Chapter 4

Brother Holy Gun felt a little regretful.

This wave shouldn't have come.

Logically speaking, after seeing the wrist man go to support, he can continue to push the pawn line over the line. However, when he saw the blind man chasing Qian Jue in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt that if the front two If you play two, this side is worthwhile.

But what he didn't expect was that the tycoon just feigned a shot, and didn't really come to support him, but instead gave him a hand in the grass.

There is no way, Gnar can only hand over the flash and escape back to the tower.

For him, this flash was a waste of money, and he had to be more cautious in the subsequent laning.

of course……

The consequence of Wu Hao's lack of support during this period is that Qian Jue was severely beaten by the blind man and died tragically on the ground!

The factory manager has already harvested his second head.

"The factory director, the factory director again!"

"The factory director of this round has reached the extreme in terms of consciousness and hand speed! He is completely different from the last round!" Wa Wa was amazed.

"The factory manager's ability to control the wild area, as well as this awareness, taught Anshen, a new player, a lesson!"

Looking at the black and white screen, Anshen's face turned green, and his mood collapsed.

"I wipe!"

He couldn't understand it, the factory manager seemed to be a different person in this round, chasing him everywhere.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that the factory manager's level A and skills interspersed smoothly and surprisingly fast. If the blind man in the previous round was a monk sweeping the floor at the door, then the blind man in this round became Master Tianhai.

Simply outrageous.

He felt that the last round and this round were completely two games.

However, OMG has no intention of letting go of the factory manager.

After forcing Gnar back, Niu Bao manipulated his wrist to approach the river. At the same time, after Galio pushed the line of soldiers over, he also came along the river.

It can be said that when the two men go up and down, there is a tendency of double-teaming.

At this time, the blind man was standing in the dragon pit, stepping on Qian Jue's corpse, if he retreated, he would definitely meet Wrist Hao and Galio.

In the early stage, no matter how strong the blind man's personal combat ability is, he doesn't have much room to maneuver against the two wolf-like guys like Wu Hao and Galio.

And these two people directly blocked the blind man's back path.

This time, the situation suddenly became tense.

"Wait... Although the factory manager killed Qian Jue, his position seems to be a bit dangerous!"

"If the blind man dies, then this wave of EDG will lose out. The main reason is Gnar's dodge, and the blind man still has double BUFF. If the blind man is killed, the previous rhythm will be abolished. It is equivalent to the money of the one who is only ahead of the bottom lane!" Waowa said excitedly.

At this time, every decision made by the factory manager becomes extremely critical.

Seeing the disappearance of Wu Hao and Galio, the factory manager also knew his current situation, and sneered in his heart.

Want to keep me?
Think more!

I saw that the blind man went straight into the dragon pit, inserted the newly refreshed jewelry eye along the wall, and flew up.

"This wave of touching eyes is very essence!" Miller's eyes lit up immediately.

"If you choose to go home directly after touching your eyes, Wu Hao and Galio will have no time to interrupt."

"Unless you go directly to Longkeng to interrupt him, but... the blind man also has a flash, OMG these two people will definitely not do that."

Wawa and Miller praised each other, this wave of factory managers should have calmly ran away.

But when Wuhao and Galio met at the Dragon Pit, there was no one in the Dragon Pit.

"Where's the person?" Wuming was taken aback.

"It should have gone up." Niu Bao frowned.

"Withdraw, withdraw, return to the line!"

If you continue to manage the factory manager, not to mention whether you can catch it, the line of soldiers will suffer a lot.

After thinking about it, the two still chose to give up.

However, to the surprise of the commentators and the audience, the factory director did not choose to return to the city after touching his eyes!

At this moment, he had already walked up the grass, and Tianyinbo kicked the stone man, and started to brush up the wild monsters on OMG's side.

"The factory he so bold?" Wawa was dumbfounded.

Under the pursuit of the two enemies, he didn't even think about how to escape, but went to the stone man pit on the opposite side to rub wild monsters?
It's not a bad thing to be the factory manager!Your wild area is my wild area. This kind of arrogant scene dates back to the time when the S5 factory manager was all-powerful in the professional league.

Because there is a field of vision here, everyone in OMG clearly saw the blind man's move, especially the two Shangzhong who had just returned to the line.

