Ten in a row!I got the guqin girl

Chapter 27 Is Guqin Music?

Chapter 27 Is Guqin Music?
The contestants live specially in the hotel, in the party hall.

The host who presided over the introduction of the hot list of musical instruments was a little reluctant at this time. As a Yan country person, seeing this list, even though he had been in this dirty circle for so long, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

He tried to justify something: "The Guqin ranks first among the four arts. There are sayings that "the scholar does not withdraw the Qinse without reason" and "Zuoqin Youshu"... Uh, it is a very noble instrument. Using this instrument It's a contestant named Chen Luyi."

The male host wanted to continue the introduction, but when the people in the audience reacted, even when he lost the concentration he had just pulled up at the beginning, he knew that no one wanted to listen.

I also had to stop in a hurry, and then cut to the next hot instrument.

"The next thing to come on the scene is the guitar, the guitar, which has been at its peak as early as the Western Renaissance."

"As a very convenient musical instrument, it must carry the memories of many people's youth. Do you still remember those years when you picked up girls in the playground with your guitar?"


"Oh oh~"


"That's interesting, who is this Chen Luyi? Why is there still someone playing the guqin in the music competition?"

"Funny, is Guqin considered music?"

"Maybe it's to attract traffic, who knows."

"Oh, don't those people just love to do this, just ignore it, and look at the golden voice of Modu!"

The men and women around were talking chatteringly, but Lu Pingping heard the voice clearly.

She couldn't help frowning, feeling a little unhappy in her heart.

"Why can't I play the guqin in a music competition?"

"Guqin is not only music, but also the music your ancestors liked to listen to."

At this moment, Lu Pingping really wanted to say these two words in his heart loudly to the handsome men and beautiful women cheering beside him.

However, looking at their appearance, they still gave up, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable staying here.

Picking up the phone, I found Liu Luohong's contact information, and sent her a message: "Sister Liu, I'm going back to rest first."

After posting, Lu Pingping left the hall and went back to sleep.

What Lu Pingping didn't know was that Liu Luohong was furious.

"Who came up with the idea? Did you keep fish in your head? Why did you make this musical instrument popularity list?"

In a room at the back of the hall, Liu Luohong blushed and yelled at a man, very angry.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, the program team is also for the purpose of producing program effects, and also to warm up the program in advance."

Cao Jin, who was standing opposite, smiled and pressed his hands lightly.

"I think I've been fucked by a dog in my head, idiot, before the show started, I did this kind of behavior to discourage the popularity of the contestants, and there are some music competitions, just make a list and announce it!"

The anger in Liu Luohong's heart was hard to dissipate, but she knew that it was useless to shout here. The hot list on the stage outside had been announced, and the matter had become a fact.

She left this sentence very angrily, then turned her head and left. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it on the way, just in time to receive a reply from Lu Pingping.

Liu Luohong gritted her teeth, and quickly clicked to reply: "Pingping, I don't know about this popularity list, I just quarreled with them just now, this matter is very wrong... If Lu Yi knows, tell her, Pingping Mentality, we speak with strength."

After a while, a message came from the mobile phone, Liu Luohong looked at it, and it was just a simple "um".

Liu Luohong didn't look any further, but returned to her room with a cold face, and turned on her computer.

She is very optimistic about Chen Luyi. Now that someone is doing this kind of trick before the competition starts, she will never let him succeed easily.

After clicking into her media account, Liu Luohong organized her words in her mind, and a line of titles quickly emerged:
[The reputation of the players was hit before the game started. Is this for the sake of the game, or is it deliberately for some people?]


The turmoil of the magic city cannot be transmitted to Qingyang City, which is thousands of miles away.

In the room, Li Quezheng tapped into the training space with relish.

"Hey, the modeling of this training level is so exquisite?"

After clicking on training, Li Que was a little surprised to see the screen that appeared in the extraordinary editor.

The first thing that appears is an overall high-altitude bird's-eye view:
A clear and wide river appears in the center of the picture, and there is a bluestone arch bridge above the river.

On the river, there are swans playing in the water, and there are wooden boats moored on the river bank.

On both sides of the river are paved with green grass and green willows.

Immediately afterwards, the picture quickly zoomed in, and it became a normal pedestrian perspective. In the line of sight, the luthier Chen Luyi was wearing clean and tidy clothes, and there seemed to be light makeup on his face.

She stood sideways between two green willows, with shallow tough green grass under her feet, clear lake water and the rising sun on her side.

Just like the real thing.

Li Que's first perspective is standing beside her, and Gao Luan and Tingqiao can see clearly.

Li Que shook his hand holding the mouse, decided to ignore the game for the time being, and turned around to get a new pack of toilet paper.

The study room was inconvenient, so Li Que went back to the bedroom with [Supernatural Editor] in his arms.

[Whether it's the sound of the piano or the score, it's just an embellishment of the luthier's extraordinary power]

【Only the piano of the soul is the soul of a luthier】

[In this world, feel your qin meaning, when the qin meaning comes out, the soul qin will appear, and that is the day when your training ends]

Lines of dialog boxes appeared from the screen. Li Que glanced at them and saw that there were no prompts related to the game content, so he didn't care.

Focusing his eyes on his character, he showed his most loyal love for a game.

At the end of the conversation, the character of the luthier seemed to be a little touched, and the expression on his face seemed a little irritated.

Why is she feeling irritable?
When this idea came up, Li Que quickly shook his head, it was just the expression of the game character, what was he thinking.

"However, why is there no dialogue between the game and the characters?"

Li Que complained in his heart. From the beginning of training to now, he has never heard a word from the role of the luthier.

Except for the dialog box of my No.1 character, there is nothing else.

The piano played by the luthier, I can hear the sound of the piano, but why can't I hear the sound of what she said?
It's best to type in something by yourself, and she will read along with it, um, for example, onomatopoeia such as um, huh, ah, ah, etc.

Not now, much less fun.

Li Que sighed, and the luthier on the screen, Chen Luyi, seemed to understand the meaning, and turned his perfect profile, as if looking at him again.

In the end, the other party withdrew his gaze and began to turn his head to observe this piece of [Heaven and Earth]

Li Que felt a little strange, he just felt that the character's emotional expression was very rich.

Why not add a speaking function?

So beautiful, but a dumb, what a pity.



 Hello everyone, I am the donkey of the production team, and I have no rest!Farming is busy, and the donkeys of the production team are breaking corn. In a hurry, they put down their shorts to show that they are too tired. They just took a shower at the moment.

  Also, thank you brothers and sisters for your rewards.

  Below, thank you by name

  [Sura Purgatory Knife] 200 Book Coins
  [Listen to the wind to persuade you to stay] 100 book coins
  [Day Wither] 500 Book Coins
  Thanks again!

  Thanks for the support!

  By the way, the donkeys of the production team can take a rest.

(End of this chapter)

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