Chapter 37
At 10:24 p.m. on October 7th, Chen Qiaomu was the host and invited Wu Hao and the students of the project team to a big meal. After dinner, the students went to their respective places. Chen Qiaomu took Wu Hao to a coffee shop to chat about the project.

"Emperor Longguang wants to accept this project?"

Wu Hao opened his mouth first. In the memory of his previous life, Logan Group was the first merchant to provide solutions for home application scenarios, but their products were high-end, and their initial sales were not good.

"Basically, anyway, I'm just a nominal team leader in the future, and Liu Hanqing is the one who is really in charge."

Chen Qiaomu replied lightly, with a look of disappointment flashing across his face.

The name Liu Hanqing is no stranger to Wu Hao. This woman who is a few years older than herself has a very mysterious family background. After the age of 40, she will become the helm of the imperial capital Longguang. After Miss Dong, she will become another well-known business woman in the country A giant, and the field of her efforts is precisely the intelligent scene solution.

Although he was also a successful person in his previous life, he had no contact with the industry giant Longguang, the imperial capital, and his understanding of Liu Hanqing was only based on public media reports.

"No way, who told her that there is a mysterious family behind her, supporting her!" Wu Hao leaned on the sofa and muttered in a low voice.




"Is the video from the 'Emperor Capital Double Wall' still being released?" Wu Hao suddenly remembered this matter.

"I won't post it anymore. Vice President Cheng said to keep it secret. After the product comes out, there will be a press conference. Then we will use this topic to conduct a comparative marketing."


"The abacus is pretty good." Wu Hao laughed secretly in his heart.

"Is this the end of our cooperation?"

Wu Hao asked the most critical question, although he already knew the answer in his heart.

"Not necessarily. Liu Hanqing has taken a fancy to those developed application scenarios. If you want to sell the code, you can talk to her, and I'll recommend it for you!"

"How far has Liu Hanqing's project team progressed?"

"I don't know exactly what step the project development has reached, but according to what Director Zhang has heard, the research and development direction of our project coincides with that of Liu Hanqing's. They are making rapid progress in the box and have already developed Mature prototypes, but in terms of scene application, they are not as good as ours. The school intends to buy your code, but Liu Hanqing is still hesitant, because she has a team dedicated to this."

"When will Logan's products be launched?"

"This is not clear!"

Chen Qiaomu did his best to reveal some inside information to Wu Hao, but the project suddenly disappeared, and he felt that he had treated this little brother badly.

Wu Hao has memories of his previous life. He knew the course of history, but he never expected that the Emperor Longguang would take the lead in the "Hongmeng Wisdom Box". After all, he would not have known this kind of business secret in his previous life.

The two sides were silent for a moment, and the ringtone of Chen Qiaomu's cell phone suddenly sang, and a song "Sparking" exposed his secondary school side.



"He's right next to me, let's go now?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

Chen Qiaomu hung up the phone and immediately got up to signal the waiter to pay.

"Liu Hanqing called, I want to call you by name, let's go there now!"

The two put on their coats, walked out of the coffee shop, and got into Chen Qiaomu's car.

"The opportunity to cooperate with Longguang has come!" Wu Hao secretly rejoiced.

In the near future, Logan Group will establish a platform dedicated to selling smart products, called "Logan Shangzhi". Manufacturers signed contracts with the platform to supply products, and eventually became the world's largest online platform for smart products.

If you can catch this express train, you can win at the starting line!

The software system of "Logan Shangzhi" is mainly sold in bundles, which is the same as the sales method of stand-alone games on game platforms. Users first choose a bunch of supporting hardware, and then decide which software system to pre-install.

Under this kind of game rules, software providers with special hardware can take the lead. After all, it is easier to imitate the functions of software, but it is difficult to come up with creative hardware, especially creative hardware with core patents. , Often because it is deeply loved by users, it forms an operating habit and dominates one market.

The 'smart light pen' that Gu Fan is developing is such a creative hardware. Wu Hao should seize the opportunity to cooperate with Logan Group as soon as possible to enter the field of smart office and smart education.

The two of them came to Liu Hanqing's project office as scheduled. The members of the project team were not off work and were busy at their workstations.

