Ten in a row!I got the guqin girl

Chapter 43 Visiting relatives (please read more, help!)

Chapter 43 Visiting relatives (please read more, help!)

"I see……"

"It's actually possible to do this..."

"Unbelievable, incredible..."

"Lu Yi, how did you come up with this idea?"

"Heavenly genius, heavenly genius!"

Waves of exclamations accompanied by exclamation continued to resound in the living room.

Until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Luyi and Lu Pingping, who had stayed at Teacher Li Jianming's house for a long time, finally came out.

Mrs. Li personally sent them out of the door, and some messy words vaguely floated out of the gap that briefly flashed when the door was opened.

"Oh, you, Mr. Li, are like this. When you hear something related to Qin, you are fascinated. Just now you talked with him for a long time in the living room. I guess he has gained a lot. Now he is immersed in Qin again. went up."

Mrs. Li's face was full of sighs. If her husband hadn't been like this, with his talent, he wouldn't have been depressed for so long as an ordinary teacher.

"It's okay, the teacher can gain something, and I'm happy for him."

Chen Luyi smiled, not paying much attention to this point, Madam Li couldn't help showing admiration on her face when she heard that.

My husband's student is really speechless.

Chen Luyi, Lu Pingping and Mrs. Li said a few more goodbyes, and then they walked out of the community, leaving Mrs. Li alone, looking at Chen Luyi's back and covering her waist in confusion.

How did she feel that her back injury was healed?

"I really didn't expect Mr. Li to do so much in the matter that Sister Liu said that Chen Li was found out to be in collusion with the United States of America."

On the way back, Lu Pingping glanced back at Teacher Li Jianming's direction, and said with emotion.

"Mr. Li has never seen anything crooked, and he must take care of it when he catches up with this."

Chen Luyi shook her head, then looked at the time, and quickly greeted Lu Pingping: "Pingping, the last bus is coming soon, I want to go back today, so let's go first."

"Ah, I'm going back today, so fast, well, have you brought anything?"

Hearing Chen Luyi's urgent words, Lu Pingping was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly asked.

"Not yet, let's go back to the dormitory and clean up quickly."

Chen Luyi shook her head. She originally planned to go back in the afternoon, but she didn't expect to stay with Teacher Li Jianming for such a long time.

"Oh, that's good, I'll help you pack up and let's go."

Lu Pingping nodded, and hurried back to the dormitory with Chen Luyi.

I simply packed two changes of clothes. The summer luggage is very light, and I only need a backpack to carry it.

After tidying up, Chen Luyi carried the backpack, carrying the guqin that her grandfather had passed on to her, said goodbye to Lu Pingping, and drove to her hometown by car.

My hometown is not far from Sunan City, but very close.

The beautiful girl with the guqin on her back was very attractive on the street. Fortunately, Chen Luyi was already used to this. After sitting at the bus station, he bought a ticket and took the bus, and caught the last bus.

By the time the bus swayed and jolted all the way to my hometown, it was just getting dizzy.

Chen Luyi took his luggage and walked a few miles on the mountain road, and a quiet small mountain village came into view.

This point is the time for dinner in the mountain village. Every household moves a small bench and sits at the door to eat and chat, enjoying the leisure time before dusk.

Chen Luyi, who came in from the outside of the village, was slim and attractive, and the villagers greeted her warmly along the way.

Chen Luyi responded with a smile all over her face. As the only college student in the village, Chen Luyi can be said to be loved by every family in the village.

"Miss Lu Yi is back"

"My sister is back!"

"Oh, oh, Lu Yi is back!"

Before reaching her grandfather's house along the way, a group of little kids gathered in front of Chen Luyi and cheered loudly. Before Chen Luyi arrived, her grandfather had already heard the noise and walked out of the door.

Under the setting sun, in the green brick house, the old man in green clothes opened his eyes and looked forward to it.

In sight, a group of children were playing, and a beautiful girl was walking towards him step by step along the mountain road.

"Lu Yi is back? Have you eaten yet?"

"Well, it's me, Grandpa, not yet."

"There is still porridge in the pot if you haven't eaten, I'll heat it up for you."

"No grandpa, let me come. You go back to the house and rest. Come, little six, the candy that my sister brought you, go and share it with everyone."

"Thank you, Miss Lu Yi!"

The simple hustle and bustle, the usual connection, the old man's longing will always be hidden in my heart.

After Chen Luyi had dinner, the children outside the house were also called home by their parents.

Chen Luyi washed up and tidied up, and when she went out, she saw grandpa wiping the piano she carried back with a rag.

"Grandpa, hurry up and wash it up. After washing, I'll play a tune for you and go to sleep."

Seeing the old man wiping the piano, Chen Luyi smiled, then shook his head, and asked.

"Well, I'll go wash up. I just came back from the outside and I'm still playing the piano. Go to bed quickly, ah."

Old Man Chen Bozhong smiled, put the old man aside, got up and went to wash.

Chen Luyi picked up the piano and looked at it. Several old parts had been replaced with new ones. Looking at the texture, it was Grandpa who did it right.

"I'm so old, and I'm still advocating these..."

Chen Luyi muttered softly, and randomly raised her head to look at the continuous green mountains in her sight, and felt an unprecedented tranquility in her heart.

Only here, the place where she was born and raised, can she feel this tranquility, and only in the eyes of grandpa, she is still the child who hasn't grown up.

Chen Luyi's mind was touched for a moment, she glanced at the direction where Grandpa was washing, quietly crossed her legs, put the guqin on her knees, and flicked her fingers lightly.


The sound of the piano curled up, resounding in the gradually quiet small mountain village.

In the mountain village, the villagers who had already begun to prepare for a rest suddenly felt peace of mind when they heard the sound of the piano.

The faint noise also disappeared, and in the thin mist, only the sound of the piano echoed in the small mountain village.


The rough wooden door was pushed open, and the grandfather Chen Bozhong, who had just finished washing, walked out of the bathroom door, looked at the granddaughter playing the piano, and was a little moved by the sound of the piano, but he didn't know what to say.

I went to the main room and poured two porcelain mugs of tea, put one next to Chen Luyi, and held the other by myself. I sat on the bench next to the wall in the bathroom, listening to the sound of my granddaughter playing the piano, and quietly watched the dance hidden in the mist appear in front of me. of green hills.

This bathroom was specially built for her by her grandfather after Chen Luyi grew up. After Chen Luyi was admitted to university, it was convenient for him, an old man.

The sound of the piano rang until the end of the song. The old man got up and looked at Chen Luyi with a tea mug in his hand: "I'm tired from the car ride today. Go to sleep and have a good rest."

"Well, grandpa, you should go to bed quickly."

Chen Luyi picked up the tea mug to pour water and light, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile.

"Well, I have been cleaning your room for you. No one has lived in it. You can make the bed first, don't wait."

Chen Bozhong nodded, gave instructions to his granddaughter, took another look at her piano, and turned back to the room.

Chen Luyi agreed, locked the door, and went back to her room.

 By the way, happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, does anyone have a reward, hhh
(End of this chapter)

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