DNF Live Allard

Chapter 174 Evacuation of the townspeople (addition at night)

Chapter 174 Evacuation of the townspeople (addition at night)
"Run!" Linus yelled loudly, turned his head and ran away. He really knew the double explosive power of the Molotov cocktail and the bomb. He stared intently at the detonator with its fuze getting shorter and shorter in the clearing.

"Boom!" A few people had just arrived at a safe location, and a roar sounded in the forest glade. The sound wave instantly spread out and spread to a far away place. Anyway, Irwin's line of defense could be heard clearly, and a large number of people gathered in the center of the town. The residents in the city trembled involuntarily when they heard the explosion. Is there a fight over there?How is the result?
Wang Yan shielded his face with his hands, avoiding the scorching shock wave. After a few seconds, he lowered his arms and looked forward. At this moment, the effect of the incendiary bottle was still continuing. You can vaguely see the frantically struggling figure in the breath, and even hear the roar of the other party. Finally, the cloth is burned into a pile of ashes under the effect of the burning bottle, and the black air inside is completely burned out.

After confirming that the pretender was completely dead, Wang Yan used Gatling's machine gun skills, and the ice dragon's breath arrived as expected. The ice froze the entire forest, and the burning trees were also instantly frozen, and the flames were extinguished immediately.

"How do you know that the Molotov cocktail can kill the pretender?" Linus looked at the huge ice cubes that appeared in the forest, sighed with a click of his tongue, then raised his head and asked Wang Yan.

"Read more." Wang Yan smiled and responded to the other party. Linus was a little embarrassed. He was good at learning martial arts, but trying to calm down and read books was worse than killing him, so forget it.

"Phew, it's a good thing we didn't go away, so we solved this trouble, but I have a question, how did these monsters and pretenders appear here?" Zuo A-Gump felt relieved when he saw that the trouble had been completely resolved. Tone, if they leave only with Linus and the guards on the Irwin line of defense, it is estimated that it will take a lot of casualties to deal with these monsters.

"I don't know." GSD sniffed the air, except for the burnt smell of cloth strips, he didn't smell any other smells, which means that the place is completely safe now, he walked around the ice and continued towards the forest , finally came to a place and stopped, in front of him, the ground was a mess, it seemed that something had wreaked havoc here.

"Here is the place where the pretender first appeared. It's weird that there's no direction in which to come." GSD found the place where the pretender first appeared by feeling. He walked around the forest and came back, his expression I was a little puzzled, did this pretender appear in the forest out of thin air?
"I have a guess, it might be the power of transfer." Wang Yan looked very ugly, he looked at A Ganzuo and said, "You remember Xiluo, it is the victim of transfer, it can only move in places with sunlight. They lived in other places, were transferred to the dark mourning cave, suffered unimaginable torture and died, and this is why a series of things happened later.”

"Transfer!" Zuo A-Gump muttered the word silently, and then secretly made a decision. In addition to the unchanging goal of exploring Kazan's curse, he set a new goal: to find the root cause of the transfer. reason.

"Let's go back, the people in the town must be waiting for our news now." Linus sighed, the power transferred by the empire due to the research has come to that end, and now the transferred power has appeared outside Erwin's line of defense again, This is not good news, and everyone should know about it.

"Everyone, I have some bad news to tell everyone. I hope everyone can tell each other after listening. Just now, after we eliminated the monsters, we found the pretender. Although the pretender has been completely killed by us now, But I am worried that other pretenders will appear again, and the Alvin line of defense is no longer safe." Linus waited for a while, seeing that more and more townspeople had come forward, he stepped forward Step by step said in a deep voice, the crowd was in an uproar as soon as the words fell.

"Pretender? Did you read correctly? It's that kind of scary monster?"

"It's over, it's over, I have to pack my luggage and leave here. It's a monster that the Principality can't do anything about. I'm going back to Hutton Mar. There is a church for the priests there, and it will definitely be safe."

"Oh my god! Why did the pretender appear in the forest outside the Alwin line of defense? Doesn't that mean that you can't go in the forest, how can everyone live!"

Everyone was discussing, with shocked and worried expressions on their faces. Some people wanted to question Linus' words, but they also shut their mouths after seeing the three people beside Linus. Professionals will never deceive them because of this kind of thing.

"Uncle Linus, what do you think we should do?" Celia walked out of the crowd at this time and came to Linus. Her face was also worried. Everyone knows the horror of pretenders. She is already in front of Linus. Alvin has lived on the defense line for so long, and she doesn't want to leave this land unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Let's report the news to the principality first. After you go back, pack up your things and prepare to leave here. Monsters like pretenders are not something that creatures like goblins or minotaurs can defend against. Their movements are strange and hard to detect. If they appear at night There will be big trouble for the Alwin defense line in the forest." Linus sighed, shook his head and said unwillingly.

Then the crowd gradually dispersed, and soon the residents of the entire Elwynn defense line got the news. The smart townspeople had already packed their bags and loaded the carriages, and then the carriages left the Elwynn defense line in twos and threes. Drive to the south, and go straight to the south, you can go directly to the capital of the Principality: Hutton Mar.

Afterwards, the guard team of the town also sent the news back to Hutton Maar in a hurry. It was two days later when the news reached Hutton Maar. After many submissions, the news was finally presented to the palace In the middle, when Queen Skadi heard the news, she frowned slightly. Was there even traces of pretenders appearing on the Irwin line of defense? This is really bad news.

"Give me an order, go to the Great Cathedral and ask the saint to come." Queen Skasa then gave the order, and the guards bowed and saluted and then walked out of the palace with the handbook. Queen Skadi frowned and sat on the throne. During this period of time, the principality was full of troubles, and she was exhausted from being busy every day and still couldn't finish processing the piles of documents.

"Everyone in the world envies royal power and wealth, but they don't know the sorrow of the royal family." Queen Skadi held her forehead and sighed faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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