"Student Wu Hao, please sit down!"

Liu Hanqing, a typical professional woman, is capable, stable, generous and decent, with a fresh and elegant smile, giving people an inexplicable affinity.

"Senior Sister Liu, sit down too."

Both of them graduated from the School of Computer Science, Imperial University, and Wu Hao called her senior sister, which could bring them closer to each other.

"Senior Brother Chen, can you please go and get us a pot of coffee? I remember the coffee you made, it tastes great!"

Liu Hanqing threw a charming smile at Chen Qiaomu, and Teacher Chen had no choice but to blush and rush to make coffee.

"Junior Brother Wu, I called you here so late because I want to discuss something with you. Logan Group wants to build an online trading platform to sell complete sets of smart products. Are you interested in joining?"

"I only have software resources, but no corresponding hardware products"

"The hardware that needs to be adapted is provided by us. After testing, it will be put on the shelves on the platform. The software will be sold in the form of tie-in sales. Every time a set of hardware is sold, the sales price of a set of software will be settled for you. The software sales platform does not No transaction fees are charged, but the online services that accompany the software must be purchased from the platform.”

"Software pricing is up to me?"

"Yes. However, my senior sister would like to remind you that this is a new online platform, and you'd better offer a little discount in terms of pricing. This is the contract of the platform, you should read it first!"

Wu Hao took a document from Liu Hanqing, and he found several typos on it. It seems that the senior sister wanted to use him as a guinea pig.

For Liu Hanqing, this kind of cooperation is the most ideal. In the early stage of the project, she doesn't need to spend a lot of money to buy a software system, she only needs to get the hardware supporting.When the platform has made money, she will make more efforts. With the strength of Logan Group, it will be a breeze to buy a few development teams.


"Coffee here!"

Chen Qiaomu made a pot full of coffee, ready to comfort everyone.

Mr. Chen is a caring and warm man. When he saw the members of the project team, all of them had dark circles under their eyes, especially those girls, programmers, who looked haggard.

"It smells so good! Give me a cup first."

Smelling the aroma of coffee, Liu Hanqing couldn't hold back anymore, and wanted to taste it quickly. Everyone stayed up late and worked overtime together, and everyone felt tired.

The coffee in the coffee pot was too full, when Chen Qiaomu was pouring the coffee, he accidentally spilled some hot coffee, which splashed onto the flesh-colored stockings on Liu Hanqing's calf.


Hearing the beauty's scream, Chen Qiaomu panicked, quickly put down the coffee pot, half-kneeled down, and helped Liu Hanqing wipe off the coffee droplets on his calf to prevent continuous injury.

"Whimper, whimper."

Liu Hanqing was burned and cried. While sobbing, she covered her face with her hands to prevent others from seeing her tears. This is a stubborn woman.

Chen Qiaomu was stupid, because of his fault, he made a woman cry. At this moment, he felt very guilty, so he could only blow and caress like a child.

"It's okay, it's okay, just blow it and it won't hurt!"

"Whirring whirring."

Seeing that Liu Hanqing was still crying, Chen Qiaomu felt that the wind was not strong enough to cool down, so he immediately puffed up his cheeks and blew hard on the flesh-colored stockings.

The scene at this time is very beautiful. A gentleman is kneeling halfway, holding up the fleshy legs of a beautiful lady, blowing hard there, and you can still see it along the legs.

A colleague from the project team recorded a beautiful moment for the two of them in time.

The others woke up suddenly, took out their mobile phones one after another, and recorded this rare and warm scene.

The scene was too embarrassing, Wu Hao couldn't bear it, and the two of them continued to lose their face like this, and at the risk of being cheap, they asked, "Teacher Chen, is it fragrant?"



A lady fled through the door and rushed out of the project team's office into the night. Amidst the laughter of the crowd, a man also ran out in a panic.

There was a roar behind him: "It's very dangerous at night, what if we encounter a big bad wolf!"

At this time, Wu Hao found a piece of information about Liu Hanqing from the memory of his previous life.

"Her husband seems to be surnamed Chen too!"

(End of this chapter)

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