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Chapter 164 The return of the expedition

Chapter 164 The return of the expedition

The ice dragon's body and head had been turned into ice crystals, but some parts remained, such as the long horn on top of the ice dragon's head and the four thick claws, which were finally cut off by everyone and put away. This is the top-level material for making weapons. The more skilled the master blacksmith is, the more he likes this top-level material. You must know that they can make artifacts and equipment.

A group of nine people rested on the ridge for one night and chose to return. At first, there were a large number of pterosaurs constantly harassing them, but after being killed by everyone, they disappeared in the snowstorm and lost the power of the ice dragon. These pterosaurs will eventually lose their magical power and turn into ordinary creatures. Maybe many years later, there will still be pterosaurs in the snow-capped mountains, but at that time the Bantu tribe should be rebuilt, and these pterosaurs will not become Bantu tribes. Enemy of life and death.

"Those outsiders are here, but it's too late." On the way back, everyone met the outsiders who entered the mountain unexpectedly. Looking at the group of nine people who came out of the mountain, the outsiders stopped in surprise, and finally stepped forward. Talk to Bwanga.

"If you guess correctly, you are the chief of the Bantu tribe, Buwanga. Where is the ice dragon now?"

"Hehe, the ice dragon is completely dead. Its body has turned into a huge ice crystal. It is in the valley far away. We have decided to return. If you want to see it, go." Buvanga didn't care about these things either. Feeling nervous, he pointed to the valley in the distance, and then left with a group of people. There is nothing worth nostalgic about there, and these people can go and see if they want to.

"Let's go!" In the end, this group of outsiders decided to see it with their own eyes. They passed by Buvanga and his party and chose to continue into the mountain. I am not reconciled, if I can gain something, this trip is worth it.

"I guess they will find a way to break through the ice crystals and take out the bones of the ice dragon, but let them go, the magic power of the ice dragon gradually fades after death, and those bones are no longer precious materials. These outsiders know quite well. Hurry up, I just didn’t expect us to solve the ice dragon so quickly.” After passing by a group of outsiders, Buwanga said with a smile on his face. Filled with heart.

"Yes, the clansmen will be very happy to know this good news, brother, let's rebuild Amroth after we go back." Orka suggested with a smile.

"It will definitely be rebuilt. At that time, I will find a way to collect various resources. You will lead the tribe to rebuild. Thanks to you."

"this is necessary."

On the second day of the return journey, the nine people who had been in a hurry finally reunited with the expedition team members. After learning the news of the death of the ice dragon from Buwanga, everyone fell into a sea of ​​cheers. The boulder was removed, and everyone cheered happily on the ice field against the cold wind and snow. In the end, a grand bonfire party began in the ice field. In the end, they were all persuaded to be drunk, not to mention the alcoholic Xi ​​Lan, who had already fallen asleep on the table.

Two weeks later, at the entrance of the Wannian Snow Mountain, the Bantu people who had been waiting for more than a month finally saw the figures of the expedition team coming out of the snow mountain from a distance. Looking at the leader, Buwanga, he looked forward to getting the good news he wanted from the other party.

"Clan people! We defeated the ice dragon, we won!" Buwanga walked out of the snow mountain and looked at the large crowd of clansmen in front of him. The totem waved and told everyone the good news they dreamed of!
"Long live the patriarch!"

"Long live the Bantu people!"

"We are victorious!"

The Bantu people only felt that a great surprise would come. Although they fantasized about the arrival of this day, they still couldn't believe it when it really came. After all, the power of the ice dragon is well known, and its name is unique among the Bantu people. Cry, even adults mention the ice dragon with hatred and fear.

"Let's go home!" Buwanga put the totem on his back, raised his head and pointed forward, where there were more clansmen waiting for everyone to return, waiting for the arrival of good news.

"No news yet? It's been more than a month." It's been more than a month since Buwanga and his party left the temporary Bantu camp. During this time, there was no shortage of food in the camp, but everyone was looking forward to the expedition listlessly every day. When the expedition team returned, Gugulian stood outside his tent and looked into the distance, then sighed, he was eager to see the return of the expedition team, but he was afraid that what he was waiting for would be bad news, he was already very old , I can't bear the rush of migration, if I really fail and want to migrate out, Gu Gulaien feels that it is best to bury himself in the ice field where he was born.

It was not until the evening that Gugulian ate something and fell asleep under the persuasion of his disciples. In his sleep, he frowned deeply, and occasionally said something in his sleep. After Haoyi walked out of the tent, he realized that the sky was still dark. The sky had not yet lit up, but the fire was shining in the camp, and a loud voice could be heard in the distance: "The patriarch is back!"

"Are you finally back? Lei Nuo, follow me to the patriarch." Calling his disciples, Gu Gulaien and others held torches and walked forward in the camp. The Bantu people they met along the way were all distressed. Concealing his joy, Gu Gulian let go of the big stone in his heart, and then was filled with endless surprises. It seems that the expedition team brought good news.

In the middle of the temporary camp, outside Buwanga's tent, a large number of Bantu people who heard the news surrounded the place tightly. Everyone gathered together and stared at the huge dragon horn tens of meters long on the ground. There are tears falling, how long has it been, how long have I been looking forward to this scene?

"My people, as you can see, this is the dragon horn on the top of the ice dragon. We have finally defeated the ice dragon!" Buvanga screamed in the sky, and the sound shook the snow on the tent. When it fell down, the cheers of the Bantu people followed the howling sound, and the voices of the people almost broke the sky.

"Interesting, the Bantu people are very interesting." Xi Lan and the others stood aside with their arms folded. After hearing the cheers from all around, Xi Lan picked out her ears and said to A-Gump Zuo with a smile on her face. The other party nodded, Not long after, the clansmen left in groups of three or four, and the expedition members who had traveled for a long time also fell asleep after taking a long-lost hot bath. This expedition was really exhausting.

 This book will be officially launched on August 8th, and the story of the new volume will be officially opened at that time.

  In the end, it is still to promote the book friend group, the book friend group [Moonlight Tavern] has been established, and the group number is 865-809-683.

  How about a cold beer~
(End of this chapter)

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