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Chapter 154 Divide the troops (Happy July Festival)

Chapter 154 Divide the Army (Happy Chinese Valentine's Day)
At night, the expedition team camped in the lee of the ridge to rest. The nearly ten-day trip to the snow-capped mountains was a challenge for everyone. Wang Yan, who had nothing to do, wandered around the camp for a while and saw many Bantu people While scalding their feet with hot water, many people's toes were frozen due to the long journey. Fortunately, they have a tough character, and the suffering has not dispelled their belief in moving forward. As long as they can finally eliminate the ice dragon Skasa, they will Even if buried in snow-capped mountains is willing.

Seeing this, Wang Yan also gave away a lot of anti-cold potions. The value of these consumables is not worth mentioning to him, but they are very important to these expedition members.

Facing the cold wind and snow, Wang Yan walked around the campsite and returned to his warm and comfortable tent. There was only one tent with lights in the campsite, and the passing Bantu people showed their faces when they passed by. In awe, the scene where Wang Yan used the quantum bomb before was still deeply imprinted in their minds for a long time.

Opening the tent, he heard Xi Lan's drunk voice, Wang Yan couldn't help but slapped his forehead, Xi Lan seemed to be drinking again, he obviously hid the wine, where did he get it?
"Kayli is here, come and have a drink with me. I found the wine hidden by that guy, A-Gump, hahahaha." Xi Lan raised her head when she heard the sound, looked at Wang Yan with drunken eyes, and then laughed loudly Then, A-Gump on the side turned his head to the left and looked to the side without saying a word, drinking wine on his own, ignoring Xi Lan, a drunk.

"Okay." Wang Yan stepped forward and poured himself a glass of wine. There was only a little bit left in the bottle, and the wine in the glass was overflowing with fragrance. It seems that the bottle of wine hidden by A-Gump left is of great value. It hurts to find and drink.

In the end, Xi Lan was still drunk, even though he only drank half a bottle of wine, maybe he wanted to get drunk, otherwise he would still be energetic after a few more bottles.

The bed was occupied by Xi Lan, and A-Gump Zuo also sat on the side with his giant sword in his hands to take a nap, Wang Yan had to vacate tables and chairs to barely make do for the night, these two other people couldn't invite them, so they were willing to spend the night here Naturally there is no objection.

On the top of a snow mountain nearly a hundred miles away, the ice dragon Skasa suddenly opened his eyes from his deep sleep. It felt it after the death of the ice queen Rose. After all, the other party was created by its magic power. There is a natural connection.

It roared in dragon language, and in the valley under the snow mountain, a large number of unhatched dragon eggs burst, and young pterosaurs broke out of their shells, shaking off the mucus on their bodies against the wind and snow, and after a while Then they flapped their wings and flew. They were born of ice dragons. Although they are not children of ice dragons, they are also born with ice-type physiques. suitable for their survival.

The other creatures in the valley also opened their eyes because of the roar of the dragon, and then many creatures headed out of the snow mountain. The order of the ice dragon was to block all creatures entering the mountain, and the pterosaurs were looking for the power left by the ice dragon in the valley. Swallowing crystals, every time a body is swallowed, it will grow a little bit, and when the sky becomes brighter, a large number of pterosaurs with a wingspan of more than five meters fly towards the outside of the valley.

Wang Yan and the expedition team set off again after resting overnight. Before they reached the snow mountain ahead, a large number of monsters walked out of the snow mountain blocked their way, and the battle started again. This battle lasted until evening, and everyone almost They didn't advance much distance, and there were even monsters attacking the camp in the middle of the night. Several people in Buwanga discussed and had to send people to take turns to rest, while others held weapons to watch the night.

The situation did not improve in the next few days, and the appearance of a large number of pterosaurs stopped the expedition team. God knows how many pterosaurs the ice dragon Scassa has produced. These pterosaurs are getting bigger and bigger. The wingspans of those who were more than ten meters long could easily catch the Bantu people into the sky, and the expedition team was damaged because of this. This is not good news.

"I've decided. Let's go up the mountain first, and the others will retreat a certain distance. It's impossible to go on like this. We can't get close to the ice dragon, and we will be blocked by monsters." In the middle of the night, people gathered in Buwanga's tent to discuss, and Buwanga Vanga thought for a while and then made a decision. Orka stood beside him and tightened the weapon in his hand. He had no objection to Buvanga's decision. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time. The strength of this group of monsters is not too strong. Only too many of them will block everyone's way." Xi Lan said to Buvanga holding her weapon. With their strength, they can completely break through The monster's obstruction reached the snow-capped mountains in the distance. After crossing the two snow-capped mountains, you can really see the traces of the ice dragon.

"Well, Rabina, you take the tribe and prepare to evacuate." In the end, Buwanga decided to let a large number of tribes retreat. At this point, the tribe can no longer help them too much, but they are trapped here. Dozens of clansmen have already died in battle today.

"It's the patriarch, please take care!" Rabina nodded vigorously, and the four of Ice King Malaga also responded. Maybe they won't see the next battle with the ice dragon, but they still firmly believe that under the patriarch's support Under his leadership, the expedition will be victorious.

The expedition team set off overnight and began to return. Wang Yan and others escorted it for dozens of miles. After retreating for a certain distance, the expedition team encountered a lot less attacks. Tweet, and seem to cheer.

"Okay, you continue to retreat a certain distance and set up camp on the spot, and we are going." Buwanga looked up at the dark sky, tightened the weapon in his hand, and then turned away against the wind and snow. Behind him, O Erka, Xinzang, GSD and the Four Juggernauts all nodded to the clansmen and followed Buwanga.

"I'm going too, Rabina, wait for our good news." Tightening the dagger around his waist, Wang Yan waved at Rabina. Mintai in the team covered his mouth and tried not to cry. Watching Wang Yan say goodbye to everyone and leave, she finally closed her eyes and prayed devoutly to the Rabbit God, hoping that the Rabbit God would bless the patriarch and the others.

"Why did you keep up? Isn't this a nonsense?" Xi Lan heard the footsteps behind him, turned his head and saw Wang Yan following him, he couldn't help frowning, this trip was extremely difficult and dangerous, he himself He was not sure about getting out of the way. Although Wang Yan's strength was good, it was still too dangerous for him.

"I've already thought it through, not to mention I have prepared enough props for this operation, I believe I will definitely help everyone." Seeing that several people stopped and looked at him, Wang Yan took a deep breath, Take out the props that have been prepared for a long time in the account vault, the persuasive power of these things is more effective than his own.

 I wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival, blessings from the single author (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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