Chapter 63

At this moment, the prince has arrived!
Brother Da Da touched it from the right side of the red buff, and the moment he came to the wall of the red buff, he immediately inserted his eyes!
The next moment, Brother Da Da saw an Ike who was only level [-], and was outputting to the bloody Ike!
"The factory director is popular??" Brother Da Da was stunned for a moment, but he didn't fully react at the first time.

However, the moment he saw the blood volume of the red buff, he immediately rushed over with an EQ duo, trying to snatch the red buff away!

Undoubtedly, Brother Dado's hand speed is very fast at this time, and seeing the state of the factory manager, he was obviously unprepared before, otherwise it would be impossible for the red buff to drop below 450 HP and not choose punishment!

And he only had such an eye-catching skill, and the time interval between the second round of EQ was less than one second, he didn't believe that the factory manager could escape!


The truth is so ironic!

After the factory director of this season has the company of Quick Knife Killing Pigs, Brother Da Da couldn't imagine how fast the factory director's hand speed has reached!
The factory manager had already reacted the moment he saw the ward, there was almost no reason, and he pressed punishment in seconds, and the red buff limit was punished to death. At the same time, he clicked the E skill in seconds!
In a blink of an eye, Ike saw that this Ike went straight to the side wall!
In less than a second, Ike and the red buff disappeared from Da Da'er's sight.

And the prince's EQ second company also directly failed!

"Hey...Prince! Hey...where's the director??" The scene was momentarily stunned.

A little unresponsive to this change.

However, the factory manager is very nervous. This wave of princes and Ike almost passed by. If the factory manager's hand speed is slower, Brother Dada can even directly grab the red buff in this wave. Gram picked into the air!

There is no such if in reality!

At the moment when the Prince's EQ was lost, Brother Da Da was taken aback for a moment, but his reaction was also very quick. At this moment, he immediately connected to his own flash at the limit time when his EQ was about to land!

EQ flash!
"What about going through the wall?"

"I will kill you as well!"

At the second level, the prince could say that Ike was completely suppressed!
Even without skills, Ike can't beat a prince at all!

In the next second, Da Da was completely dumbfounded.

Because, the moment E passed the wall, the factory manager directly pointed at the flying prince on the other side of the wall!

what does this mean?
this means!

In the end, the prince flashed to the other side of the wall, but what about Ike?

After Ike crossed the wall, he returned to the position of the second company of Prince EQ, which has not yet flashed!

Brother Rado's EQ flashed, but it failed again!

The two directly came to a shape-changing transformation here!

"what is this??"

The originally boiling scene was silent for a moment.


Immediately exploded again!

Ze Yuan also widened his eyes, with a look of incredulity on his face: "Oh my God! What's going on?"

"These two are really showing off in the wild!"

"The factory manager's reaction speed..."

"This is too exaggerated!"

Zeyuan let out a lot of exclamation, but more audiences were full of question marks.

what's the situation? ?

what just happened? !

Because it's so fast!
The field is changing rapidly, and most people have not reacted to this wave of operations!

Why did the prince appear on the other side of the wall? ?

Why did this Ike go to the other side, and then suddenly come back? ?
At this moment, many viewers will not!

At the same time, Brother Da Da himself was also dumbfounded.

What about people? ?
Didn't it go through the wall?Why are people gone? !
Not only him, many professional players are also confused.

Compared with the audience, they saw more things in this wave!

"Isn't that too daring?"

"Is the director's wave subconscious or really courageous??"

"If Ike E came back and the prince didn't flash, then he would hit the prince's EQ directly!"

"But... the factory manager's hand speed is really a bit too fast! Click the skill in seconds! Move in seconds, and click back!"

Upgrading the skill in seconds, or punishing in seconds, in fact, the professional players here can also do it, but the problem is that this set of moves is coherent!
Punish in seconds, click the skill, then press the E skill to cross the wall in seconds, and then click back on the prince before the vision disappears. This set of coherent movements was actually completed during the prince's EQ second series!

How long has it been since Prince EQ's second company!
Counting the two consecutive flashes of EQ, it only takes one second!
At the same time, the battle on the field is not over yet!

There is no doubt that the position of the prince is very embarrassing!He has entered the back garden of EDG's wild area.

"I'm coming!" The moment he saw the prince flashing across the wall, Brother Saint Gun was astonished and immediately came to support him.

The first-level Jess is playing on the line, so he quickly took the lead in Taobo's single step and went to the wild area to support.

"Jess went to find you bro." At this moment, Taobo's top laner, Qingtian, was being suppressed under the tower, and wanted to help, but had no line rights.

This wave can only depend on Brother Da Da's own luck.

Seeing the situation in the field, Ze Yuan immediately said: "Brother Da Da is in danger!"

"He doesn't have any skills anymore! And Ike Punishment Red buff's blood recovery has risen to level two, and Jess has also come over!"

"Brother Radar...can he still live??"


In the game, Da Da's brain was also a little confused.

He recalled the wave just now, and knew that he was a little stupid.

Because his warding is actually completely unnecessary, and, if the EQ is over, it's better to just flash and punish Hong!

He knew that at this moment, he still lacked some decisiveness.

If he flashed directly to punish him, then the factory manager would definitely not be able to react.

Although, not everyone is a factory manager with the self-confidence of a factory manager, in the eyes of outsiders, Brother Da Da's rebellion against the wild is already a show, but he met a more terrifying factory manager than him.

And in this professional arena, especially in the confrontation between the top junglers, any mistake, even if it is not a mistake, just a few tenths of a second of hesitation or a time difference is enough to change everything on the field !

Now, the prince's EQ is gone, and so is the flash.

Ike shuttled back to the other side of the wall again, and he seemed to be isolated and helpless.

At this time, the prince could only walk in the direction of the triangular grass on the top road, because the middle road was too far away from his position.

Unfortunately, he had already seen Jess before reaching the triangle grass!
"It's over!" Brother Da Da's heart suddenly sank.

The next moment, Brother Da Da had already drilled in, directly fired an EQ cannon, and then switched to QAE with a hammer. A set of smooth combos directly hit Brother Da Da's body!
(End of this chapter)

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