Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 90 Still That Scene, Still That Prince

Chapter 90 Still That Scene, Still That Prince

EDG's bottom lane duo was separated by a defense tower, and the prince went deep into the enemy's rear alone. It seemed that he was sending it off clearly!
"This wave..."

"I feel that the factory manager is so impatient! He didn't directly EQ! Then there is no chance, right? It is impossible for EDG's bottom duo to support them under such circumstances! From this point of view, it is actually the factory One person has to face the two members of the IG team! Is this going to be withdrawn??"

"Wait! The factory manager made a mistake!"

Suddenly, Duoduo came up with a sentence.

I saw that in the game, Xiaopao also calmly walked A and clicked the prince a few times.

When he saw that the prince was in this position, he didn't say he was too worried. After all, everyone's level is not high now, and the prince didn't go home to produce equipment. More importantly, at this point in time, the prince is now The state of the body is not particularly good. All kinds of reasons combined gave the IG duo a very confident move.

However, it is worth mentioning that because Xiaopao came up in the middle of the road just now, it is relatively close to the position of the prince, and at this time the prince has already taken the red buff on the opposite side, if the prince sticks If not, then this small cannon will also be severely beaten by the prince. As far as the line is concerned, it will still be more uncomfortable in the future.

So when Xiaopao saw this, he just took off from the spot and made a rocket jump, wanting to jump directly back to his defense tower.


At this moment, the prince moved again!
Still predictive EQ!

This time it's not the reverse, but it's in the middle of the small cannon rocket jumping in the air!

This scene……

It seems that once again let everyone go back in time, back to the scene of the factory manager and prince more than a month ago.

At that moment, it seemed that it was the same way, it seemed that Xiaopao took off like Xiaopao, it seemed that it was also an EQ second company like Prince, everything seemed so real, everything seemed so natural.

As if, this scene seemed to have happened a month ago, and of course it happened a month ago!
It was as if the small cannon had hit a huge rock, and instantly fell on the prince's body.

And at this moment, Xiaopao was directly picked up by the prince's shot!

A brace!

"Fuck!" At the same time, Xiao Pao was completely dumbfounded.

What about myself...

Was picked up by the prince again? ?
What the hell is this prince!
At this moment, in the commentary seat, the doll and Duoduo were also slightly shocked:

"This scene seems to have been seen somewhere?"

"That's right! I have indeed seen it before! At that time, it seemed that he was also the prince of the factory director, and it seemed that the opposite was also the hero Xiaopao, right??"

"That's true, it seems that nothing has changed!"

When the screen changed and he returned to the field, it was already too late for Wink to complain.

Xiao Pao was already face to face with the prince's, and the two of them were almost standing on the same grass.

He hit the prince's EQ, and the prince has a red buff, and he is one level higher than Xiaopao, and has one more skill than Xiaopao. Of course, the most important thing is that Xiaopao is still a little crispy skin!

Just two flat A's, plus this one flying, the HP of this WInk cannon began to drop sharply!
"Oh my god! This little cannon was picked up by the prince again!"

"This is another predictive EQ! Wow! Why can the factory director's EQ Erlian be so accurate!"

After seeing this scene, the scene became even more indifferent.


"Been picked up again?? This Nima Wink really looks like that!"

It seems that everyone has stopped focusing on the prince.

Because, at this moment, in their view, the operation of the factory manager seems to be a basic operation for the factory manager, and there is nothing worth boasting or telling.

Although, for the vast majority of people, even for the vast majority of professional players, such a pre-judgment of EQ is very shocking.

However, for the factory manager, it seems that it has become insignificant.

"The factory manager is still the same factory manager!"

"After more than a month, it's still like this!"

"No...can't the factory manager let the opponent fight?? This is too outrageous!"

"Yeah! Always being so arrogant, always making some wonderful operations, I am a little visually tired!"

But at this time, Wawa and Duoduo were still talking, and they still didn't know what the audience was thinking at this time.

"We saw that the prince has already stuck to the cannon! Wow, his damage is so high! What kind of talent does this prince have?? It feels a bit wrong!"

"Flash! Is it the little cannon's flash?!"

"No! It's Luo and Xia's flash! Fuck, these two directly passed Mommy Fan!"

"The little cannon also flashed!"

In the game, the situation can be described as changing. At the same time as Xiaopao's side flashed, EDG's bottom lane duo also flashed forward to catch up with the prince's output.

It can be said that there are enough operations and moves on both sides.

It is worth mentioning that when Xiaopao died just now, EDG's bot lane duo was not too far away from here. After all, they had been suppressing the line of soldiers, so they rushed over directly.

And the fan mother saw Xiaopao's tragic situation just now, and she was ready to go to support.

However, the combination of Xia and Luo was not given in vain. Luo used an E skill and W rushed to Fan Mama's side, and directly lifted Fan Mama into the air!
Then, he returned to Xia's side with his fast two-stage E, and even the hatred of the defense tower didn't lock on him!

However, after this fan mother was knocked into the air, it was exhausted by Xia, and at the same time, it was delayed long enough, because Luo's subsequent W skill, and Xia's own E skill barb directly killed Karma Performed two-stage restraint and control!

And in such a short period of time, the little cannon behind the first tower was already a bit difficult to handle. Although he had already handed over his flash, the prince didn't seem to want to give up on him.

Moreover, the prince at this time seems to have an urge to jump over the tower!

At this time, Wink also knew that if he continued to entangle with the prince here, he might really be killed!
"Flash! We saw that Xiaopao's wave was also very decisive! Then... this wave of troops is coming soon! After eating the red and F6 six birds in the upper half, the troops are also heading down non-stop Come on!"

"What about this wave???"

(End of this chapter)

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