Ten in a row!I got the guqin girl

Chapter 80 How much I want to hug you

Chapter 80 How much I want to hug you

I don't know why I don't have strength all over my body, and I feel an unprecedented sense of weakness.

Looking at the young man who descended from the sky and appeared in front of her, Chen Luyi had thousands of thoughts and words in her heart.

She wanted to run away and throw herself into his arms.

But the feeling of weakness made her unable to move.

It's a bit hazy, it still seems unreal...

"is it you…"

Chen Luyi's voice was full of weakness and powerlessness, and her eyes were blurred.

Li Que frowned. He wanted to treat Chen Luyi immediately, but the power of Xianyang was temporarily loaded, and he didn't know how to use this power to save people in a short time.

"How did you get hurt like this?"

Looking at this frail girl and comparing it with the other person's figure in his memory, Li Que felt a pain in his heart.

He took a step forward, lifted Chen Luyi from the bed, and half hugged her in his arms, with a hint of reproach in his voice.

Following the strength that began to sink into his body, he wanted to find a way to turn from hurting people to saving people.

The power of celestial yang is essentially a kind of celestial power, let alone such pure and incomparably pure yang power, Li really does not believe that it can only kill people but not save them.

After loading [Xianyang Dao Lei Fa], Li Que thought very fast, and he already had a preliminary understanding while speaking.

He continued to think...

"There is a thing that claims to be a god, bet with me, bet that you are against me... for a moment."

Being held in Li Que's arms, Chen Luyi felt that no injuries mattered at this moment. She raised her head and smiled: "If you lose, you have to sacrifice everything you have, including body, soul, and heart..."

"I bet."

Li Que paused for a moment, and the next moment, the power of the celestial yang in his body surged out madly but gently like the warm sun in spring, and quickly entered Chen Luyi's body.

Chen Luyi felt her body heat up, as if the darkness had been dispelled by light and heat.

"You have been corroded by the evil god's power a lot, and your body has been traumatized to a great extent, don't move around."

"I will expel the injury for you."

Li Que's voice entered Chen Luyi's ears with the power of Xianyang in her body like the wind. She kept smiling, and suddenly reached out to wrap her arms around Li Que's neck, and then looked at him motionless.

"Hey, didn't you tell me not to move?"

Li Que's eyes widened, not because any movement would affect his healing, the power of Xianyang is an extremely brilliant power of the immortal way, and it's fine for Chen Luyi to move around even if he is exercising during the healing process.

The key is……

Li Que felt the girl's eyes full of love and happiness. She was in his arms, and if she moved any further...he was afraid that it would affect his healing.

Although he has the power of a fairy, he is still a mortal after all.

Two seconds ago, he was still calling his wife, but now his wife is doing this, how can you make him not be moved?

If there was light in Chen Luyi's eyes, he didn't react at all after hearing Li Que's words, even if he blamed him, his hands would not loosen.

The fiery gaze made Li Que a little unbearable, but he was unwilling to avoid it in the slightest.

But feeling the girl's increasingly hot feelings, he suddenly felt.


Take it home directly?

Li Que glanced at Chen Luyi secretly, with this look, there is absolutely no problem in taking her home.

Li Que felt a little bit about to suffer, he really wanted to take this flirty girl home.

"I was a bit self-willed in the Global Music Competition. I didn't make it to the end of their competition. Instead, I played a song that was very exciting to them in the first competition. How about I go back and continue to participate in the competition?"

When the atmosphere was a little quiet, Chen Luyi in his arms suddenly spoke.

The tone...was a little cautious.

Li Que paused, sighed in his heart, and supported the girl to stand up.

After all, Chen Luyi was a mortal, and that evil god was just a young man before the peak level of [Xianyang Dao Leifa]. In this short moment, Chen Luyi's injuries had completely healed.

When Chen Luyi spoke at this time, he obviously realized that he had regained his fullness, and he pretended to be healing to hug someone, which was a bit rascal.

It's just that the fiery look in his eyes before was really a random guess without self-knowledge.

After all, it was just such an illusory meeting, how could she love him as much as she thought.

In the end, Li Que didn't expect... He let go, but she didn't.

Li Que's figure couldn't help but paused, looking at Chen Luyi's starry eyes: "If you don't feel happy, don't go to participate anymore, you did a good job."

"Your injury has healed. Remember to be cautious in doing things in the future. Nothing is more important than yourself."

"and also……"

Li Que raised his head, the power of the celestial yang in his body turned into pure white light, and his whole body turned into thunder and flashed by in an instant.

The thunder light illuminates the night, and the turbulent flames on the street follow the thunder light like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

Only the lingering sound echoes in the room:

"The so-called god lost the bet."

In the distance on all sides is the night and the dark night sky, and above is the flashing thunder and the following flames.

Chen Luyi's eyes reflected Lei and Huo, and the bright smile on his face was illuminated by the light of Lei.


"Hoo hoo, why do you give it 10 seconds of loading time."

Ascending from Chouyue City, Li Que couldn't help cursing inwardly, his eldest wife hadn't had time to bring it home yet, how could [Xianyang Dao Lei Fa] end so quickly after the [Clear] session.

In order to maintain his posture, he must be handsome when he leaves.

Fortunately, Shuai obtained her mobile phone number from Chen Luyi's mobile phone through the power of Xianyang~
Oh, when you meet your wife, you can't leave empty-handed, right?
"Another familiar aura seems to be in Chouyue City..."

After sighing for a moment, Li Que couldn't help but look in another direction. If he was right, the person living there should be another wife, Liu Qianqian.

However, feeling the remaining power in his body, Li Que couldn't help but look at a certain island country. He was eager to bring tears, lightning and the warmth of flames to the people there.

With the flash of thoughts in his mind, Li Que had already made a decision. He flashed across the night sky quickly, the thunder light lingering outside his body converged, and the flame followed his body and quickly disappeared from the spot.

A moment later, a beauty with a very familiar face and figure appeared in sight, and Li Que smiled.

"Remember the next training, you have to work hard."

After the words fell, Li Que left behind Liu Qianqian who was sluggish in place when he came with flames, and lightly hooked out the other party's spiritual power, so that she could easily feel and control it.

He casually took away the paper she had drawn on Chen Luyi's lonely turn, turned around and left in the air.

Nine seconds left, enough time for thunder to descend on the island nation!

Liu Qianqian looked at the figure of Li Que driving the flame away, her mind went blank.

Isn't this the young man in the dream?

She instantly remembered the appearance of the young man in her dream, and it perfectly coincided with Li Que who had just shown her face.

Immediately afterwards, the thing that always seemed to be pregnant in her heart was suddenly cleared, understood, and controlled by her.

Then he saw the painting that he had just finished and was taken away.

For a moment, Liu Qianqian's brain froze.

So, what happened to the strange dream before and the extraordinary power I encountered today?
Are dreams real?

Liu Qianqian couldn't believe this answer, but reality... seemed to tell her so.

'The next training must be hard work'

Listen, is this tone, this content, words that people can say?

(End of this chapter)

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