Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 15 God-level operation, predicting the geometry bucket

Chapter 15 God-level operation, predicting the geometry bucket
After this wave of anti-squatting was successful, the wine barrel also cooperated with Gnar to push the pawn line under the defense tower, and then immediately drilled into the wild area, and started a wonderful life of "snatching pigs".

People have to be caught, and pigs in wild areas also have to be raised.

Qian Jue's caution in this round made Anshen a lot harder to catch, but the little piglets in this wild area stayed quietly in the pit, and they would not run away.

Moreover, with the end of this wave, the EDG team now has a third-line advantage, and the three lines of troops are suppressed together, which greatly provides the factory manager with convenient conditions for invasion.

The OMG team also understands this truth. It is also extraordinarily stable when the three lanes are suppressed. Once someone on the EDG team disappears online, then the brothers of the other two lanes will immediately retreat to the defense tower. .

Even, if there is no vision, it will actively retreat to the bottom of the second tower.

This can be regarded as the ultimate cowardly tactic on OMG's side.

"OMG is so cowardly!"

"It can be seen that after the end of the last wave, OMG did not give EDG any chance to catch people at all."

Miller nodded: "That's right... In this case, if EDG wants to find a rhythm, they can only snowball through the defensive tower plating."

The situation was deadlocked for a while, and in the early 6 minutes, the factory manager successfully got Xiaolong, and continued to go shopping in the wild area of ​​OMG.

As the saying goes, this is the reason why I raise pigs in your wild area.

The most important reason for this is that the factory manager really hasn't found a good way to attack.

Before reaching the sixth level, the means of fighting are still a little less after all.

"Now the factory manager still can't find any good gank opportunities, but if you do another wave of six birds, you should be at level six."

"And Qian Jue has just been promoted to the fifth level, I think the factory director can take advantage of this time gap to do more things!" Wawa analyzed.

As soon as the baby's voice fell, the wine barrel had already played F6 and was walking towards the middle.

"Here we come! The factory manager made a move. After reaching level six, the first wave actually chose the middle lane."

"Could it this a habit of the factory manager? In the last round, the factory manager also caught a wave when he reached six!"

"The grasshopper was overwhelmed by the demon girl of the elementary school brother for more than a dozen hits, and has been shrinking under the tower. It is actually a bit difficult to catch." Seeing the factory manager's movements, Mi Li hesitated.

Logically speaking, it is right for the grasshopper to beat the enchantress, but the problem is that in the first-level regiment, the grasshopper's flash is directly forced out, and the enchantress has an economic advantage of one head. Let the two sides have an advantage in the process of laning.

When the elementary school boy saw the signal from the factory manager, his eyes lit up immediately:
"Grasshopper will be six soon, so we can take advantage of this wave."

If Malzaha reaches level six and the flash CD on his body improves, it will be very difficult to climb the tower.

And now, before Malzahar has reached the sixth level, it is indeed the best opportunity to jump the tower!
The factory manager nodded: "You break the shield first, and then I will go first!"

At this time, the factory manager started scanning, and had already groped into the grass on the wall behind the first tower.

"it is good!"

The enchantress immediately stepped forward with W, and directly gave the Q skill to the grasshopper, smashing the grasshopper's magic shield!
At the same time as the shield was broken, the enchantress hit the grasshopper with a combo of moves, and put a light on the grasshopper.

"The enchantress is on! The shield is broken, this wave has a chance!"

"The grasshopper has half blood left!"

"The output of this wave of elementary school is full!"

However, the tower also happens to kill the melee minion that just entered the tower.

It was at this moment that, with a flash of inspiration, the grasshopper was promoted to level six!
"Grasshopper is level [-]! Grasshopper level [-]... I don't feel better!"

Malzaha's sudden arrival at six made the hearts of the audience tense.

If everyone felt that this grasshopper was already dead just now, then after being promoted to level [-], this head suddenly caused suspense again.

Malzaha at level six has a very strong point control.

If you forcefully jump over, it is very likely that you will be killed instead of jumping over the tower!
At this moment, the factory manager moved!
He saw Grasshopper to Six, but at the same time, he did not give up his plan!
I saw that the wine barrel came out directly from behind the first tower.

In this position, the sudden appearance of the factory manager really surprised Wuming.

"How dare you surpass me??" Wuming cursed secretly, but he didn't give up his ultimate move immediately, because the wine barrel has not yet resisted the tower. heart soaring.

Wuming pulled towards the defense tower while keeping an eye on the movement of the wine barrel.

Suddenly, he saw the arm of the wine barrel raised, and his heart immediately shuddered, and he flashed horizontally, trying to avoid the exploding wine barrel.

But the next moment, he was completely dumbfounded.

Because, the position where he flashed happened to be the edge of the exploding wine barrel!
And under his feet, there was an exploding wine barrel rolling in circles!

"Damn it! Predicted geometry bucket??"

What a coincidence!This flash of the grasshopper just happened to be within the scope of the wine barrel's ultimate move.

Even more coincidentally!

The landing point of the big move of the wine barrel happened to be the rolling wine barrel that had already been brewing!
Wuming also realized this problem.

The moment he saw the barrel's arm raised, he had reacted quickly and wanted to avoid the barrel's big move, but when he just flashed, he saw that the position of the barrel's big move was not right.

He is on the right side, but the big move of the wine barrel is in the middle and outside of the center of the first tower.

Moreover, before the big move, the barrel confidently placed a Q under his feet.

Wuming didn't understand at first, but now, he understands all of this.

All of this is calculated!
Under the feet of the grasshopper, the rolling wine barrel exploded!

Immediately afterwards, an E skill of the wine barrel slammed into the grasshopper's body.

This RQE combo, coupled with the electrocution carried by the factory director's wine barrel, left the grasshopper with no chance to resist and died suddenly!

Killing Spire!

The factory director at this time has already killed him!

"???" The audience's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, some of them didn't react.


How did it appear on the barrel of the wine barrel?
"Wow! What is this? This barrel???" The scream of the doll's signature sounded again, and the tone was full of shock.

"I confirm! This is the predicted geometry bucket!"

"The wine barrel predicted the location of the grasshopper's flash, and the ultimate move blew the grasshopper onto his own barrel!"

"With this kind of operation, can you already be on the top 1 of LPL's highlights?!"

"From the last one to this one, I feel that the top 5 in the entire collection belong to the factory director!"

This wonderful predictive geometry bucket made the two commentators, Doll and Miller, a little uneasy.

As for the hero of the wine barrel, the operation with the highest degree of difficulty is estimated to be the operation of the geometric barrel. Even top professional players, it is rare to be able to do it in the professional arena.

Because this requires the barrel to use its own big move to knock the enemy onto its Q skill.

This not only requires the player's own operation, but also the grasp of timing and position must be extraordinarily precise.

As for predicting the geometry bucket...

This even goes beyond the level of timing and location.

In the eyes of Wawa and Miller, perhaps, this is the first time that the predictive geometry bucket has been staged on the stage of a professional game!

(End of this chapter)

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