Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 81 Farming your wild leaves you with no wild to farm

Chapter 81 Farming your wild leaves you with no wild to farm
Qing Gangying's charging posture instantly made everyone feel a little terrified.

The male gun was even more agitated, he gave up the red in his hand in an instant, directly flashed E, and rushed to the second tower!

All the audience were stunned by this sudden wave.


Everyone choked, and couldn't help typing question marks all over the screen.

"Isn't this too cowardly?"

"Is the male gun so cowardly?!"

"It's too beautiful... just flash and add E to escape?!"

Ze Yuan was also taken aback for a moment, before slowly saying: "This is too much! Brother!"

The factory manager was also taken aback by the male gun's decisive reaction.

Didn't this male gun turn around just now?So decisive, and handed over himself? ?
However, after the factory manager realized it, he didn't continue to chase after it. Instead, he turned around and took the red buff naturally.

The male gun just hit the buff with a small amount of blood.

Thank you for your hard work, male gun!
"Then...Qinggangying easily accepted the red buff, the factory manager is really comfortable!"

"The male gun went to the lower half to play blue. Although the blue of the wild area on EDG's side has also been refreshed, but at this point in time, Da Da must not dare to invade again!"


But as soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw that after Qing Gangying took away the red a few times, he hurriedly shuttled directly from the second tower, and even had a strong E skill hook, passing through the middle road, as if he had crossed the middle road. The two sides of the strait are average, and they successfully arrived at Taobo's second half of the field.

to this end……

The golden right hand under the defensive tower in the middle was taken aback!
Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, Qing Gang Ying had already come to the outside of the blue buff pit.

And what about Radar?
He was pulling the blue buff, and just hit half of the blood, when he saw the blue steel shadow that suddenly appeared in his field of vision.


Brother Radar's mentality immediately deteriorated.

However, at this time, the desire to survive, and the instinct as a professional player, still made him turn around and leave.


Instant fryer on the spot.

"What's this? Doesn't the factory manager give Da Da a way out?"

"Can we still be friends offline?"

At this time, in the commentary seat, Miller was silent for a while, and then commented sharply: "Uh... this Qinggang shadow seems to be committing a crime!"

Ze Yuan also opened his mouth slightly, a little stunned.

Everyone was dumbfounded, it was the first time they saw such a domineering Qinggang Ying.

In the game, Nan Qiang was forced to leave.

Qing Gangying continues to take over the blue buff...

"Brother, you're going too far." At this time, the younger brother of Zhongdan Elementary School also saw this scene, and said a little bit unbearably.

After all, but there was still a smile on the face of this elementary school boy.

"What did Brother Dado do wrong? He just turned against the factory manager's red flag at the beginning of the game. Is the factory manager so vengeful?"

The spectators and commentators, including those from other divisions, were also a little dumbfounded.

Is this the LPL?
Is this the competition area where you don't accept it?

This game has progressed to the present, this Qing Gangying is simply making people's scalp tingle.

"Brothers...can you help?"

In the game, Brother Da Da seemed to be forced to leave, but he didn't really retreat. He just stood not far away and quietly watched Qing Gangying slap him in the face, full of resentment in his heart.

"Brother, here we come!"

At this time, Taobo's bot lane Jack Lawu couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, they were also the team that reached the semi-finals in the World Championship last year. Jack Lawu was also an AD player who won the World Finals championship. How could they see their teammates suffer such humiliation here? ?
"Kill him!"

"This Qing Gangying has a bounty of [-]!"

At this time, the bottom lane duo came directly from the side to support them, even though they were already under pressure.

At the same time, the middle road is also leaning this way.

"It can be seen that Brother Da Da is still a bit self-closing! Hey! We saw that other contestants like Tao Bo are coming here. It seems... It seems that they are avenging Brother Da Da! !"

"It's all here!"

"Taobo and the others seem to have been angered by the factory manager's arrogance! All these people have come over!"

"Then... can this Qinggang Shadow still get away now??"

" should be difficult, right? Taobo and the others seem to want to double-team Qinggangying. Even if Qinggangying can fly over the walls, it will be difficult to escape the pursuit of the four people from Taobo's side."

The moment Brother Radar saw that his good brothers had already approached, he also straightened his back a lot, and immediately readjusted his posture and rushed back towards this side.

"The middle is gone! The golden right hand has passed!"

"There is no way out!"

At this time, in the EDG team, everyone reminded.

"We'll be there soon!"

After all, it was the reason for EDG to suppress the line of troops. After seeing everyone in Taobo go to support, EDG immediately made the same move and moved closer to the position of factory manager.

"Everyone is here! Everyone is here!"

Hearing the reminders from his teammates in the team voice, the factory manager also nodded.

In fact, while he was hitting the blue buff, he was always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The moment he saw the mid laner and AD disappear from his field of vision, Qing Gangying directly started his WE combo, and then pressed the punishment in his hand at the same time.

"Eight people on both sides, is this going to fight in the second half of the field?"

"But we can clearly see that Taobo's side should go faster! Wait... eh? What is the factory manager trying to do??"

Zeyuan hadn't finished speaking when he saw the factory director suddenly rushing out from the original position of the blue buff, as if he was a roc spreading its wings!
At the same time, the blue buff was completely dead under the punishment, and at the same time, Qing Gangying had already come to the side of the male gun with the help of the hook lock!
As the saying goes: strike first is the best move, and if you look closely, you have to pay the price!
Male Gun was also taken aback, because Qinggang Ying's wave was too sudden, and he was obviously still playing blue just now, so he immediately turned around and launched a concentrated fire on him, which made him unable to adjust his state for a while.

As a result, the distance of Qinggangying's E skill was just right, and his speed was also very fast, and he kicked the male gun in the face!

The male gun was instantly stunned in place!

At the same time, Qing Gang Ying's W has already been swept down. Although it is the inner ring, the damage is still inevitable!

At the same time, Qinggangying EAQAQ kicked out five times in a row!

And the blood line of this male gun, at this moment, seemed to have cut the main artery, and under Qing Gangying's set of explosions, it bottomed out instantly!


At this moment, watching the scene on the field, everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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