Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 66 You Sing, I Come On

Chapter 66 You Sing, I Come On

Because the prince caught a wave before, EDG's duo has always been a bit inferior at this time, and the blood volume is not particularly healthy at the moment.

When he saw the card coming around from behind, he was immediately dumbfounded.

This card goes directly to gank? ? ?

Taobo's bottom lane coordination is extremely skilled, and the golden right hand came with a wave of classic cards to go around and jump over the tower. With a stopwatch on his body, he has already ignored the defense tower!


A few seconds later, Viper is killed and Meko flashes away.

EDG went down the road, one dead and one injured!
"We saw that Taobo's grasp is very precise!"

"This... is gone!"

"The timing of this wave directly opened up the situation for Taobo's bot lane!"

"The gank of the golden right hand, the EDG duo didn't realize it at all!" Seeing this, Ze Yuan exclaimed.

I have to admit that the golden right hand is the top mid laner in the professional league, and the timing of the gank is still very precise!
"In that case... Viper will feel a little uncomfortable!" Miller murmured.

"Being caught and killed in the previous wave did not cause much loss. But this wave of Vipers was caught and killed, and the line of troops is under the defensive tower, which is still a bit uncomfortable!"

"Hey wait...there is still an explanation for this wave! The factory manager is here too!"

At this time, from the perspective of God, Ike saw that Ike had already touched the way out without knowing when.

And the cards have gone home to replenish their status, but Taobo's bot lane duo did not choose to go home, but ate tappis under EDG's defense tower!

This is also the consistent style of the player Jack Hot Dance. He must be bold in fighting and greedy in eating resources!
"The factory manager? The factory manager is here!... Does he have any ideas about the next road? How to say? Is there a chance for this wave?"

"Could it be that this is a turn-based game?!"

But at this time, there is only the factory director alone, and everyone is still a little hesitant.

Although Ike's equipment is good, it's not good enough to beat two people alone!
At least, in the eyes of most people, Tao Bo's duo is absolutely capable of fighting.

Factory director, Ike has already come from the lower road.

"The view of the river on Taobo's side has disappeared! They don't know that the factory manager has arrived!"

Seeing Ike's approaching figure, EDG fans were also a little excited.

But in the next second, Taobo's assistant, Xiao Zhuo, just separated from Jack Lawu, and wanted to supplement the vision of the river.

The placement of this ward is very ingenious, and the timing is very tight. Obviously, it came to supplement when the last ward was just over.

"Xiao Zhuo is a rookie, but he is very good at controlling his vision!"

"So...the factory director is going to be seen!"

Because of this position, it was too late for Ike to retreat.It must be seen by this vision.

At this moment, Xiao Zhuo was taken aback when he saw an Ike coming out of his field of vision.

However, his reaction was also very quick, blowing a wind directly in the direction of Ike, and then retreated immediately.

At the same time, Jack Lawu also gave up continuing to defend tower A and evacuated towards his own defense tower.

"Hey! The factory manager has been discovered! In this case... there is no chance!"

"Tobo's duo is so flexible! And... Ike is not flashing now, it's hard to catch!"

Because of eating the prince alone in the wild just now, Ike also used up his flash.

As a result, if you come to the bottom road to catch now, something will be missing.


The better news for the factory manager is that Taobo's bot lane duo also used Flash in order to kill Viper on EDG's side in the pursuit just now.

"It's just... the distance between the two sides is still a little bit different!"

However, at this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed on the map.

In the map screen of everyone in EDG, everything became clearly visible.

"Big move!"

"The card master has activated his ultimate move!"

"'s not the card master! It's the card master that Silas stole!"

No one noticed that after the card returned to the center, Silas came directly to the lower half.

With the activation of the card's ultimate move, Taobo's bot lane duo suddenly panicked.

"What the hell...?"

When the two saw Silas flying down, they were both taken aback.

Originally, they felt that Ike alone did not pose much threat to them. After all, they couldn't keep them.


One more word from Silas...

That would be different!

In particular, after the card's ultimate move was activated, Silas came directly to the back of the Taobo bot lane duo, clearly cutting off their back lane!
"This wave of catching people is the essence! It just happened to be at a time when the card left!"

Everyone also exclaimed.

On the field, the face of Jin Jin's right hand changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, "Can you delay it?"

"I come!"

However, as soon as the voice of Jin's right hand fell, Silas had already landed, and a W skill came close to Xiaopao's eyes!


Jack Spicy Wu cursed secretly.

However, when facing Silas who came close to him, there was no good way.

Obviously, one of the most important reasons is that his ultimate move has been used.

The same is true for Fengnv's ultimate move.

This is also the reason why Silas dared to approach boldly.

At the same time, Ike next to him also leaned forward directly.

Originally, Ike's E skill distance was a little bit short.

But now, Xiaopao was slowed down by Silas's Q skill, which allowed Ike to get close to Xiaopao's body very easily through his E skill and his push stick!
With the third ring down, Xiaopao's blood volume dropped instantly.

But, it's not over yet!
Silas is also outputting at the side, even if Fengnv provides a shield for the small cannon, it seems a bit vulnerable at this time!
"No more! Don't come!" Jack Lawu yelled uncomfortably. Seeing this scene, Jin Jin's right hand had no choice but to give up.


Once Xiaopao died, his cards landed in the face of Ike and Silas, and he couldn't get any benefits.

"I will continue to dismantle." Thinking of this, Jin Jin's right hand can only continue to lead the pawn line in the middle and continue to dismantle the tower.

The screen returns to the bottom lane.

It is worth mentioning that just now Silas used W to get close and Q to slow down the cannon, but he never used his E skill.

And this E skill is prepared for getting close to Feng Nu and restricting Feng Nu!

Therefore, at the moment when Xiaopao was killed, Celas stepped forward with the E skill, and then pulled out his chains, hitting Fengnv's body!

The audience at the scene did not know who exclaimed.

In the next second, Silas had come to Fengnv's eyes!
"The wind girl gave Silas W, which made Silas slow down!"

"But... Ike is still chasing!"

(End of this chapter)

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