Chapter 14

Hearing the compliments from the men around her, a smile appeared on Chen Li's face. She looked at her number plate, then glanced at Chen Luyi who was tuning the violin, picked up her violin, and stroked it slightly.

"Maybe this is destiny, just like the gentleman's thought eliminated by the advanced Western thought."

The flattering words of the men and women around her reached Chen Li's heart, and she raised her eyebrows vaguely and glanced at Chen Luyi who was adjusting the guqin.

It seemed that he looked at her and didn't seem to look at her. He was just talking to the people in his circle.

"No matter how hard the lowly nations try, they can't resist the offensive of the coalition forces. Their ignorant beliefs can never be compared with the noble Christ."

Chen Li wanted to say something more, but a woman beside her suddenly pulled her. She turned her head and saw a staff member approaching, and quickly shut her mouth.


Chen Luyi's mentality was not affected too much when he met some annoying people while queuing.

For her now, the other party is no different from a clown.

At the moment, she is thinking about what she should play when she goes on stage to compete.

Randomly pick one from the songs you know before?
Seems kind of bad.

Play a song [Sunset Xiaogu] with the ancient rhythm learned from "Dreamland"?
But Gu Lu knows how to sing such a song, isn't it too casual to just play it like this?

It's just a school game.

Chen Luyi caressed her seven-hyun guqin. Now she was just playing the piano, and countless thoughts came out of her mind, as if there was an infinite and deep foundation supporting her.

She suddenly remembered the story of her grandfather, the difficulties and perseverance she encountered since she was a child, and the teacher Li Jianmin who succumbed to life but had a dream, and finally burst out the dream.

After thinking for a while, Chen Luyi suddenly plucked the strings.


She knew what she wanted to play.


Dansu University Auditorium, this is a large auditorium that can accommodate thousands of people, and many important events will be held in it on weekdays.

When it is idle, it will also be rented to outsiders. These few days are the time for the divisional staff of the [World Music Competition] to rent venues to select contestants.

However, college students obviously have little interest in this kind of competition played by unknown players, especially when most students are still on vacation.

Therefore, there are actually not many people in the huge auditorium.

Lu Pingping found a very front position, and had already prepared the video recording.

"Welcome contestant No. [-], singer Hong Yun sang "Better Separate""

The host announced on the stage that the competition had finally started. Hearing the title of the song, Lu Pingping, she couldn't help but feel refreshed. She liked this song very much.

【You and I have guessed and guessed and decided to separate why there is still no exception in our ending...】

The singer sang well, and Lu Pingping's interest in this competition suddenly became higher.

She looked to the left, and saw a group of men and women sitting crookedly together, including a woman in Lolita clothes.

Like Liu Linlin?

He didn't care, Lu Pingping knew that they were not the ones he wanted to search for, so he turned his gaze to the right, and his eyes lit up immediately.

A group of boys and girls with textbooks in their hands sat on the chairs in an orderly manner. She quickly identified a few students among them who heard the sound of the piano when Chen Luyi was playing the piano by the lake that day.

Lu Pingping felt a moment of small satisfaction in his heart, a feeling that the things he recognized were liked by others.

Then she shifted her gaze and began to watch the performance of a group of contestants with great interest.

"It's a good song, too."

"This simple there anything to listen to?"

"Wuyuzi, why are there still people who recite poems? Why do you recite poems and participate in the music competition?"

Lu Pingping expressed his opinions one by one to the players who kept playing.

However, watching the performance of unknown contestants on the spot, only the first few were interested, and Lu Pingping later lost interest.

She turned her head and looked around, the group on the left had already started laughing and beating and scolding, and the students on the right had also started whispering, apparently losing their energy very quickly.

This situation did not improve until Chen Luyi was about to play.

"Welcome No. 12 contestant Chen Li, playing: violin solo."

The host on the stage reported with a smile, and immediately there were bursts of chirping voices from the group on the left.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Chen Li is going to play."

"Chen Li, come on!"

"Chen Li, you are the best!"

"Enter the national competition and win glory for Dansu!"

"Promote the beauty of the violin!"

A burst of shouting and cheering came from the side, and Lu Pingping was speechless for a while: "My God, what country are you from?"

"Please keep quiet at the game site."

The judges sitting at the front of the auditorium glanced back, and the staff on the side immediately shouted with a loudspeaker, their eyes were stern, the group of people muttered a few words, and then shut up resentfully.

"Hello, judges and my friends, what I bring today is "he is a pirdte""

Chen Li on the stage did not seem to be affected by the scene in the auditorium. She was full of confidence and greeted the audience and judges with a smile.

The group of people sitting on the left waved their hands and howled immediately in response, and the staff's eyes sharpened before they all stopped.

Regarding this, Chen Li on the stage was still smiling all over her face. She saluted gracefully, then sat on the stool on the stage for the performers to sit on, with one chin, and slowly put on the violin.


The sound of the violin slowly resounded in the auditorium, slowly to the end.

"It's not very good at playing."

Lu Pingping, who was sitting in the middle, couldn't help muttering. Chen Li on the stage finished playing confidently, and she didn't feel anything.

I felt the same way, and the group of students sitting on Lu Pingping's right were a little indifferent to the piece played by Chen Li.

They had no choice but to leave Chen Li's greetings just now. After all, she said "my friends" and they were obviously not her friends. This made it so that—when the performance ended, except for the people on the left, No one applauded.

"Thank you for your support and love."

Some people applauded, and the scene wasn't too embarrassing, but Chen Li didn't seem to be affected by this in the slightest. She still bowed confidently, then turned and left.

In fact, she really didn't feel that she had anything because the ordinary audience didn't applaud, because she really played very well, otherwise she wouldn't be so confident (including her friends).

Although applause represented approval, apart from her friends, Lu Pingping and those students, there were only staff members and judges in the auditorium.

The staff and judges obviously don't applaud. If Lu Pingping and the others don't applaud, naturally no one will applaud.

In this regard, she identified it as: "a group of farmers who don't know how to appreciate art."

She didn't know that after hearing the sound of Chen Luyi's piano, in their hearts, she played the piano really well.

When passing by the players' rest area, like a proud goose, she glanced at Chen Luyi, twitched her lips in disdain, and turned to leave.

"On the 13th, it's your turn."

Chen Luyi, who was preparing, heard the shouts from the staff and nodded. Dressed up, she was still carrying the worn-out Guqin.

Stepping into the arena, except for Lu Pingping, who waved his arms and cheered in a low voice, there was silence.

"Hi everyone, I'm Chen Luyi, and today I bring you a song "Swordsman""

Chen Luyi landed on the ground with a clear voice, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and slowly placed his hands on the piano.

Look up and smile.


The students on the right stayed in their seats.

Having little contact with Chen Luyi, and seeing her dressed up for the first time, there is only one sentence in their hearts at this moment: So women can be so beautiful!

The program camera in the corner, which was shooting live, faithfully recorded this scene.

Before the sound of the piano sounded, people were already intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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