Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 75 What does the factory manager want to do? !

Chapter 75 What does the factory manager want to do? !

Originally, Zeyuan wanted to say:
"This version of Qing Gang Ying, he can't play wild."

But after thinking about it, I felt that after saying this, the director of the factory would probably slap him in the face during the game, so in the end Zeyuan changed the subject and turned it into a question sentence.

Miller groaned beside him, and said, "This version of Qinggang Ying... is indeed a bit rare!"

"If it is similar to Qinggangying's positioning... then it is definitely more suitable to choose a man or Olaf, but this Qinggangying... let's see how the factory manager will play after he enters!"

"I think no matter what the outcome of this round is, we can look forward to the first move!"

"Yes, I think no matter what the result of the game is, we can give some applause to the director's Qing Gangying and EDG!"

"Now, they are in the winning streak stage and they can definitely come up with some more secure heroes, such as Centaur and Olaf are good choices, but the factory manager still chose a more risky decision under such circumstances !"



"Come on, EDG!!"

The audience at the scene was also very strong, especially when they saw the factory manager showing the blue steel shadow, the fans of EDG and Taobo burst into screams.

On the other side, everyone in Taobo was also surprised.


"Green Steel Shadow??"

In the end, the coach's face was full of surprise, and with a hesitation, he finally locked on the top laner Big Bug to resist the pressure.

The lineups of the two sides are determined, respectively:

Blue Fang EDG, top laner Jess, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane female policeman and Thresh
Red Fang Taobo: top laner Big Bug, wild man gun, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Garriel!
The lineup bias of the two sides in this game is more obvious.

EDG still maintains a fierce online style of play, and the lineup looks very fierce.

On Taobo's side, it is a hero who tends to develop and play in the late stage:

Like Big Chongzi, like Ryze, including Xiaopao's passive, it is destined that Taobo, a hero, will be easier to fight in the later stage.

Of course, EDG also has very good combat power in the later stage, especially the two points of Jess and the policewoman, whose ability to cause damage in the later stage is quite terrifying.

Of course……

In this competition, the most attention-grabbing thing is the Qinggang shadow of the factory manager!

"It can be said that both sides have their own merits! How to say it specifically depends on the performance of the players on the field! In this way... Today's second game, EDG vs. Taobo, officially begins!"

"Let's enter Summoner's Canyon together!!"

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, the director switched to the camera, and the game officially started!
"EDG!! EDG!!"

"Tobo! Tobo!!"

The audience on both sides cheered wildly at this moment, and the sound immediately enveloped the entire e-sports venue.

At this moment, the charm of e-sports is fully revealed!

Game start!
At the beginning of this round, the official still gave the support rate of the players on both sides.

Undoubtedly, although Taobo is not weak here, and is even a top team in the LPL, after losing the last round, including the EDG team's winning streak during this period, this In the first game, Taobo's support rate has dropped below 10%!

Moreover, everyone's matchup situation has formed a very large suppression.

It can be seen that after the last round, everyone is not particularly optimistic about Taobo's performance in this round.

"We saw that EDG's support rate is very high! It can be seen that EDG's winning streak has given the audience a lot of confidence!" Miller also said with a smile.

"That's right... Then in this round, neither side had any intention of fighting a first-level team at the first level, so this round depends on how the factory manager's side Qing Gangying brings the rhythm..."

"Brother Rado's ability to dominate in terms of rhythm is also relatively strong. If Qing Gangying, the factory manager, can't do too much in the early stage, then he will be quickly pulled away by Brother Dadar's male gun. After all, both sides are fighting wild In terms of efficiency, it is completely different.”

"Well... let's see how the two sides play! However, EDG is also aware of this problem, so the heroes selected in this game, whether it is the middle lane or the top lane, are very strong. In this case, even if the factory manager The border field area is not fast, but it is also difficult for Brother Dato to invade, and even the competition for river crabs is stressful."

Zeyuan and Miller said that the director had already shot the scene in the wild.

From God's perspective, at this time, Brother Radar's male gun did not choose to start the game in the lower half of the jungle, but went straight to the red buff on the road. Anyway, the male gun is basically harmless in the jungle, and it doesn't matter whether he has the help of his teammates Especially important.

At the same time, Taobo's top laner Sunny is also moving closer to the upper half of the field.

In the end, the two squatted directly in the grass not far from the red buff.

"Hey! We saw that Da Da brother wanted to choose the red opener in this round... There is no problem with the male gun's red opener!"

"But wait...they seem to have other ideas!"

Seeing the male gun and the big bug entering the grass, everyone felt a little surprised.

"This position...why does it feel like you want to squat??"

"Could it be that...Brother Dadar wants to start the game by squatting in Qinggangying??"

Following Zeyuan's words, there was an instant uproar at the scene.

Everyone knows that the factory manager likes to go against the wild very much, especially in the first few levels when he does things.


This is similar to Taobo's two weapons, but Brother Da Da's actions are more frequent at the first level.

Like the previous game, this brother Da Da took the initiative to attack Ike's wild area in the second level.

And this round also had unusual moves.


The factory manager didn't seem to notice, only to see that Qing Gangying leaned towards the upper half of the field without knowing it at all.

"This wave... is the factory manager really going to fight against it?" The audience's eyes widened.

"This won't be fooled by Brother Da Da, right??"

Zeyuan and Miller were a little surprised.

"This wave can't go! If you go, it will be gone..."

At this time, the two people who Taobo squatted in the grass also saw the figure of the factory director, but...

They didn't act immediately, but wanted to wait for the factory manager to enter the grass.

However... On the field, the factory manager seemed to have heard everyone's voices, so he didn't go further. Instead, he planted an eye position near the river, then turned his head and walked towards the lower half of the field.


The factory manager didn't stay in his own wild area, but went straight into the lower half of the wild area opposite, swaggering and arrogant, as if he was in no man's land.

"The factory manager is...??"

Everyone looked a little silly for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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