DNF Live Allard

Chapter 108 The Deal with Orka

Chapter 108 The Deal with Orka

"I heard what you said just now, Rabina. Is there a shortage of food in the camp?" Wang Yan chose the automatic cleaning of the tent after everyone tasted the fruit, and then the peels that fell on the ground disappeared instantly. This kind of cleaning is a built-in function of the tent, and he didn't know it until he exchanged it.

"I made you laugh, Carey. That's the truth. We didn't bring out a lot of food reserves in the city, including only a small part of the precious livestock. Just now I went to ask the Orka patriarch for food. He He only gave me a leg of lamb, and told me that it was food for a week, and I had to figure out what to do with the rest, I didn't know that the food in the camp was so short at that time." Rabina said embarrassingly scratching his head .

"Well, it's getting dark today, and tomorrow you will take me to the Orka patriarch, and I will make a deal with him, I can provide a lot of meat, but it is not free, and the Bantu tribe needs to pay some Return." Sitting on the seat, Wang Yan tapped on the table lightly, finally felt that the current situation in the camp could not be ignored, and immediately decided to make a deal with Orka.

"There are only people left in the Bantu tribe now. How can you come up with anything to make a deal with you, Kaili? Besides, the number of people in the camp has exceeded [-]. The food consumed every day is a terrifying figure. Your kindness, Kaili I already know, so there is no need to bother." Rabina shook his head when he heard that, Wang Yan alone could not meet the food needs of [-] people in the camp.

"Take me there tomorrow, and you'll know when the time comes." Wang Yan chuckled lightly. Ten thousand people's tribal food needs are enough. In the game, Wang Yan can buy as many consumables as he wants. You're welcome. If so, Wang Yan is currently richer than the entire Bantu family.

"Okay, everyone is tired after driving for a few days, let's go back and rest." Rabina yawned, feeling drowsy and couldn't bear it anymore, and then led the team members to talk with Min Tai and Wang Yan bid farewell, and seeing this, Wang Yan got up and sent them away.

After returning to his tent, he chose to close the entrance of the tent, took out his laptop and sat down at the table. After entering the game, he stared at the warehouse for a while, and then his brows stretched. It can meet the needs of the current Bantu people. This kind of material is available in the auction house. Even if Wang Yan buys hundreds of thousands, it will not have any impact on the market.

Brushing up the fatigue of several characters as usual, Wang Yan fell asleep before midnight, and the lights on the top of the tent gradually dimmed. The wind and snow outside the tent was very cold, but inside the tent was warm and comfortable. I soon fell asleep on the warm bed.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was bright, Wang Yan got up to wash. He could already hear various cries of the Bantu people in the camp through the tent. Those Bantu people woke up early, and the cold night made them wake up several times. , In the end, I wrapped my leather jacket tightly again and again and waited for the dawn.

After washing, Wang Yan opened the tent. He exchanged a set of adventure fashion in the points mall of the live broadcast system. The price only needed 500 million points, but the effect was so good that it was beyond imagination. After he opened the tent and walked out, the tent outside The howling cold wind is not so unbearable now, it feels like walking out of the house in the early winter morning.

Mintai has woken up at this moment, and is cleaning the snow on the top of the tent outside the tent. Several team members of Rabina are also helping other tribesmen to clear the snow. The night is very windy and snowy, and the top of the tents of the tribesmen is covered with a thick layer. The snow has been frozen hard, if it is not cleared, it will crush the tent sooner or later.

"Brother Kaili, get up, hurry up and clear the snow off your tent." Min Tai, who was standing on the top of his tent, saw Wang Yan walking out, and then signaled to the side of the tent that there was a wooden stick. Smiling, he chose to put away the tent, and large pieces of snow fell to the ground without support.

"Wow, that's amazing." Seeing Wang Yan's simple and effective method, Min Tai showed envy. It's so convenient, he can put the tent away and take it out again at any time, which saves a lot of effort every day.

"Come down carefully." Wang Yan picked up the wooden stick next to Mintai's tent and helped Mintai clear the snow under the tent. Soon the snow on the top of the tent was cleared away, and the long-lost sun also rose at this time , Although the human body did not feel the increase in temperature, the rising sun gave the Bantu people hope for the future.

With the many ingredients provided by Wang Yan, everyone ate a delicious breakfast. Rabina can guarantee that this is the most comfortable meal this year. Many foods are delicious and nutritious. After eating, the original The cold temperatures are not so unbearable anymore.

"I've already met with Chief Orka once in the morning, let's just go there later." After the meal, Rabina took Wang Yan away, and the two walked in the temporary Bantu camp full of tents , there were still Bantu people clearing the snow all around. Wang Yan even saw some Bantu people rebuilding their tents with tears in their eyes. Down crushed.

Wang Yan nodded slightly. Although the current Bantu clan looks poor and nothing can catch his eyes, there are more precious things in the world besides real objects, such as martial arts, such as friendship.

"You're here, Kaili, do you want something to eat?" After getting the guard's permission, Wang Yan and the two entered Orka's tent. He was eating his breakfast, and Wang Yan took a look. The broth made from some unknown wild vegetables, Orka, the deputy chief of the Bantu tribe, did not fill his pockets, and the food was very simple.

"We already ate when we came here. I believe you already know the purpose of my visit, Patriarch Orka. What do you want?" Wang Yan found a place to sit down, and his eyes fell on the black wolf head on the side of the tent. The wolf's head was lifelike, with a ferocious face, and the sharp canine teeth were exposed, and the ferocity of the opponent could be seen just by the head.

"This is the black wolf that I used to ride when I was young. It died later. I put its head here to commemorate it. I always remind myself that if it is not strong enough, the black wolf will be my fate." After eating, Orka wiped the corners of her mouth and stood up, came to the wolf head that Wang Yan was watching, touched the wolf head lightly with her hand, and then sighed.

"How did it die?" Wang Yan asked curiously.

"It fought with dozens of wild snow wolves, killed the head wolf and dozens of snow wolves, and was finally besieged to death. When I found it, it only had this head left." Orka shook Shaking his head, he returned to his seat and sat down. His eyes gradually became serious: "Rabina said that Kaili is going to make a deal with my Bantu tribe. I don't know what kind of deal you want to do with Kaili? What is it? What price will the Bantu people have to pay?"

(End of this chapter)

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