DNF Live Allard

Chapter 131 Liku Patio (for collection support)

Chapter 131 Liku Patio (for collection support)

At the entrance of the Wannian Snow Mountain, Rabina, wearing a thick leather jacket, climbed onto a big rock and looked into the distance against the wind and snow. If they go further, they will really enter the snow mountain. Even the Bantu people My heart is also in awe of the Wannian Snow Mountain. No one can guarantee that they can come back safe and sound after entering the mountain.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Rabina asked in a deep voice when everyone was gathered in the open space beside the boulder, and everyone nodded in unison. The package also carried a large amount of dried meat, enough for half a month. Everyone went into the mountain this time to explore the safest way to the ice dragon and prepare for the next Bantu crusade against the ice dragon.

"Hawkeye, you pay attention to the monsters that may approach, Malaga and Larry, you pay attention to protecting the two sides of the team, Medusa, you and your team members just pay attention to your own safety, and the same for everyone else , pay attention to safety, go into the mountain!" After making preparations, Rabina took a deep breath, stepped out and fell into the thick ice and snow, and then everyone started to move forward, the soles of the feet trampled the snow .

Except for the annoying white spiders and the ice elves that appeared from time to time, the people did not encounter other creatures. These monsters have no effect except to cause some small disturbance to the team. After the ice elves die, they will turn into a Pile of crushed ice, but the meat inside the eight legs of the white spider can be eaten, which can be regarded as supplementing everyone's food reserves.

"The ridge is in front of us. We were stationed there before. I know a place where everyone can spend the night. Come with me." After walking for a whole day, seeing that the sky was getting dark, Rabina led everyone to a hidden place on the ridge. After disposing of two white spiders with no eyes, everyone came to this cave. Without the cold wind and snow outside, everyone who entered the cave breathed a sigh of relief, and then took them down. The luggage on his body began to use the firewood stored in the cave to set up a bonfire, and soon everyone felt the warmth that had not been seen for a long time.

"Hey, it's getting colder and colder these days, and there's no sign of getting better. It's only August. In previous years, it's the best time for livestock to store their body fat for the winter. It's a pity that my family's yaks and a group of sheep are gone. I plan to collect wool next spring to make two woolen fur jackets." While eating the dry rations that had been roasted by the campfire, a team member sighed, and it was a conversation, and everyone complained about the things they encountered these days , morale was very low.

"What's the use of saying this now? It's good that you weren't asked to fight desperately with the spearmen of the empire." An elderly Bantu who experienced the awakening of the ice dragon last time put down the jerky in his hand and talked about the last time When the ice dragon wakes up, he still has lingering fears. After successfully surviving from the breath of the ice dragon, he almost lost his life in the small city of Charité in the north of the empire. It is thanks to Bantu that he can survive until now. This time the ice dragon wakes up again. His life was at stake, as long as the ice dragon could fall asleep, he would be willing to die even if he died.

Rabina and the four disciples of Bwanga kept silent and just ate their food with their heads down. In the end, everyone failed to discuss any results. After leaving the night duty personnel behind, the others quickly fell asleep. On the other hand, holding his own totem, he listened carefully to the rhythm of the earth, so that he could detect approaching monsters in advance.

Passed through the first night in the snow mountain smoothly, which made everyone let go of their tense hearts. In the next few days, everyone went deeper into the mountain and saw all kinds of monsters, snow wolf, ice Tigers, mandrills, and even a Bantu man who was frozen to death, everyone had to end his long-dead life after being attacked by the other party, and finally buried the scattered fragments of the tribe with snow Wake up, after the death of the other party, it has become several pieces, and the inside has long been wrapped in solid ice. Perhaps it is because of the power of the ice dragon that it will stand up again and turn its weapons to these former kinsmen.

"Dragon!" Everyone gritted their teeth and shouted Skasa's name in their hearts. Skasa is definitely a blood feud for the Bantu people. Any Bantu people regard it as the enemy of life and death, and they will not hesitate to change their lives. The presence.

"In front is Riku's courtyard, where the ice giant Riku lives. I don't know if the other party is controlled by the ice dragon. If possible, it's best not to fight with the other party. It's very difficult to deal with. I used to eat it there. Suffering." Rabina looked forward, a valley suddenly appeared between the ice and snow, and there were huge rocks everywhere in the valley. To get around this place, you have to climb three snow-capped mountains.

"Let's go, the detour is too time-consuming. If Riku is sensible, he should let us pass, otherwise, being crushed is the best end for him." Ice King Malaga looked back at the densely packed Bantu behind him. The clansman, filled with courage, stepped forward without fear, and the others nodded together when they saw this, and then followed Malaga.

"Be careful with these boulders. It may be transformed by stone giants. They stay here all year round and passively master the magic power. Be careful of the opponent's surprise attack and don't get too close to the boulders." Rabina told his own experience, everyone Bypassing boulders far away, he proceeded cautiously.

"Rabina, I have noticed that there is a man-made building in front of us, it is a horse refusal post! Could it be that other people live here?" Eagle Eye Hawkey suddenly reminded everyone, his eyes flashed at the moment, Saw the picture several kilometers away.

"What? Be vigilant, everyone. I've never heard of outsiders here." Rabina immediately took out his weapon and stood on guard. This is not good news. When encountering a man-made structure, no matter what it is, Rabina feels that it is his enemy.

"It's a goblin!" After walking a certain distance, Hawkeye Hawkey reminded him again that he had already seen the small figure of the goblin. The difference was that these goblins were all blue in color. There is also a pole of flags, which is very different from the common blue goblins on the mainland.

"Goblins? Could it be that they were the ones responsible for the ice dragon's awakening this time? What's the purpose of setting up a trap in Liku's courtyard?" Everyone was startled, and then secretly guessed.

After the Bantu people got close enough, the figure of Goblin appeared in their line of sight. At the same time, the other party also saw a group of hundreds of them, and there was the shout of Ula Ula Goblin in the distance. Then several boulders wrapped in ice and snow were thrown by the catapults beside the goblin.

"Hurry up and disperse!" Rabina was in a hurry. Everyone was gathered together now. Even if one of them was injured, he would feel guilty. After all, he was the captain of the team this time, and he was obliged to protect everyone from danger.

"Roar!" Rabina took a deep breath, and suddenly roared forward. The fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread instantly, blowing away the wind and snow in the air. When the roar reached the goblin, A wave of fluctuations drifted away in an instant, and all the goblins present covered their ears and rolled all over the ground in pain, unable to control the catapult anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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