Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 56 Can This Damn Be Like This? !

Chapter 56 Can This Damn Be Like This? !

The second tower on the road was like a piece of white paper, instantly shattering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next to it, the output of the policewoman continued continuously. In a blink of an eye, the blood volume of the second tower on the road had bottomed out!
EDG, Viper destroyed a defense tower!

In just 1 minute, the two outer towers on RNG's top lane were all destroyed!

"EDG bull batch!"

"In less than 10 minutes, RNG's three defense towers are gone!"

"Oh my god! There is still such a game in the LPL division!"

Some foreign commentators in other competition areas have also been shocked.

This Nima can still do this!
They have all been updated to this version, and there is even a speed-pushing gameplay!

Boost streaming was brilliant for a period of time in the former professional league.

However, because this style of play is too disgusting, it lacks a certain amount of game space in the later stage, so Riot also deliberately increases the plating mode of the defensive towers in the early stage, including increasing the armor value of the defensive towers. Which side pushed down the defensive tower prematurely to open the rhythm.

But what I didn't expect was that even so...

EDG is still telling the fist with its strength, it is useless for you to change!

This fast push stream can still be used as it should be used!

"It's no exaggeration to say that this should be the first speed push game in this year's regular season!"

It's so incomprehensible!

So suffocating!


This kind of tower pushing rhythm has no intention of stopping at all!
"EDG is pushing crazy!"

"After pushing the second tower on the top road, the policewoman and Luo directly moved to the middle road, including the factory manager!"

"There is still Jess in the middle, and the pawn line has been brought to the defense tower in the middle!"

"This wave... four people pushing together!"

"Oh no! To be more precise, there are three people, with Luo escorting the side, and three ADC heroes pushing the tower!"

At this moment, everyone finally understands why EDG is going to make a big shift in the universe as a whole!
I finally understand why Jess came to the middle lane!

It is so that after the policewoman and Luo finish pushing the towers in the first half, the middle lane can have the advantage in line power, and they can directly switch to the middle lane to continue advancing!

Moreover, the hero Jess himself is also a good hand at pushing towers!
You know, Jess has a long-range attack, coupled with the enhanced attack speed of Jess's W skill, he is also very fast when pushing towers!
"This, this, this!"

"RNG's first tower in the middle is about to lose its hold!"

"Damn it! The middle tower will be gone!"

By the time RNG got together, it was too late.

The demolition brigade composed of the policewoman, the male gun and Jess easily took down the first tower in the middle road!

"It's gone! We saw that EDG has already led the economy by 10 when the game time is [-] minutes!"

"All of RNG's outer towers are gone, and the second top tower is also lost! The field of view is further compressed by EDG!"

In the game, everyone in EDG collectively chose to go home after a wave of cooperation demolished a tower in the middle.

Although, on RNG's side, the bottom lane duo also took down EDG's bottom lane defense tower during this period of time, but...

A defense tower has been difficult to alleviate the gap between the two sides!
Make up the status and equipment, after leaving the house, EDG has taken the lead in an all-round way!

Seeing this, RNG felt dazed for a while.

This shit is only 10 minutes...

The coating hasn't come off yet!
The three outer towers were directly pushed away, plus a second tower on the road, do you want to stop being so exaggerated? ?
However, EDG doesn't make any sense here.

The few waves of rhythm in the wild area of ​​the male gun in the early stage are all paving the way for this system.

And now, the demolition brigade of policewomen has been fully formed.

The policewoman has already made her own siren killer!

Moreover, a small yellow cross was added, and the speed of dismantling the tower was further improved.

This time, EDG's bottom lane duo was switched to the middle lane, Silas was switched to the top lane, and Jess went to the bottom half.

With such a substitution, everyone has a little more eyebrows in their hearts.

"We saw... EDG's line change has a reason!"

"Needless to say before, this wave of lane changes, the duo will occupy the center, if there is no one on RNG's side, then they can threaten the second tower in the middle lane at any time!"

"And Silas switched to the top lane because the top lane is relatively long. As the most flexible person on EDG's side, Silas has a high probability of being able to escape even if RNG wants to catch him."

"As for Jess... I feel like he's here to lead the way, and let the policewoman and Luo switch lanes to take down the way at any time!"

As for the factory manager, he began to crazily oppose the wild area on the opposite side, and his arrogance was outrageous.

"The field of vision on RNG's side is drastically suppressed!"

"It feels very difficult to defend. Facing EDG's brainless tower demolition system, they seem to have to retreat step by step!"

"I think other teams facing EDG must pay attention to it. They must find a solution to this system...otherwise it will be very uncomfortable facing EDG!" Waffle sighed.

"If I remember correctly, the next team to face EDG... should be Taobo?"

"Yes! It's the Taobo team! Although Da Da is also the top jungler in the LPL, but... I feel that it is difficult for him to deal with this rhythm very well."

"The main reason is that the players on EDG's side have very strong personal abilities. In addition, the formation of this system was too early. As a result, the lineup on RNG's side didn't have time to get up to speed, and it was overthrown!"

"EDG will never work overtime! But you still can't be careless! RNG's ability to grab the sideline is still very strong. If a wave of opportunities is found, and a situation of playing more and playing less is formed, then EDG is still a bit difficult to parry!"

By the time Wawa finished speaking, EDG had already captured the factory director's second dragon.

In the game, the prince happened to be playing blue in the blue zone, so he happened to see this scene.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he saw that his teammates were not nearby, and he had no conditions to compete with EDG for the second dragon in this wave.

Moreover, if he didn't show up, EDG wouldn't dare to blatantly push the tower, but if he showed up, it would be very difficult for the line over there.

"The prince dare not come here! This wave of EDG is very smooth to take the dragon!"

"Wait... what is the factory manager trying to do?"

The moment he finished taking the dragon, the factory manager had already reached the edge of the wall, raised his arm, and shot it out!
I saw that the ultimate shell of the male gun, like a missile, passed through the fog of war and blasted into the blue buff pit!
Just got a smear of blood from being beaten by the prince, and was about to wait for the blue buff accepted by his middle laner Galio to crash to the ground!

Serena and Cryin were immediately dumbfounded!


"This nima can also grab it?!"


(End of this chapter)

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