Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 96 The Battle Against the Heavens in the Dragon Pit

Chapter 96 The Battle Against the Heavens in the Dragon Pit
The rest of IG had already reacted, and in almost an instant, they decided to give up fighting the dragon and prepare to take away the prince first.

Otherwise, if the big dragon is robbed, it will explode completely.

I saw that the four people from IG turned their guns and rushed towards the prince in unison.

After all, in this wave, after the prince finished killing Karma, his position was also in the depths of the dragon pit, and there was no way to retreat!

At this time, Yasuo did not hesitate, and directly blew over with a Q skill blow. At the same time, Aoun also threw his skills towards the prince.

The rest of them also threw all their skills to the prince.

How to look at this wave, the prince who has penetrated into the enemy's rear is also doomed.

Although he dropped Karma in seconds, it seemed useless in the face of four people on IG's side.

To die!
All members of IG shouted.

However, the prince's calmness also exceeded everyone's imagination.

No one could have imagined that just when Yasuo was blowing the wind, and at the moment Aoun bumped into him and wanted to knock the prince into the air, the prince had already made a prediction in advance, turned his head and turned around, and then he did not hesitate. He hesitated to cover his big move!


A heart-stirring cry came from the prince's mouth. In the next second, maybe less than a second, the prince's big move took off, and Yasuo's wind directly blew on the hard wall surrounding the big move. At the same time, Aoun When he hit the sky, he also hit the wall created by the prince's big move.

Moreover, the moment the prince released his ultimate move, he appeared as if he had a domineering body, and he also directly evaded all control skills!
This can also be regarded as a skill for playing the prince. Although everyone knows that the prince will have a domineering body during the process of the ultimate move, it is difficult for many people to do it.

After all, this needs to be predicted in advance, let alone avoiding several deadly key control skills at once on the stage of the professional arena.

One of them is E flash, which is hard to guard against!

"My goodness!"

At this time, the audience at the scene was completely crazy.

Of course, the crazy audience is not EDG fans, but IG fans.

The fans of EDG still maintained a calm and calm state. Although the prince rushed into the crowd of people on the opposite side by himself, even though the prince directly killed Karma in seconds, this was still within the scope of everyone's thinking within.

However, for IG, it is a bit difficult to accept.

The fans of IG watched helplessly as their support was directly slapped by the prince, and then the others were also played around by the prince.

"It won't..."

"This won't let the prince hit five, right?"

"No way, no way??"

IG fans are also a little panicked.

However, the live game was still going on. In the game, the prince's big move landed and directly framed three people. Except for Ao En who was isolated outside, the other people, one not too many and one not too many, were all in the prince's house. In this big circle.

Then I saw the prince's AOE damage completely broke out.

The bloodlines of IG's four people were almost all at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they dropped a lot.

Such a scene is still very shocking. With the damage of the dragon, it even gives people a feeling that the prince wants to be alone and four people.

He is only one person, but there are thousands of legions behind him!
As the saying goes: one man guards the gate, ten thousand men cannot open it!

However, Wawa and Duoduo had a relatively negative attitude towards the factory manager's holders in the commentary booth.

"It's over! This wave of princes is going to disappear! One Karma was exchanged, one for one, doesn't make much sense! Besides, the prince has a bounty for his head, he is a grown-up head!"

"Hey! Ah?? Prince?! The prince activated his big move, but he was not controlled!"

"Oh! The prince used his big move to evade all control! Oh my god! This wave! This wave of princes is operating!"

"The prince has output! What kind of damage is this???"

Due to the fast operation of the equipment, Duoduo and the doll talked to each other, and the scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

"Little Pao! This Xiaopao's HP is dropping too fast!"

"My God! The prince's damage is really high!"

At the same time, in the game, the prince's ultimate move sat three people, and then accurately found Xiaopao. After a few flat-A critical strikes, Xiaopao's blood volume was instantly exhausted.

But at the same time, the prince was also face-to-face with the four people from IG, and his blood volume was reduced to one-third in an instant.

But at this time, Wink was startled by the prince's injury, and almost subconsciously gave his big move to the prince.

Then I saw that the prince was like a cannonball, and he flew out of his big move and returned to the position just now. Killed under the output of two people.

However, the prince had a blood shield on his body, which prevented his blood volume from dropping any further.

On the court, the prince had just been blasted out by the small cannon, and rushed in without hesitation in the next second.

The Q skill has been improved, pointing directly at the back of the big move, on the flag left when the first EQ came over!

I saw that the prince had another EQ, and directly lifted the three people in the frame to fly again!

At the same time, Xiaopao was directly picked to death by this EQ!

After the prince's EQ, he twisted his waist, and the centaur's big move was easily dodged. At this time, the blood line was a little dangerous for him, and the blood coughing battle ax was already on CD. Once he sucked it again, his blood volume returned to [-]/[-] More than one!

"Stand up!"

"During the most difficult time for EDG, the factory manager stood up!"

"This wave can be said to be one man guards the gate and ten thousand men don't open it!"

"Oh my god! This prince really looks stupid to me!"

Duoduo and Wawa were completely agitated, and said in a trembling voice.

"It's really a man who is in charge of the gate and a man who is not in charge!"

"Prince Shenwei! Awesome!"

At this moment, the entire venue also began to riot.

For the fans of EDG, although the factory manager's wonderful operation has trained their psychological quality to be strong enough, when seeing the prince enter the dragon pit of five people alone, and finally kill two people , I was also shocked.

The factory manager, a prince who was more than one third standing there, made everyone feel a little throbbing.

too crazy!

