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Chapter 118 I'm Carey, I'm 1-to-44 in Panic Now ([-])

Chapter 118 I'm Carey, I'm Panicking Now (44)

"Rabina, hurry up, the patriarch and the others are waiting for you, and there are two distinguished guests who have come to help the Bantu tribe. It is said that the Sword Master Xilan is also there!" When Rabina and his group came back slowly, Before he got close to his tent, he heard the impatient reminders from the Bantu people around him. They hurriedly quickened their pace, but Wang Yan slowed down. He was a little excited and nervous. Clenching and loosening his fists, he finally opened the live broadcast room ahead of time, and met Xi Lan again, and it was a close contact. Apart from sharing this moment with the audience on the earth, Wang Yan felt that there was no other way to relieve his inner tension. .

"Everyone, it's an emergency. The anchor started the live broadcast in advance. There is an important news to tell everyone. Don't get too excited." Wang Yan said hurriedly in the live broadcast room after the broadcast started. It's very tense.

"The anchor has started broadcasting, and the broadcasting has started again ahead of schedule, did something important happen?"

"What other major event can happen to the Bantu people? Either the ice dragon appeared, or the sight of Buwanga, other than that, I can't think of anything else that could be called a major event."

"Haha, this viewer guessed half right." Looking at the familiar earth characters in the live broadcast room, Wang Yan unconsciously let go of his original nervousness and began to talk about his current situation.

As the audience said, the Bantu patriarch Buwanga has indeed returned. You can see that Rabina and the others are impatient, but there is one more thing that everyone will definitely not guess. Come back together with other people, and there is the long-awaited character in it: Xi Lan! "

"Wow, is it really Xi Lan? Call the camera crew."

"The camera crew is in place, and the lighting engineer is ready."

"The lighting engineer is ready, everything is normal."

"ready, go!"

The news from the audience flowed across the screen like flowing water. After Wang Yan’s voice fell, they reacted. I don’t know how many audiences chose to call the recording team to record the next live video. After all, it was the famous Xi Lan in the game. It is one of the best in the game, and its strength is naturally frighteningly high. If this precious experience is not recorded, they feel that they will definitely regret it.

"The anchor once met Xi Lan in Xuzu. I believe many viewers still remember that live broadcast. Now the anchor is panicking, but with your support, I think I can still try to meet Xi Lan. Not much to say, I'm leaving." After Wang Yan finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and quickly followed the figures of Rabina and others. Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help screen because of Wang Yan's nervous actions. He held his breath and stared at the screen in front of him, waiting for the appearance of the legendary Xi Lan.

"They're back." Orka was the first to see the figures of Rabina and the others, and then stood up and greeted Rabina: "The patriarch will come here after he comes back, and has been waiting for you, hurry up Let's go."

"Yes." Rabina rubbed his hands nervously, then walked towards Buwanga who had turned around after hearing the sound, his footsteps involuntarily slowed down, and stopped a few meters away from Buwanga After coming down, he immediately saluted respectfully: "I have met the patriarch."

"Thank you Rabina, I'm glad you came back safely." Seeing this, Buwanga hurriedly stepped forward to help Rabina up. Seeing this, Rabina also told Buwanga what happened when he returned from the snow-capped mountains. See, when talking about Amroth being frozen, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said in hatred: "Damn dragon!"

"Don't worry, I have already invited old friends to help me when I come back this time. I believe that other old friends who have heard the news will come here soon. I must let the ice dragon understand that my Bantu tribe is not easy to mess with. , will also smash its head!"

"This is Kaili, right? He's really young and promising." After exchanging a few words with Rabina's team members, and bypassing the excited clansmen, Buvanga set his sights on the last Wang Yan, Orka had already told about Wang Yan's origin before. After seeing Wang Yan's young face, Buvanga narrowed his eyes, looked Wang Yan up, and his eyes fell on his right wrist. The [Honor of Snow] was worn by Wang Yan. As the patriarch of the Bantu tribe, Buwanga saluted Wang Yan after seeing the Honor of Snow: "Thank you for your kindness to my Bantu tribe." Aid, from now on, I, Buwanga, declare in the name of the chief of the Bantu tribe that you will be our permanent guest of the Bantu tribe, and the door of the Bantu tribe will be open to you at any time."

"Clan chief Buvanga is serious. Everything I did was within my power. Besides, I got what I deserved. The [Honor of Snow] given by chief Orka is also a very precious ornament. I like it very much." Wang Yan hurriedly stepped forward to support Buwanga, and the strong body of the other party was very oppressive. Although he was talking with him very kindly now, Wang Yan could still feel the pain in the other party's body. Power, that is a power far higher than ordinary people, it is immeasurable!
"I seem to have seen you? Right, little guy, you have seen me too!" At this time, Xi Lan also saw Wang Yan clearly. His eyes fell on Wang Yan's face, and then his complexion changed, and he approached the queen of Wang Yan Looking at him carefully, this scene fell into the live broadcast room in real time. I don't know how many viewers took screenshots and saved them at this time. This is a full-body photo of real Xilan. After having this screenshot, there is money to show off.

"Master Xilan, you are right. I met you once at the Xuzu Martial Arts Conference." Wang Yan looked at Xilan, who looked very young, compared to the meeting in Xuzu. At this moment, Xi Lan is kind and kind like a martial artist who can be seen everywhere in Xuzu, completely unable to see the identity of the top sword master in the mainland.

"Oh, that time, I remembered." Xi Lan nodded after hearing Wang Yan's words, and also figured out Wang Yan's origin: "Aren't you in Su Nan? And you are the champion of this year's martial arts competition, Kim Fei's friend, why did you come to the Straw Plateau?"

"I bid farewell to Jin Fei and the others. I wanted to see Xuzu's Great Wall before going to Hedunmar, but I saw reinforcements from the direction of Su Nan. I really wanted to know what happened here. I came here, but it was still a step too late, after I came to Amroth, all I saw was a huge iceberg." Wang Yan carefully explained that the other party was very famous in the entire Arad continent, and it was the first time he saw such a famous person. Naturally, Wang Yan was a little apprehensive. After all, the opponent's strength was so strong. To put it bluntly, his own life depended on the opponent's thought.

"So that's the case. It seems that I really misjudged my eyes before." Xi Lan shook his head, and didn't explore the authenticity of Wang Yan's words. To be honest, Xilan was a little disappointed. He thought Wang Yan was a powerful magician, but he was a fighter who hadn't even awakened. This kind of junior Xilan didn't know much. How much.

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(End of this chapter)

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