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Chapter 138 Expedition Team Departs

Chapter 138 Expedition Team Departs

However, when Buvanga approached, Wang Yan was a little disappointed when he saw the equipment illustration clearly. It turned out to be the old version of the 50-level totem, but the effect was pretty good. You must know that Buvanga used the totem as a blunt weapon. Monsters, the weight of the totem itself is placed there, and once it is swung, its lethality is absolutely astonishing.

"Kai Li, are you ready?" Seeing that Wang Yan was carrying only one bag, Buvanga asked aloud. Wang Yan nodded, indicating that the preparations were completed. There were A-Gump and others behind Buvanga. They are all fully armed, and the armor that has not been worn before is also put on.

"That's it, Orka, tell the clansmen, get ready to go!" Buwanga returned to the tent and walked out with some items, and ordered Orka on the side, and Orka took out a horn from his waist and blew it vigorously Soon the sound of horns spread throughout the camp, and the Bantu people heard the sound and moved, and a large number of livestock pulled carts to meet at the gate of the camp.

"It's finally the day. I hope the patriarchs can execute the evil ice dragon. I really want to see that scene with my own eyes." In the forging area in the corner of the camp, Gu Gulaien stood outside the tent and looked into the distance. His disciples He also stood beside him excitedly, and then a group of people rushed to the gate of the camp. At this moment, Buwanga and others led thousands of tribesmen and they were ready. Buwanga gave an order, and the convoy started to move forward. There were a large number of Bantus behind them. The clansmen sent off spontaneously, sending the expedition team several kilometers away before stopping.

Wang Yan took out the jeep and drove slowly on the snow. At this moment, he has opened the live broadcast room, and the pictures of many Bantu people advancing appeared in the live broadcast room. Even though the broadcast started for nearly half an hour, the audience is still discussing enthusiastically. The news that the anchor will set off to fight against the ice dragon is also spread in various places on the earth.

"Anchor, it seems that I didn't see Bahn, didn't he come to help?" Some viewers asked in the live broadcast room.

"Yeah, it's a pity that the Four Swordsmen only lack Bahn. Otherwise, it will be almost the same as the scene in the Sorrow Cave. One is fighting the apostle, and the other is fighting against the ice dragon. They are both powerful opponents."

"Bahn is from the empire. You must know that the relationship between the Bantu people and the empire is not very good. It can be said that they are deadly enemies. Back to the Stru Plateau in embarrassment, almost being beaten to extermination, Baan will definitely be hostile by the Bantu tribe if he dares to come."

"I don't know if Bahn has come, but it doesn't matter if he comes or not now. The anchor has already prepared a large number of props for this expedition. In addition to various potions, even dolls are prepared There are more than a dozen types, and the anchor has a weapon made by the famous craftsman Gu Gulian, the effect is so strong that it explodes, everyone can see it after looking at the illustrated book I sent." Wang Yan was driving the vehicle, responding to the audience in the live broadcast room message, and then sent out the edited equipment illustration book.

"Hiss, the hand cannon that doubles the damage to dragons? And the grade is legendary? There is no such weapon in the game!"

"I can tell you with certainty, no, this is a weapon that has never appeared before. It is a special equipment in the Arad continent. It is so powerful. Did the anchor enchant the apostle Bakar's orb?"

"Hey, use the weapon enchanted with Bakar's orb to deal with the ice dragon made by Balka. I am looking forward to seeing the ice dragon more and more."

Wang Yan responded with a smile. There were other people in the car. Xilan was sitting in the passenger seat, A Ganzuo and GSD were in the back seat, and Xinzang was in another car. Wang Yan had fully exchanged for this expedition. Three off-road jeeps, Orka and the others quickly mastered the driving of off-road jeeps after learning for a while. Staying in the warm compartment is much more comfortable than outside.

But only the guests like Xinzang got on the car, and the rest of the cars were the Kuni warlocks, and Buvanga and Orka were riding giant wolves on the snowy ground. What Wang Yan didn't expect was that , Min Tai also set off with the team. Wang Yan had nothing to say after seeing Min Tai proficiently use the power of the totem. Kuni warlocks are worse.

"Head, they are here." A few kilometers away from the Bantu convoy, a sentry rushed to report the news to Bahn. Hearing this, Bahn stepped on his mount and waved his arms at the team members who were already ready to go. :"Set off!"

"Report! A group of hundreds of cavalrymen was found ahead, suspected to be the Imperial Knights." Not long after the Bahns set off, the Bantu sentries also found each other, and soon the news was reported to Buwanga, Buwanga Frowning slightly, he stretched his brows and looked into the distance with a complex expression. Soon Bahn appeared in sight with a figure of hundreds of cavalrymen. He waved his hand to signal the crowd to stop, and drove the giant wolf under his seat to meet them.

Wang Yan only felt light in the car, and when he looked back, he found that Xi Lan and the others had got out of the car. He stopped the car and looked forward, and saw Bahn's figure. Wang Yan's pupils shrank, and in the live broadcast room Nei excitedly said: "Everyone, look carefully, the dagger master Bahn is here!"

"Wow! Is it really here? The Four Juggernauts are here, so excited!" The number of bullet screens from the audience suddenly increased by a level, and soon the four of Buvanga gathered together. The audience chose to record the video, but this is the Four Juggernauts of Arad, a well-known hero in the game.

"Barn, you're here too." Buvanga came to Bahn, looking at the young face of the other party with a very complicated expression, he showed a slight smile, and Olka's face beside him was not very good-looking, Although the other party is a good friend of his brother, he is still hostile to him.

"How could I not know about such a big thing as the ice dragon's awakening? I was on my way until yesterday afternoon. I didn't show up to avoid trouble. Brother Bwanga, you won't drive me away, right?" Bain looked at the person in front of him. Buvanga was also a little emotional. This was the first time the two met since the Sorrow Cave. The scene of being protected by Bhuvanga in the Sorrow Cave once again came to Bahn's mind. Don't forget those experiences back then.

"Haha, you can do it, kid. You're doing well now." Xi Lan rushed over, looked at the tense knights behind Bahn and smiled. Those knights couldn't bear to see so many heroes. He couldn't help but took two steps back. None of the people present was easy to provoke, they were all famous people for a long time, and they could kill all of them with any shot.

(End of this chapter)

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