One person rushes forward and hits five in the group of five on the opposite side. Two EQ picks fly, and two people are killed in seconds. The big move also perfectly evades the control effect.

This is crazy!
Moreover, this time point is also very perfect. During this period, he used his position to avoid several skills. Although it is said that the big dragon may lose in the end, but the prince's brave and fearless charge this time, I don't know The retreating momentum has completely infected everyone present.

Of course, the same also includes those EDG fans who were "sleeping"!
At the same time, the three people on IG's side are now disabled. Although Dalong's blood volume is not particularly good, if he continues to fight Dalong, it is very likely that someone will die in battle.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that at this point in time, Qing Gang Ying has also disappeared from the field of vision.

It can be seen that Qinggang Ying is coming soon, the most important thing is the prince, no one knows if the prince will come up again in the next wave after he quit this wave.

Of course most people wouldn't, but this one is the factory director after all!

Will the factory manager?

No one can say no!
"Withdraw...withdraw??" The assistant Lucas panicked a little.

He felt that this wave was going to be gone!

"Wow! Wow! IG doesn't seem to dare to fight this wave! Qinggangying is still some way away from here, but IG is afraid to continue fighting anymore!"

"The aura of this prince has already scared everyone in IG!"

The scene was extremely shocking, making everyone a little dazed at this moment.

At the same time, after the prince with one-third of the blood volume exited the Dragon Pit, he did not leave.

"To fight!"

"IG's blood, this wave they still want to fight!"

"If you don't fight this wave, there is a high probability that IG will lose this game."

"Although the condition of the few of them is not particularly good, if they can resist damage reasonably, there is still a very hopeful way to take down Dalong!"

"Now, let's see what they say!"

During the game, IG just hesitated for a moment, and of course they wouldn't be really scared away. In that case, there would really be nothing left.

They were just a little confused by the factory manager's prince, but they reacted very quickly at this moment, and they are still continuing to fight.

Moreover, the blood volume of the dragon soon dropped to around the punishment line.

This position is about to die!

"Then... if a big dragon is lost, EDG can still accept it."

"This wave of factory managers can be regarded as trying their best."

"The prince really risked his life, so he just went in and made a forced stop loss. Wait... eh? Eh!"

"The prince seems to be here again!"

"Oh my God!"

Before the baby finished speaking, she saw a prince who was like a beast, a light-speed EQ went online from a super long distance, and the next moment, he directly arrived in the dragon pit.

This was a triangular EQ flash, which directly lifted all the remaining three people from IG into the air.

Sagittarius also subconsciously pressed his own punishment.


Press early!
At the moment of punishment by the men and horses, the dragon's blood volume was less than [-], and at this moment, the factory director's punishment came immediately!

These two punishments, one after the other, seemed to be slowed down countless times in the tense battle.

In the next moment, the dragon roared miserably and fell to the ground!
"EDG, the factory manager killed Baron Nash!"



At the moment of Dalong's death, the words "fucking awesome" rang out in everyone's mouths and minds.

The commentators of each competition area, including the players and coaches of each team and even each competition area who followed the EDG game, stood up at this moment!
"Fucking mud horse!"

At this moment, complete madness!
Completely aroused by the prince's astonishing snatch!
"Prince! It's the prince! He stood up again!"

"The prince's flash is still in his hand!"

"The factory manager's last EQ flash! This last dragon grab! It's too..." Waowah yelled again, even blushing with excitement.

"He didn't just want to kill people! He wanted to snatch dragons! This man, he...he..."

Duoduo, who is a sage of poetry, was at a loss for words at this moment.

It's already crazy outside the field, but in the game, it's already reached the stage where the winner should be decided.

The three living people on IG's side almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when they saw the little dragon's death.

"This nima can also be robbed??"

There was a groan in the IG voice.

It was none other than Da Ye Xun who said this.

Several other people in IG were also confused.

"Who are you asking?"

"Kill the prince!"

But it was obviously not the time to pursue responsibility, and all three of them pointed their finger at the prince.

Because, at this time, the prince is defenseless, his double moves are gone, and it seems that he is bound to die.

But what you need to know is that the big dragon punishment just now increased the prince's blood volume a little bit!
At the same time, the prince was also cheek to cheek with Yasuo.

Here, Yasuo's damage is the highest and the most fragile. If he is killed, then everything can be reversed!

Moreover, the prince has a blood-sucking battle ax on his body.

This skill has been improved again, which is also the confidence of the factory manager to dare to fight!

But more important!There is also Qinggang Ying who came from afar!

After running for such a long time, after Dalong was punished by the prince, Qinggangying finally came to the frontal battlefield!

This is a blue steel shadow in full condition!

Just when the horse kicked at the prince, and the moment Yasuo caught up with his ult and wanted to kill the prince in seconds, a green steel shadow suddenly appeared from the flank, and kicked Yasuo body!

This not only knocked Yasuo out with one kick, but also helped the prince to make a successful escape!

"My goodness!"

"This wave of team battles?? It seems that EDG is going to win this wave of team battles!"

"The prince hasn't fallen yet! Qing Gang Ying is here! Qing Gang Ying directly stunned Yasuo!"

Yasuo's blood volume is not high at all, Qing Gangying also has no reservations at this time, EW goes down, plus his Q skill with special effects, directly took Yasuo away!

"Kill! Yasuo has been killed!"

"Now the field has become two-on-two!"

Although it is said that the prince's blood volume has dropped to less than one-fifth at this time, Qing Gangying directly activated the big move and watered it on Aoun, which made people immediately be ejected and let people follow up Due to the injury, there is no way to follow the prince!

But at this time, the prince's blood volume was less than two hundred, and he managed to maintain it!

(End of this chapter)

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