Chapter 208 Ending
Due to Li Ding's refusal, the novels in this world are still at the age level of the previous life [Yi Tian Tu Long Ji], although mobile reading is available due to technological reasons, but compared to the countless YY novels in the previous life, the content Development is still too weak.

So, this is to let him learn from famous works and create his own works?

Once reborn, he was not reborn to a particularly long time ago, and he has never been exposed to betting on stocks or football, including Bitcoin. If he wants to make money at this stage, he has no cost to invest. Writing a book, of course, became the best option --- not much else, he reads a lot of novels!
Moreover, although he was unknown in his previous life, he also wrote a few novels, but his grades were not so good due to various reasons. Although in the final analysis, he still couldn't write well, but in this era, Li Ding's level is simply a god.

In addition to being familiar with a series of routines, it's not just about writing whatever you want.

"However, these days, you can write novels with your own hands. What's the use of this thing?"

Li Ding didn't take this matter to heart, and continued to study the panel instead.

He noticed that although there is a rush to buy RMB directly on the mall, judging from the mall's pricing of RMB and emotional value, spending emotional value to buy RMB seems to be the most unworthy behavior, and its cost performance is far inferior to exchanging an ability by yourself. to make money.

"Although I don't know what level of mastery is, but this kind of commodity that directly obtains a certain ability for nothing seems to be very expensive. Is this a deliberate guide?"

Also, the emotional value needed to improve the spirit a little is far more expensive than the physical strength, is it because he has a high spirit?
Looking at the translucent panel in front of him, Li Ding couldn't help but leaned back.

In fact, among the various products, what he wanted most was [Calligraphy - Exquisite]. After all, it is really tempting to get an ability for nothing.

The second is that [Vision Recovery 1 Time] is quite greedy - his eyesight has also deteriorated a lot, but unfortunately he can't afford it.

After hesitating for a while, I couldn't help itching my hands, and bought the [Writing Direction Thinking Flexibility Improvement by 1 Point].

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month in the [-] year is the Laba Festival.

On some of the backward and dilapidated streets, a few gangsters with green skins were laughing wantonly, and their thieves' eyes were unscrupulously looking at the women coming and going on the street.

In the places slightly covered by the green skin, there are clearly visible human figures rising and falling, indirectly mixed with moaning sounds like cat meowing.

It's most annoying to be a first-class gangster, let alone doing such things in broad daylight.

Although there are not many pedestrians on the street, there are always green clothes coming and going, but surprisingly, no one responds to this, and some even smile!
Facing everything, Li Jin said, it's normal!
Taking a closer look at the blood-spitting scene again, she didn't dare to wait any longer, she tightened her grip on the food, and Li Jin quickly returned to her hut.

This is a house of about [-] square meters, with three bedrooms and one living room, and a large kitchen. Of course, these are nothing in a small town.

But it is also everything for Li Jin in this world!

This parallel world, which is more than 90.00% similar to the earth, has the same level of technology as the earth plane before Li Jin's rebirth, but the timeline stays in the world of 2000 AD!

Li Jin glanced at the calendar on the wall, in this world it is now April 2000, 4 AD!
The timeline is nearly 20 years slower, but the level of technology is the same, that is, the speed of technological development is 20 years faster.

"I didn't expect to be a salty fish before, but now the rebirth I like to hear has come to me, but it has become more salty!"

This incident confirms a fact - salted fish is salted fish everywhere, and it is impossible for salted fish to stand up!

You will not be reincarnated, what else can you do except salted fish?


Sighing heavily, she put the ramen bought at ten yuan on the table, and Li Jin picked up the chopsticks and swallowed.

After eating the ramen, thinking about her current situation, Li Jin couldn't help but feel a little bit bitter!

Why is it said that this world is more than 90.00% similar to the previous earth?
Because whether it is human history, or customs and people, even the world map is the same as the earth in the previous life.

But the earth is thousands of times larger...

This is nothing, relying on the capital from the rebirth, even if the situation is bad, you can still survive.

