewer manhole cover. Soon the alleyway returned to its original calm. .

Wang Yan followed Kaili, beside Kanina and Seria who were talking in a low voice. When they met, they talked very cordially. The discussion was nothing more than how to make bread softer and more delicious. Even so The audience in the live broadcast room were all looking at the screen happily, and everything my Celia said was so nice.

"Here we are." After walking for a few minutes, Kaili stopped and pointed to a shop by the street. The towering machine at the door of the shop attracted Wang Yan's attention, and he walked forward. Arriving in front of the machine, he looked at the machine that looked like a forging furnace.

"Is this a strengthening furnace?" The audience in the live broadcast room also looked at this machine curiously. Unlike ordinary forging furnaces, this strengthening furnace does not use heat energy as its operating energy. It actually needs various The energy contained in the material.

"Why, don't you know it? This is my strengthening furnace, but it looks a bit worn out because it passed through the sea of ​​sky, but it still has complete functions, and it can be repaired and strengthened. At the beginning of the business Not to mention how popular it is, but the business has not been very good recently." Kaili came to Wang Yan's side, touched the rough exterior of the strengthening furnace, and said with emotion.

"No, I'm just thinking about things." Wang Yan also touched the strengthening furnace with his hands. The strengthening furnace was very cold. Even if it was exposed to sunlight for a whole day, its temperature did not increase. That's because it has energy reserves inside. The device can automatically convert the absorbed heat into energy and store it. This is how the storage speed is extremely slow, and it takes a long time to accumulate enough energy to start a furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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