Chapter 23 Polite

"It seems that today is destined, and it is not suitable to finish the word in one breath."

In Qingyang City, in the farmyard, Li Que inserted the silver needle in his hand into the ball of thread, and sighed a little when he saw that the character [Xuan] was only half completed.

Why do you say that?
The main reason is that he was too lazy to show halfway through the show.

After tidying up the things on the table, Li Que decided to change to a way to waste his life.

He turned his head to look at the fishing rod in the corner and made a decision.

"Today, no Air Force!"

Riding on the electric tricycle, Li Que went straight to a relatively large pond in the town.

The fish in the Houhe River are unscrupulous and not suitable for him to catch.


At noon, Li Que, who was riding a three-wheeler, ran back again.

"What kind of fish to fish, who is a serious person to fish, eat, sleep."

After heating up the leftovers, Li Que decisively chose to eat and sleep.

He will never go to the vegetable market to buy fish!

Next time, when the new fishing gear arrives, I must go to the fishing ground to fish.

The fish in the wild river didn't fit him.

After such a comfortable sleep, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the brain seemed to restart once, which was extremely comfortable.

Picking up the extraordinary editor and looking at it, the training module is still cooling down, so I immediately put down the game helplessly.

After thinking about it, I continued to go to the dressing room to sew the word Xuan on the back of the clothes with the word [Xuan].

He has been making this dress for so long, so he should call it a day and finish it sooner.

Time passed quickly while sewing and printing, and it was soon evening.

Li Que finished the final finishing work of the clothes, and began to change into the clothes with great interest.

White lining, cyan outer shirt, gray walking boots, and black cloak were put on one by one, and I took a look at one person in the mirror. I was very satisfied and thought it was not bad.

A sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

After looking back and forth several times, Li Que carefully put it away and changed into his usual clothes so as not to damage it.

Then I looked at the sky and prepared dinner comfortably.

"The second piece of clothing can also be set off."

While cooking, Li Que thought to himself that the success of making clothes made him very comfortable, which made him temporarily forget the pain of making clothes, and began to look forward to the success of the second set of clothes.


While cooking, there was a cat meowing outside the door. Li Que turned around and looked, and it turned out that it was the white cat who came to eat and drink.

"For the sake of your hard work, let's reward you with some delicious food today."

Li Que took out a piece of fish left over from the refrigerator last time. In fact, it is not necessarily true that the white cat eats and drinks. After all, it will catch the mice in Li Que's house every time it comes, and it is self-sufficient.

In this way, Li Que naturally doesn't mind cooking some delicious food for it.

The aroma of the food gradually became tangy, and a bowl of shredded chicken noodles was quickly prepared, along with a steamed fish with scales removed.

Put the shredded chicken noodles into his own bowl, put the fish into the cat bowl, and Li Que walked to the courtyard with the rice.

"Eat, the extra meal for you today."

The white cat lay on the top of the wall and did not dare to approach it. Li Que smiled, and as usual put the cat's pot beside the small bamboo forest, turned his head and sat back in his seat.

While looking at the setting sun in the sky through the gap of the small bamboo forest, he ate the chicken shredded noodles in his hand slowly.


The white cat tested it back and forth twice, and after confirming that there was no danger, it crawled to the side of the food, and ate the fresh steamed fish bite by bite. From time to time, when there was a little trouble, it looked up vigilantly, and then lowered its head to eat.


With the garlic cloves and blowing the steaming heat of the noodles, Li Que leisurely enjoyed the flavor blooming on the tip of his tongue.



Li Que's face was serious, he put down the bowl, and immediately got up to turn on the high-power mosquito killer lamp, a strong light was emitted from it, and Li Que saw with his own eyes the fireworks when several mosquitoes were electrocuted to death by the power grid.

The cat that was eating the fish was startled, and ran up the wall with the fish in its mouth, looking warily at the electric light below.


Mosquitoes are like moths to a flame, constantly lighting up sparks.


"Next time, put more eggs in the shredded chicken noodles."

Picking up the bowl again, Li Que was very satisfied looking at the mosquitoes that were constantly being electrocuted.

How dare you bite me!


"Lu Yi, why are you wearing so many clothes to sleep today?"

In the dormitory of Su University, Lu Pingping, who had just gone out to throw away the garbage, came back and saw that Chen Luyi was already lying on the bed. She looked at the other party's dressed clothes, a little stunned.

"It's nothing, I suddenly want to sleep in my clothes recently."

Chen Luyi smiled and covered herself with a quilt.

"Okay then, good night."

Lu Pingping shrugged, turned on his small desk lamp, and went to turn off the headlight in the dormitory.

"Good night."

The bedroom was dark, Chen Luyi closed his eyes, touched the piano next to him, and thought about the mountains of blank books...

He opened his eyes again, and after a while, he closed them again, opened them again, closed them again, opened them again, and closed them again.

"Damn, how can you escape!"

Chen Luyi gritted her teeth, this time she closed her eyes fiercely, and kept letting go of her thoughts.

"This time I'm dressed neatly, I'm sure you'll be fine."

In a trance, the dream came again.



In Qingyang City, in a small farmyard, Li Que, who had finished his meal, couldn't help roaring loudly when he looked at the neatly dressed luthier.

Can this game be played from beginning to end?

The skin style was so good yesterday, why can't it continue!
Awaiting feedback.

...Oh, the company doesn't exist, forget it.

Fortunately, Li Hui's face is still attractive, and he can talk to comfort people's hearts.

"It would be great if we could speed things up a bit."

Li Que was a little bored watching the training progress slowly increase by [-]%.

There is nothing to see except watching Li Hui's characters copying books.

Then—how about drawing her?

This idea suddenly came up in his heart, Li Que looked at his bare wall, thought for a moment, and patted his head.

How could I forget that I can get a wallpaper.

Just do what you say, Li Que rummaged at home, don't underestimate the boredom of a patient waiting to die, although painting has nothing to do with his ordinary life, but no one wants to try painting.

So Li Que quickly found a set of drawing tools, and based on the skills he had learned on the Internet before, he began to slowly describe to the luthier.

"The technique is a bit particular, but it should be fine in general."

Li Que started to write calmly, at worst, he developed the photos he took and pasted them next to his masterpiece.

In this way, the painting by myself is not the same as the photo.

After half an hour.

Li Que threw away the paintbrush in a dull manner, and let the characters in the extraordinary editor hang up and swipe the number. After making sure that the mosquito killer lamp would not stop overnight, he fell asleep.

The portrait that can barely be seen as a realistic portrait on the drawing paper seems to be mocking him for asking for trouble.

"I hope that the game will automatically hang up for a longer time, and the wave will be full directly."

Don't stop overnight!

"Can you train less tonight, I don't want to sleep for so long anymore."

In the training space, Chen Luyi, who was dressed neatly, looked at the young man sitting across from him imploringly, but there was no disturbance from the other side.

Even though I was dressed so neatly, I still couldn't win the chance to speak.

How to do.

[Don't be distracted, concentration is your only shortcut to success]

The voice of the young man on the opposite side suddenly came, and Chen Luyi was speechless.

Ahhhhh, I really want to collapse.

The young man took out his ruler.

Chen Luyi lowered her head, the power of her heart surged, and she quickly copied the extraordinary notes.

After a while, she realized that her mouth opened involuntarily.

Damn it, it was manipulated!
(End of this chapter)

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