But the bad thing is that the [-]% are not similar!
And, this has expanded thousands of times over the Earth's area!
Shaking his head, Li Jin felt the various memories constantly emerging in his mind, walked to the bedroom, lay heavily on the bed, and began to slowly relieve the feeling of head swelling caused by the continuous and rapid emergence of memories.

That's right, he is not only reborn, but also a popular possession!

"It's just that luck is not good enough when possessing the body!"

The memories in her mind were constantly being sorted out, Li Jin couldn't help but glanced at her mouth, then fell in love with her eyes, and began to accept the memories of her predecessor with her heart.

This is a world very similar to the earth, the difference lies in two points: monopoly and extraordinary power!

Although there are monopolies on Earth, most things are still very public.

But this world is different!
According to the division of provinces, cities, counties, towns, and provincial capitals, first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and sixth-tier cities, it can be said that all kinds of resources are monopolized to death, and it is impossible for low-level places to produce high-end things!

This monopoly includes technology, including knowledge!
At the township level, the highest level of knowledge is only Kaizhi's junior high school knowledge. If there is no accident, he will stay home and farm after finishing junior high school...

The total population of this world is more than 60 billion, which is about the same as that of the Earth in another world. In another world, this number may be quite appropriate, but it looks so inconspicuous on the Earth that has been enlarged by a thousand times!

The expansion of the area represents the increase of idle land, so the demand for farmers naturally becomes more...

As for farming with high technology, it is impossible to spread it to every corner of the world.

What's more, those high-ranking figures, who would be willing to waste precious resources on "low-level areas"?

It can be said that under normal circumstances, from the moment of birth, what kind of achievements a person can achieve has already been determined!

Born in a small town, it is impossible to achieve any great achievements in this life!
Because, in this world, only the means of transportation from high-level areas to low-level areas can be used at will, but the means of transportation from low-level areas to high-level areas must be used by people with identity!

Such as those who come down from the high-level area...

Although in theory, as long as you can reach the high-level area, you can enjoy the treatment from the high-level area, but when the supplies are limited, each person can only receive three days of rations per day...

How could an ordinary person reach a higher-level city with two legs across thousands of kilometers?
You know, there are not only flat lands between different regions, but also mountains and rivers, but no matter what kind of transportation, people with a certain "status" can take it...

For example, the only means of transportation for civilians in towns and villages is their legs!

This also silently cut off all possibilities for low-level regional people...

Restricting means of transportation is equivalent to grasping the division of classes!
Unless there is an "unexpected situation"!
Thinking about the unexpected situation, Li Jin's eyes became extremely bright.

This unexpected situation refers to the extraordinary power!

Compared with the Earth in the previous life, in addition to the above differences, the Earth in this world has one more crucial difference: extraordinary power!

The extraordinary power here is something derived from the blood, similar to the supernatural power imagined in the previous life on the earth.

In this world, this kind of power is called the power of blood, the power bestowed by gods, and supernatural abilities. The more official term is "innate ability"!
And the law enforcement officers and high-level officials in each area, or behind these law enforcement officers and high-level officials, must have fighting power far beyond ordinary people!
"So, in this world, people with powerful talents are really powerful!"

Li Jin compared the innate ability of the "gifted person" that emerged in his memory with the nuclear weapons in his previous life, and finally slipped the nuclear bomb silently.

In the face of similar mythical abilities, the current technology of the earth is not worth mentioning!
And this is the only thing that can interrupt the monopoly!
It is also the key to the functioning of this society!
"But supernatural powers are not available. If ordinary people without talent want to get rid of the status quo and live a better life, they can only practice martial arts!"

In this world, martial arts cultivation to a certain level is also good. Although it can't compare with those with extremely powerful talents, it is enough to compete with those talented people in the middle and lower classes.

In particular, martial arts are different from innate abilities. He is placed in front of you as if within reach, as if you can achieve something if you work hard.

