Chapter 87 Trash Talk Before the Game

After the words fell, the camera switched to the big screen.

The first thing that appeared was the top laner of the IG team, the top international star player, known as Song Jiang The dad, appeared in the camera.

Facing the camera, The dad's face was slightly indifferent, his eyes looked far away, and he shouted to EDG from the air:

"It's useless to catch me, because I will get a double kill!"

Instead, it was the mid laner rokkie: "Facing fact, we don't have much pressure."

After the two finished speaking, the audience cheered in unison:

"It's floating! Song Jiang is already floating!"

"Are you going to get a double kill? Wouldn't it be over if the three caught you??"

"I'm dying of laughter! I'm already floating, I really don't feel the pressure!"

What followed was EDG's bot lane duo, who spread their hands and shrugged: "EDG is just a civil war fantasy god, and we are world champions, so in essence, we are not in the same team. Hierarchy, isn't it???"


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Fuck it!"

"Really do it!"

"It's a real sarcasm! It's all done!"

Faced with the provocation of the bot lane duo, many people have already gotten used to it.

Because the bot lane duo itself is the kind of mouth-to-mouth king, among the IG people, they play the most ordinary, but speak the most fiercely, so everyone is used to it.

of course……

This kind of trash talk is not without cost. Turning their heads, they were ridiculed by the audience:

"IG is indeed the world champion, but you are not!"


The duo had just finished speaking, and before everyone had time to judge, they saw the last jungler Xun appear on the stage:

"Factory manager? The veteran who has been fighting for ten years? I can only say that the Qinggang Yingying was really great. I still have to admit it..."

"However, we are all very strong online, and we won't give him a chance to catch someone. But in the wild, I am confident that I can beat him!"

Stop talking, end trash talk!


The audience was also full of question marks.

This IG's whole job is really a ghost. Now that the game has not started, the atmosphere of the game has been raised to an extreme.

After listening to Xun's words, everyone felt the urge to laugh.

It's true that IG's single-player online is very strong, but...won't they give them a chance to catch them?
Is it true that Song Jiang's name is a vain name? !


Where does this confidence come from, to beat the factory director in the wild field collision? ?
"This trash talk is kind of messed up!"

"I can only say... I am looking forward to this match. If IG wins, then there is no problem at all!"

"But...if you lose, it will be a slap in the face!"

"Okay...The players in front are all ready, let's enter today's first match together!"

In this game, EDG is on the red side and IG is on the blue side.

As soon as I came up, IG removed the enchantress of the elementary school brother, hesitated, and moved Syndra and the blind together.

On the EDG side, Lucian, Jess and Monkey were removed.

"Hey! IG has removed the two heroes of the elementary school!" Wa Wa said with wide eyes: "Isn't it? IG is really confident? They don't want to remove the heroes of the factory manager!"

Duoduo was also surprised: "It really is! Except for the blind man, none of the factory manager heroes have been moved. It seems that IG is indeed ready to directly confront the factory manager head-on!"

Wawa groaned for a while, and then said: "However, there is nothing wrong with IG. We have seen the hero pool of the factory manager! It is too deep, even if we move it, we can't move it all. This way, we can remove the two heroes of the elementary school brother. , I think it’s more reasonable.”

"On the other hand, EDG has removed the oppressive heroes that The dad played a lot in the top lane. It seems that they don't want The dad to pass too comfortably in the early stage!"

In the field, after the move was over, IG grabbed the team's only non-core AD, Xiaopao.

EDG immediately grabbed Xia Luo.

This is the first time that EDG has completely won Xialuo after many games.

However, IG has already expected it, and directly got the fan mother and the horse in the second and third hands!


EDG didn't panic here, and backhandedly selected a prince who had just been strengthened!
"Hey! IG has selected a team, but EDG's choice is also good! After the prince has been strengthened, he is also a strong jungler! And...the prince of the factory manager, it seems that he hasn't appeared this year, right?? "

"Indeed! We can look forward to this game! Xun doesn't play much, and the factory manager's prince is making his debut in the spring game for the first time!"

The commentators were talking, and the second round of moving was over.

Since there is no IG side, then EDG will continue to move the top laner, and similarly, IG will continue to move the mid laner.

Seeing this scene, Wawa's heart moved: "IG has moved a lot of heroes from elementary school students! But...a hero seems to have been released??"

When the other people heard what the baby said, they immediately reacted, and there was a lot of cheers at the scene.

That's right!

The Prince Galio system has been dominant since the S5 season, and it has had a certain influence until now.

While everyone was hesitating, EDG's fourth hand locked on Galio without hesitation!

"Take it!"

"The prince Gagario's system on EDG is combined with Xialuo. I can only say that this so comfortable!"

"That's right, from the perspective of BP, EDG's lineup is very good!" Duoduo also said.

The audience was also very excited.

Facing this system, it seems that IG did not have too many surprises, and directly chose Yasuo in seconds!And... the top laner Aoun!
"Oh! Yasuo? Mid laner Yasuo!"

"And Ornn from The dad!"

"The dad can play Ornn??"

The moment they saw the appearance of these two heroes, everyone was jubilant again.

"Yasuo can also appear in the playoffs? This is too outrageous!"

"Rookie's Yasuo, I really haven't seen it before! It's started! IG is starting to be happy!"

EDG also expressed some surprise at this.


The hero Yasuo has been strengthened in this version, but...

That doesn't mean it's an option to play, or even better than Yasuo's brother Yone.

But EDG quickly calmed down, and followed the original plan, taking Qinggangying for the final top laner.

Finally, the lineup of both sides is determined!

(End of this chapter)

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