Chapter 89 One Hour

"Fake Squid, Mother Fake Squid!"

"Immediately, immediately, tell me what happened, a phantom was arrested and said to be a superhuman, do you think I am a fool?"

At the Chouyue City Police Department, the furious Norman Lin raised his pistol and pointed it directly at the person in charge of the arrest operation: "If you treat me as a fool, then I don't mind turning you into a corpse."

Blonde deeply felt the anger of the big boss in front of him. His face and even his whole body were covered with sweat: "I definitely didn't mean that, respectful sir."

"From the time of the arrest to the present, we have used the most advanced detection equipment, and even the lowest detection equipment, including man-made personal detention, but including the naked eye observation, the body senses have not found any abnormalities."

"In our surveillance, she has always existed until she disappeared in front of our eyes at that moment just now."

"It's like... a shadow."

Under the extremely tense situation in his heart, Bland's control over himself became more subtle. His voice was very stable, and he articulated the matter clearly.

"Oh, №nonono"

"Bang bang bang..."

After listening to Brande's words, a very terrifying thought rose in Norman Lin's mind, and what this thought thought were all things they didn't want to face.

It's impossible for Brand to lie to him, especially at this time, so they really can't do anything about this Eastern Transcendent...

The more he thought about it, the fear rose in Nuo Manlin's heart. He suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun and fired the bullets at the ground and ceiling crazily.

This behavior made Brand on the opposite side tremble with fright, but fortunately, the bullet did not hit him in the end.

"Go, check for me, use all available power, use all available equipment, no matter what the cost, find her for me no matter what!"

Throwing away the pistol, Norman Lin ignored the shivering Blonde, but turned to growl loudly at the secretary beside him.

Hearing this, the secretary quickly turned around and gave the order.

The field immediately fell into an unspeakable silence. Nuomanlin covered his head, wiped the sweat from his hands on Nuomanlin's high-end suit, then took out his mobile phone, walked into an empty room, and gave the president a message. Pulang made a phone call.

"Oh, I have a very bad news to tell you, Mr. President, things may be out of our control."

"We thought that with the most cutting-edge machines of the most powerful country in the world, we could bring this lone Xia Kingdom superhuman under control, but in fact."

"We can't seem to do anything, not even find her people."

"Facing her extraordinary power, we don't seem to have any countermeasures."

"It's really, really bad."


The news came out that extraordinary power had appeared on Gymnasium Street in Chouyue City at twelve o'clock last night.

To boiling in most countries of the whole world in just three hours.

In the early hours of the morning, the government personally endorsed it.

Then the major consortiums released the strategic plans and industrial investment information about the supernatural beings.

All things have only just passed twelve hours.

Today's sun is a little hot, but no one cares about it. No matter how hot the sun is, it is not as hot as an ordinary person's enthusiasm for chasing extraordinary power.

[The extraordinary chapter is just around the corner, what superpower do you most want to acquire? 】

This simple questionnaire accumulated [-] million responses at a terrifying rate.

In the streets and alleys, anyone who has time, or who doesn't have time, is discussing related things in the fragmented time they have spared.

"I think teleportation is the coolest."

"Oh no no no, the best thing I can do is telekinetic power!"

"Whatever, I just want to be a superman, the kind that cannot be restrained."

In a coffee shop near the airport, a group of men and women walked into the coffee shop talking and laughing, chatting as they walked, unable to hide their bewilderment and excitement about the new era in their words.

When there are violent conflicts in this world view, it is foreseeable that confusion, excitement, and fear will always be the main theme until a traceable program appears.

While the group of men and women were talking and laughing, a clanging voice suddenly came from the hands of one of the men who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

The phone in the man's hand was not turned down, which made it audible to some people from anywhere in the cafe.

The voices of the few American youths who were walking and chatting lowered their voices as they chatted.

The emergence of extraordinary power made the ancient Xia language involuntarily attract everyone's attention as soon as it appeared. When the Chinese voice disappeared, they all went to check the subtitles to see what it meant.

"Oh, the government actually detained that extraordinary man who was favored by the gods. Are they crazy?"

"Damn the chaebol, such behavior will definitely attract the wrath of the gods."

"This group of people will always only consider their own interests, Falk."

"Have you noticed, practitioners' means, what does it prove to be so intuitive now?"

"Oh, my god, the Xia people must have mastered the specific extraordinary power, right?"

They are constantly exclaiming, and the same is true for everyone on the street, in the office, on the road, in the shop, and in various scenes in the residential buildings who have noticed this message.

It's just that the people talking in the coffee shop didn't notice the surprise in the eyes of the girl in a nearby hidden seat after hearing the news.

Perhaps it should not be said to be hidden.

Because Chen Luyi was sitting in a randomly chosen position, but no one could find her, and automatically ignored that area.

Chen Luyi, who had just learned about the purpose and means of the American people, and ended playing with them with little interest, quickly turned on the phone to look for it, and checked the time.

It turned out to be just released, so wait an hour and see how the United States responds.

Zu Chen Luyi felt a strong sense of steadfastness, she thought for a while, picked up the coffee in her hand and threw it away, got up and walked towards where Liu Luohong and the other three were.

He believed that he would be able to go back today, so he had to hurry to meet the three of them, so that he could board the plane later.

Come back home.

But at this moment, there are not a few people who are blocked from going home like her, and there are not a few people who are excited after hearing the news.

It is located in a hotel not far from the venue of the Global Music Competition.

Liu Qianqian looked at the picture that turned into lightning and split the darkness. Under her feet was a man suspended in the sky with raging fire and collapsed buildings.

Feeling the sense of agility that seemed to live in the painting, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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