If you achieve something, you will be able to stand out, experience the "modern technology" described in the book, enjoy "modern life", and... get a woman!
In low-level areas, there are no beauties, and beauties are also a kind of resource, and resources will be monopolized, so the lower the place, the fewer beauties, and at the township level, beauties are almost as rare as talented people!
In this way, naturally, Martial Arts is very much pursued by salty fish like the predecessor!
It is also the goal of every person who has no natural ability or is not strong enough to keep chasing and trying to get out of the predicament!
"But martial arts practice also requires resources. As the saying goes, if you are poor and rich in martial arts, what do you use to practice martial arts without money?"

The predecessor tried to step into martial arts and became famous, but a dead salted fish who made a living by farming, where did he get the money?
Thinking of the several acres of land in his hands, Li Jin silently shed tears of sadness.

Calluses on hands, hard!

However, the previous life was somewhat bloody. No, three years ago, he ruthlessly borrowed a loan from the black organization in the town, trying to get out of the predicament, and become a city resident that his friends envy.

Finally, after three years of continuous efforts, Li Jin was successfully possessed...

And, owe a huge amount of usury!
As a low-level single salted fish, Li Jin's predecessor owned ten acres of land. If he worked hard, his annual income would be about 2 to [-] yuan.

However, due to his obsession with "practicing martial arts" for the past three years, he only got a deposit of 5000 yuan in the past three years.

Moreover, he owed a full 10 yuan in usury!
Counting it down, three years have passed, with interest rate, the usury of 10 yuan has changed into 20 yuan!
"How can I pay this back?"

Li Jin sat up from the bed in a frenzy, feeling a little heartbroken!
Heartache is hard to breathe!
He glanced at the layout of the room, and saw that the wooden furniture was quite complete, except for the pots and pans, the only iron things left were farm tools!

Oh, and the lights and the wires that go to them!
Li Jin glanced at the electric lights hanging high on the roof, and looked away with a sad face.

The predecessor who devoted himself to pursuing martial arts, in order to achieve something, just... cut off the electricity at home!
The reason is, waste of money!
All he needs to do is practice martial arts and farm. What kind of lights do he need?
"Is there a more difficult start than me?"

There was a sense of coolness in my mind, it was the soul of my predecessor who was finally absorbed by Li Jin.

Touching the clothes on her body that were about to rot, Li Jin felt a little sad in her heart.

This is too miserable!

It doesn't matter if a person is a dead salted fish, the world is still monopolized so severely, and what's even worse is that, not to mention any family property, they still have to pay off the debts of their predecessors!
How can he repay this debt?
In this world, any knowledge of his previous life becomes useless. Under such circumstances, paying off such a high debt is almost as difficult as meeting a super beautiful woman in a town!
"What the hell!"

Just after absorbing the soul of his predecessor, Li Jin's spirit was a little vigorous. Under the irritability, he was thinking about whether to go out to "inspect" the "ten acres" of the world left by his predecessor, when the space in front of him suddenly trembled.

Like rippling water, a silver ball of light emerged out of nothing, constantly changing, and finally turned into a square panel!

"personal" "world"

Name: Li Jin

Lifespan: 20/83
Location: Shuishan Township - Lulian County - Linshan City

Assets/Factions: None (Real)
Supernatural powers: none

Skills: none
Technique: None

repair: zero
Li Jin was stunned, and then a touch of ecstasy rose in his heart!
"I just said, how can there be no benefits for time travel!"

Li Jin frustrates his hands, and his heart beats loudly.

Here comes Goldfinger, which is so exciting!
After a long time, Li Jin's excited mood finally calmed down. Although he was a fan of novels before and had seen pigs run away, the previous situation was really embarrassing!

Now that I finally see hope, I am naturally ecstatic!

Besides, reading cheats in novels and getting cheats are two different experiences...


Taking two deep breaths, Li Jin forcibly restrained her desire to express her feelings, and slowly sat down on the bed, as if she was afraid that the panel in front of her would disappear if she moved too much!
Putting the idea of ​​"patrolling the territory" behind her, Li Jin began to study the panel in front of her both apprehensively and impatiently.

There are two options on the panel, and what is displayed at this time is the content of "Personal", one of the two options. Li Jin researched and studied curiously, but finally found nothing dynamic.

Immediately, he set his sights on another option: "The world!"

(End of this chapter)

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