Ten in a row!I got the guqin girl

Chapter 142 The reaction seems a bit wrong

Chapter 142 The reaction seems a bit wrong
"You have also signed up for the Beast Mastering class. Lu Yi and I are also planning to take a look at it. I feel that other subjects are not very interesting, but Beast Mastering. It feels good to keep pets."

Liu Qianqian looked at Li Que who was blocked by Chen Luyi, stroked her hair with a smile, and said.

"Yes, I have a cat and a soft-shelled turtle at home. I feel that signing up for this may bring me a pleasant surprise."

Li Que smiled, and hugged the white cat on his shoulder while speaking, Chen Luyi couldn't help but glanced at his white cat: "Can your cat catch birds?"

"Ah, this cat has been wild before, so it should have a strong ability to survive."

Li Que stroked the back of the white cat, here it comes, the usefulness of this cat has finally come!
"Oh, if you have nothing to do when you go back after choosing the course, you can practice the piano more. Remember to watch it and don't let it run around in the school."

Chen Luyi nodded her head, and then walked past Li Que with Liu Qianqian holding arms.

Looking at the figures of the two, Li Que couldn't help scratching his head. Why was Chen Luyi's reaction so flat?
It shouldn't be, doesn't she like this white cat?

Li Que looked at the backs of Chen Luyi and Liu Qianqian, turned his head, and while stroking the white cat's back, he couldn't help but look at the subject of "Shame".

There, there is a steel robot with two eyes high, standing vividly, making people involuntarily fantasize about it.

It's really cool.

However, Li Que thought about what he was going to learn now, and decided to continue to sign up.

"First learn what you know now, and then learn other things you are interested in."

Li Que was sure, and then left the square with the white cat in his arms, and put the white cat down when he returned to his yard.

"Stay here and don't run around."

After touching the white cat's head and putting it in the cat's nest, Li Que casually fed the water turtle some turtle food, and then went out again.

"Li Que, what are you going to do?"

As soon as he went out, the window on the second floor of Xu Lingling's villa next door suddenly opened, followed by Xu Lingling sticking out his head and shouting to him.

"Ah, I'm going to practice."

Li Que froze for a moment, then said with a smile, then waved his hand, and strode towards the square.

"It's really hard work."

Looking at Li Que's figure, Xu Lingling sighed a little, then went back to the villa, picked up a book and read it, the title: [Shenzhou Pavilion: The First Practice Method]

Below the books, there are two other books: [Shenzhou Pavilion: The Essentials of the First Martial Arts] [Shenzhou Pavilion: The Essentials of the First Way]


Walking out of the villa area, Li Que considered that there were many people in the square, so he didn't go to the square. Instead, he went to the back mountain with a heartbeat.

After getting off the airport, Li Que, who came back by Linglu, knew exactly how big the back mountain of [Shenzhou Pavilion Zhongdu College] was, and it happened to be a good place for practice.


Li Que breathed rhythmically and walked on the campus steadily. His strides were long. It seemed that he was not in a hurry, but he was actually very fast. It didn't take him long to reach the edge of the modern buildings on the campus.

Looking up again, there are already mountains and mountains in front of him.


Li Que nodded in satisfaction, followed his body, and quickly stepped into the fragrant land and into the forest.


With the soles of his feet on the soil, Li Que bent his knees, exerted all his muscles and bones together, and his powerful muscles burst out with violent force, and he jumped up lightly.


Li Que leaped onto the top of a tree as if his body was loaded with springs, bending the treetop violently, but before he continued to fall, Li Que continued to jump, his body bounced up dexterously, like a swallow to the top of another tree.


A colorful bird was disturbed by the powerful aura that suddenly broke into the spiritual land, fluttering its wings and flew up. Li Que's eyes lit up when he saw it, and then floated onto its back under the panicked eyes of the colorful bird. .


The colorful bird felt his body sinking, and was about to flee in fear, but he didn't expect that the next moment his back lightened, and when he turned his head to look, the terrifying creature had drifted away again.


The colorful bird didn't understand, but it was greatly shocked. It flew around twice in a daze, and then hurriedly flapped its wings and left here.

Although I don't understand, it's better to stay away from this terrible creature.


Li Que performed the [Swallow Pigeon Light Body Technique], and the pure yang zhenqi in his body was circulating rapidly, and at the same time, the muscles and bones of his whole body were also rapidly adjusting during the process of operating his strength.

With his huge weight, to be able to fly a bird without falling, and step on a treetop without sinking, what is needed is not only the strength of the Daoist martial arts [Swallow Pigeon Lightness Technique], but also requires him to do something to his own true energy and body. With extremely precise regulation and operation.

The seemingly simple one requires him to control all his strength and step on the treetops with a very delicate ingenuity. At the same time, his body weight should sink slightly with the treetops for a moment. It takes a short burst of strength to continue flying without stepping on the treetops.


With the howling of the wind, Li Que landed on another treetop. He immediately adjusted his body strength and then sank for a moment, followed by a very fast speed transfer of strength. With his true energy lifted up, the muscles on the soles of his feet exerted force for a short time.

"No, it exploded too violently..."

The moment the power exploded, Li Que felt that something was wrong. As expected, the treetops clicked at the next moment, and Li Que opened his eyes.



Li Que, who fell from the treetops, yelped twice in fright, but when he landed on the ground, he found that it didn't hurt at all——had pure Yang Zhenqi body protection and [Super Physique] a tree Falling from the height of the tree can no longer hurt him.

"Scared me, but in the future, this common sense of perception must be corrected quickly."

Li Que breathed a sigh of relief, but then he came up with a new idea. If he maintains the current common sense stress response, then his full strength may not be able to be exerted due to this common sense limitation.

These thoughts flashed through Li Que's mind, and then continued to run the [Swallow Pigeon Light Body Technique] and jumped up from the ground again.

The only way to adapt is to keep training, training!
"Whoosh whoosh..."


In the afternoon, the whistling sound of the air being drawn away by objects and the occasional sound of tree branches exercising could be heard continuously in the back mountain.

In order to achieve the best exercise effect, Li Que must concentrate all his energy to control his own strength, which consumes a lot of physical strength.

In this way, at dusk, he was out of breath and returned to his yard.

(End of this chapter)

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