Chapter 75
"Lu Yi, you did a great job, hahaha, you don't know what those shits look like after listening to your piano music."

"The Global Music Contest will do such a thing this time. It doesn't matter what the ranking is, but your [Dongfang Xiaguo] spread to China this time will definitely arouse great repercussions!"

"Hey, Lu Yi, why don't you talk, don't care about those ugly Americans, the competition is even more insignificant, the meaning of playing the piano this time is far more than that..."

On the way back to the hotel with Liu Luohong and the other two Xia Guo contestants from the global music competition, Liu Luohong was always excited and couldn't contain himself, and the two contestants were also elated and proud.

Chen Luyi didn't remember what they said very clearly, it was only when they said goodbye to each other after returning to the hotel that they realized that they had been chatted for so long along the way.

Somewhat embarrassed, he said modestly, and after saying goodbye to the three of them, he returned to his room alone.

Only Liu Luohong and the two players from Xia Guo were left there, looking at each other, not understanding what happened to Chen Luyi.


The heavy door closed, and the world seemed to quiet down.

Chen Luyi turned around and looked at the dimly lit room, but did not choose to turn on the light. The quiet environment made her feel relaxed.

She let out a light breath, turned around and walked to the bedroom, sat down gently on the bed, and stared quietly around, feeling a sense of loss no matter what.

The traction was gone, the dream space was gone, she seemed to have completely lost touch with him.

Although there seems to be no connection at all.

Such a sentence came to Chen Luyi's mind. What she didn't notice at all was that her originally clear, agile and strong spiritual power had quietly cast a shadow.

Time passed so slowly, and before you knew it, it was night.

In the absurd room, the caucasian Laukla could no longer hold back the urge to move in his heart. He struggled to get out of his body, and then struggled to get dressed, walked out of the door, and returned to the dark basement.

Retrieve the backpack hidden here, and the statue of the evil god inside was carried on his shoulders together.

Walking out the door again, came outside and took a taxi to the lively bar, and casually grabbed the dancing girl who came over, Laukla kneaded the softness vigorously, looked at respectfully and stood with her head bowed The former gangster boy.

The boss.

"Are you all ready?"

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the hotel shrouded in moonlight, Laukla asked the gang boss opposite with a somewhat difficult voice.

If Man Linda, who already knew him from the ground up, would be able to understand it here, this is what Laukla looks like when he is desperate.

"Everything is ready, just wait for your order, the whole street will be in chaos, and this hotel will only be a small part of it."

With Laukla's diligence, his gang power has been annexed and expanded tenfold. The current number one boy has already changed, but the other party is still respectful: "Those black dogs are happy to buy it for zero yuan."

"If this is the case, then act. I want to see the chapter of blood and fire everywhere on the street before midnight."

Laucala glanced at the time, it was already 09:30, then put the clock on the table and looked at the gangster boy in front of him indifferently.

Cold sweat immediately appeared on the other party's face, and then hurriedly responded with respect, and then hurried away.

Although there are still two and a half hours before twelve o'clock, but the younger brother who is very aware of the nigger's mobility does not dare to neglect at all.

It is really not an easy task to let them attack according to the planned plan.

"Damn, it looks like it's going to cost a lot of money again."

Spending more money to keep black people in line is the only way Meera knows, but...

Maybe there is another way too.

"It's just spending more bullets."

Mila's eyes flickered, thinking about the joy of finding a few more women for so much money, and the difference between giving it to niggers, she walked faster.

Laukla, who was sitting in the bar, had already begun to exercise involuntarily, which would ease his torment of waiting for the passage of time.

Unbeknownst to him, who was immersed in happiness, the red light in the eyes of the bronze statue in the backpack was constantly flickering.


The unlit room was dimly lit.

Sitting in the bedroom, Chen Luyi felt as if she had auditory hallucinations (Xu Song).

"You really fell in love with him, like Xia Tian and Cicada, seem inseparable..."

Chen Luyi's eyes moved slightly, and the scene of the young man appearing in front of her for the first time in a seemingly illusory form appeared in her mind.

There was the incessant teaching of the youth.

There appeared money that young people left on their desks at some point.

There was encouragement from the youth when she was most confused.

I also thought of his sudden disappearance, and the sense of loss in my heart.

It also reminded me of the most profound scene of going on stage and singing for him, but never seeing him.

Maybe, this is really like?
But the other party...

'But he is so good, so what can you do if you like him? '

'He doesn't care about you at all, no matter what you do, what you do for him. '

'It doesn't matter whether you are serious or not, and no matter how lonely and sad you are. '

'There is only him in your world, and you are completely absent in his world. '

'You are doomed to fail...'

"No, go, go, go!"

A hallucination-like voice kept reverberating in Chen Luyi's mind, she covered her head fiercely, and shouted fiercely in her heart.

'Don't try to get rid of me because I'm a god, and don't try to doubt me because I'm a god. '

'The reason why I appear is because you already have such an idea in your heart, and when I appear, it proves to be a part of you. '

'It's better to trust me, stay away from him, and I will lead you to a...'

'new world! '

"Go away, if you are a god, would you know this trick?"

Chen Luyi screamed silently in her heart, but that voice still followed her everywhere, as if it really was a part of her, inseparable.

'Haha, in fact, you already believe what I said in your heart, it's just that you don't want to admit it. '

'In that case, do you dare to bet with me? '

'Just bet on whether he loves you or not, even if it's just a moment's heartbeat. '


"...Then take a gamble."

'Hahaha, you are still struggling, and you are still vainly longing to have you in his heart, this is... absolutely impossible! '

'Even if it's a momentary heartbeat! '

'If you bet with me, you will bet on everything you have, and let the world collect it. '

The voice of 'God' fell, and an illusory bet paper appeared in front of Chen Luyi.

Chen Luyi looked coldly, snorted, and pressed his fingerprints hard.

"Hahaha, stupid mortal, has love made you lose your mind? How could he love you, hahaha."

"Wait to lose, he won't have even a moment's heart for you, he won't have you in his heart at all, just wait for everything..."

"Give it to me."

"Including, soul and body, and even..."

"Your mind!!!"

 The editing arrangement is reversed, let me tell everyone, and then, I will start to prepare for the exploitation of the capitalists, damn, go to work
(End of this chapter)

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