Alliance: The man is back!

Chapter 12 Happy time is about to begin

Chapter 12 Happy time is about to begin
Soon, after EDG locked Xia and Niutou, OMG took out Qian Jue's jungler again with a backhand.

After all, Anshen is one of the heroes that Anshen is best at. Although his mentality exploded after being beaten by the factory manager in the last round, since this round is still released, there is no reason not to choose it.


After the selection of the first few hands, the BP rhythm of both sides has gradually accelerated.

After the second round of relocation, the two sides will each have two positions left, and the room for the game is gradually shrinking.

Subsequently, EDG took the lead in taking out the enchantress in the fourth hand, leaving the last position to Ueno Swing.

On the OMG side, they took the grasshopper and the wrist man.

"OMG, the grasshopper in this hand is very restrained from entering the field! Including the wrist man... If the wine barrel is on the order, it will be more difficult to fight."

Seeing that the OMG lineup has been determined, everyone in EDG is making the final decision.

"Let me go wild with the barrel, Holy Gun or Gnar?" the factory manager asked.

"Okay!" Brother Saint Gun nodded.

So far, the lineups of both sides have been confirmed.

Blue side EDG: top laner Gnar, wild wine barrel, mid laner enchantress, duo Xia+Niutou
The red side OMG: Top single Wrist Hao, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Grasshopper, duo Aphelios + Tamm
The lineups of the two sides are very different. OMG has changed their thinking this time. Although they still fight around the upper half, it is obvious that in team battles, they are more passive and backhanded. On the contrary, whether it is Gnar or Keg Or the enchantress, both have an indomitable fighting spirit.

The game screen has been loaded, and the cheers of the EDG team have long been heard on the scene.

"EDG! EDG!!"

"Factory manager, come on!"

The voice lingered for a long time, but became louder and louder.

Vaguely, I could still hear cheers for the factory manager.

This is the home court of the EDG team, and with the return of the factory manager, the cheering of the audience seems to be taken for granted.

At the New Cultural and Creative Sports Center in Shanghai, the much-anticipated decisive game has begun.

EDG's lineup is very aggressive in the early stage, especially the bull head support and enchantress, who are good at invading the wild area in the early stage.

Therefore, after discussing with everyone in EDG, they immediately gathered together and came to the lower jungle area, wanting to invade the anti-jungle.

This is also the first time since their BO3, they have the idea of ​​​​a first-level invasion.

"Hey, looking at this posture, EDG seems to be about to move?"

In the commentary seat, the baby lowered his voice and said: "Does EDG want to play a first-level team in this wave? There must be an advantage to have a bull head, but..."

"OMG doesn't seem to be aware of it. They only have four players in the lower half. If there is one less player, they shouldn't be able to fight."

In the game, the EDG team has already rushed to the second half of the field.

But what makes people a little puzzled is that they did not choose to rush forward, but stopped in the grass of the river.

Then, I saw a chubby figure appearing from among the EDG crowd.

I saw this figure crossing the river in the middle road alone, getting into the pass behind the blue buff pit, and then followed suit, and came to the pit of three wolves!
During the process of walking around, the factory manager did not make a sound, and no one noticed at all when OMG was not in the past!

"Hey! No, what does the director mean by this wave? Why did you go up there by yourself?"

"Such a deep location, if you are discovered, you won't be able to escape, right?"

The entire audience was a little confused when they saw this scene.

The reason why the factory manager did this is because he has a certain amount of confidence. During the break just now, coach Maokai told everyone about the rules of OMG level one.

In the previous two games, because of the choice of jungler Qian Jue, OMG would not choose to go near that pass at the beginning of the game!If there is a conflict, because of the heroes, OMG will be very passive.

And this game is the same!

However, in the eyes of the audience, this kind of behavior felt that the factory manager was a bit bold in these two rounds.

"It feels so similar to the last game!"

"It's just that the factory manager in this round is playing a barrel, so he still wants to use the method of the previous one to grab the blue? OMG will definitely be on guard!"

But Mi Li shook his head: "I feel that the factory director is very spiritual. He chose to go around the top of the Three Wolf Pit. From the position of the OMG side of the field of vision, he didn't even notice that there was an extra person on the top."

In the game, the OMG people never thought that the wine barrel would be so bold. Now they are in front of the blue buff, and the wine barrel is right behind them.

Obviously, this is the factory manager's first-level ultimate twist!

"This... the rest of EDG hasn't shown up yet, this side is blind vision, can the factory manager succeed??" The baby's emotions suddenly became agitated.

This wave of factory manager's actions has not been discovered, so the first-level team can make a surprise attack. When the time comes to cooperate with the EDG people in front, the EDG team, which was relatively strong in the early stage, will definitely win a big victory!

But the baby hadn't finished speaking, and saw OMG consciously disperse their positions. At the same time, Anshen directly inserted his eye position into the intersection behind the blue buff through the wall.

The reason why it is inserted here is also to prevent the factory manager from going up to the next level to do things like the previous round.

Although the early stage of the wine barrel may not be as strong as the blind man, but if he is robbed of another buff, then the early days of Anshen will also be very sad.

But at this moment, after the eye position is inserted, the director's wine barrel has already gone around, and there is no sign of the wine barrel at all.

It's just that if the wine barrel goes down a little bit from above, it can be spotted by this vision!

"The director's courage is too great, but at the same time, he also showed us the top awareness of a veteran player! OMG didn't find him the whole time."

"Besides, Mei Kou planted an eye on the blue buff just now. Judging from this posture, EDG is trying to outflank it!"

Observing the current position of the wine barrel through God's perspective, everyone's heart beats faster and they are extremely nervous.

Because the wine barrel at this time was only separated by a wall from the Sanxing people in the Three Wolf Pit.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart was raised, as if they had already foreseen the next situation.

At this moment, everyone in EDG moved!

They followed the pass above Xiaolongkeng and rushed up directly.

Of course, OMG's reaction speed is also very fast. When seeing everyone in EDG, they immediately leave the grass next to the blue buff and retreat.


Just as everyone in OMG was just getting started, the wine barrel also started to move.

I saw that the wine barrel passed through the wall of the dragon pit with a blind vision E, and then...


In just an instant, the figure of the wine barrel appeared in front of the four OMG people, knocking all the four OMG people unconscious except the grasshopper!
"Wine barrel??!"

At this moment, everyone in OMG was dumbfounded.

Why does this wine barrel appear in this position? ?

(End of this chapter)

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