"Provocation! This is definitely a provocation!" After the resurrection, Anshen walked out of the house with a livid face.

Niu Bao and Wuming didn't speak, but their expressions were not natural either.

Although your factory manager is player LPL001, you can't be so arrogant, right?
Simply inhuman!
Just as everyone thinks, this wave of factory managers is indeed very radical and bold, and OMG is also a little overwhelmed, very uncomfortable. It can't help but remind people of the era when they were dominated by the factory director's fear.

"Kill him!" After the middle laner Wuming finished speaking, he moved towards the top.

At the same time, Wu Hao also took a detour and went on the road to intercept the blind man with triangular grass.

However, the factory manager didn't panic at all at this time. After beating the stone man, he even wanted to go to the wild monster pit below to fight six birds.

However, he had just taken two steps when a fat figure of Galio appeared in his field of vision.

On the other side, Wrist Hao has also strode over.

"This wave of blind people has lost their eyes. It's over, the factory manager is a bit greedy! After killing people and touching his eyes, he should go back to the city directly!"

"If this wave is killed, it will be a loss."

The hearts of the audience were also hanging.

"Isn't it? This wave feels like the factory director's wave!"

"Steady the waves, we can win!"

In the game, Qian Jue also rushed into the wild area and double-teamed from the other side to prevent the factory manager from sending the defense tower.

It can be said that all of a sudden, the three members of the OMG upper middle field gathered in the upper half of the field, blocking all the roads of the factory manager, just to kill the factory manager!

At this moment, the situation became more and more tense, and the factory manager was cornered by several people. From this angle, even if the factory manager flashed, he still couldn't escape the pursuit of the OMG trio.

"Accept him! Give the head to Qian Jue!"

Niu Bao said something, Galio has already rushed to the blind man with an E skill.

Wrist Hao and Qian Jue also rushed towards the blind man.

They must kill this blind man!

However, at this critical moment, the factory director made a straight ninety-degree right angle, and deviated at a strange angle.

In the next second, he directly brushed past Galio's obese body.

It was as if a gust of wind was whistling in my ears.

The factory manager escaped!

"No way? This wave won't really let the blind man run away?"

There was a black fan of the factory manager, who immediately became nervous.

"Three people catch it, and the blind man loses his eyes, so he shouldn't be able to escape, right?!"

Just now, at this moment, the blind man moved forward a few yards, and the Q skill Sky Sound Wave landed directly on the f6 bird at the edge.

Hit wild monsters from the extreme distance, and connect to two Tianyin waves in seconds!
But that was not the end, the blind man was not out of danger.

Although these operations happened in an instant, all the players present were able to react.

Seeing this at this moment, Galio almost reflexively flashed into the six-bird pit, and activated his own W skill.

W is Galio's taunting skill, once the blind man is taunted by Galio, then...

The consequences could be disastrous!

And all of this happened too fast. Under the visual effect, the blind man's second-stage Q skill has already flown to the middle. Once it lands, he will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, the factory manager's hand speed has reached the extreme, and in less than a few tenths of a second, as if his leg was suddenly broken, his body tilted and flew straight towards Galio's body, but he turned around [-] degrees. The shape fell obliquely!

Over there, Clockwork who just arrived has an extra shield on his body!
Galio's prediction fell through!

"Damn it!" Wuming, the mid laner, felt a little dizzy.

"Run... ran away??" The outside commentator and the audience were also dumbfounded.

"Really ran away??"

"Can this also escape?!"

"It's fine to run away. I haven't acquired a single skill. Isn't that too outrageous?"

"What kind of hand speed is this? I seem to see the factory director returning to the peak..."

All major forums, live barrage.

Thousands of viewers discussed.

It can be seen that with the excellent performance of the factory manager on the field, many people have changed their previous attitudes and views.

"This wave unexpectedly escaped Galio's prediction and flashed W, and directly W landed on the body of the flashing clockwork in the air, temporarily changing the course!" Miller said, setting the universe of this wave.

EDG fans were also cheering.

A lot of starch was seen, and the eye sockets were a little moist.

That all-powerful hand-speed boy seems to be back again!

(End of this chapter)

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