Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 90 Treatment

Chapter 90 Treatment
Zhou Xueping is not wrong about this matter, she doesn't believe in those messy folk remedies, she always says that folk remedies can cure serious illnesses, but those are all folk words to deceive fools, truly literate and knowledgeable people will not believe those so-called folk remedies, Zhou Xueping also graduated with a master's degree or a master's degree in law. How could she believe in folk remedies?
Ye Susu, on the other hand, knew how powerful Tang Sheng was. Even Chen Shishi's terminal illness could be cured. This super-concentrated eau-de-vie would cure trauma very quickly, but my mother just didn't believe it. Because she couldn't come up with convincing evidence.

"Why don't you try it first?" Seeing the mother and daughter arguing louder and louder, Tang Sheng couldn't stand it anymore, and soon all three members of the family looked over.

"Try? How do you try?" Ye Susu looked at Tang Sheng with a little joy, and the stone finally offered to help her.

"No, I saw that the skin on my uncle's nose is also broken. You can apply the medicine there first to try the effect. If the medicine doesn't work, you don't need to use it. Besides, it's medicine that probably won't do any harm. If it breaks Even if the skinned area is really hurt, it won't hurt too much, it's just a little wound." Tang Sheng pointed at the mummy's head.

Indeed, Ye Yuanshan's head was almost completely wrapped in gauze, but his nose was still exposed because he had to breathe, and there was a bit of skin on the tip of his nose, the wound was small, but very new, about the size of a soybean grain It looks a little smaller, and it is estimated that such a wound will heal naturally in three or four days.

After Tang Sheng's body shape, the mother and daughter both looked at Ye Yuanshan, and they saw the small scar. In the end, Zhou Xueping hesitated for a long time before nodding. She also felt that her daughter would not harm her husband, but she was still a little worried. Ye Susu Also relieved.

After unscrewing the bottle cap and pouring out a little water of life, Ye Susu dipped a little on the belly of her little finger and gently wiped it on the left side of Ye Yuanshan's nose. The wound was quickly covered by this little bit of liquid. After covering it, Ye Yuanshan felt a slight coolness on his nose, but after three or four seconds, the coolness disappeared, as if it never appeared.

"You kid is really nonsense! You actually believe these folk remedies, and you don't know how much money you have cheated others this time. There are too many liars now, and they are too cunning. If these folk remedies can really cure diseases, those liars You have already made a fortune. Although you have already gone to college, you still lack experience in this society. You still need to practice hard. Hey, you dare to sell it with just such a little water. The current liar is really abominable, and I must let you in the future. Uncle will severely catch these liars, or else..." Zhou Xueping shook her head helplessly, still thinking that her daughter was cheated, and began to worry about her daughter's IQ, but she was caught by her just now. The daughter interrupted.

"Mom, look at Dad's nose," Ye Susu said with a smile, and she was relieved. Tang Sheng really didn't lie to himself. The concentrated eau-de-vie had been too long, so Mom murmured a few words In just over 20 seconds, the scar that was smaller than a soybean grain completely disappeared, the new skin and flesh had grown completely, and the broken skin just now completely disappeared. The only thing that could be seen It's just that the place is a little whitish, which is completely different from the surrounding skin color.

At this moment, Zhou Xueping also slowly widened her eyes, opened her mouth slowly, then closed her eyes for a few seconds, rubbed them vigorously, and took a closer look. The broken skin just now was indeed It disappeared, and the skin turned a little pale. Zhou Xueping opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Dad, look for yourself. The scar on your nose just now completely disappeared." Ye Susu took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera in front of the mirror, and asked Dad to look at it for himself. He couldn't express his opinion, and he didn't see the small wound on his nose just now.

Now Ye Susu was completely relieved, but Zhou Xueqing was still hesitant, but Ye Susu didn't care about that, and started to remove the stitches from the gauze on her father's face, and soon the gauze was taken off by Ye Susu. Seeing the wound on Dad's face, Ye Susu shivered in fright, it was too scary.

The scar is too long, and it even scratched from under the chin to the forehead in a straight arc. No wonder the whole face was covered up, and nearly forty stitches were stitched. This half of the face was completely ruined. Seeing this scar Ye Susu's eye circles are red again, women are like this, they like to burst into tears when encountering things, women are all emotional animals, it seems to be born.

"Be careful, this is your father, Susu, is this thing really useful?" Zhou Xueping asked again cautiously, Ye Yuanshan is the pillar of the family, if something happens to him, it will be a big trouble.

"Mom, don't worry, even if I hurt myself, I can't hurt my dad. Just watch, my dad's injury will heal soon." At this time, Ye Susu didn't realize that she trusted Tang Tang completely. Sheng, because this thing was given to her by Tang Sheng, what if it doesn't work?Or what if there is greater harm?Ye Susu didn't even think about this at all, and Tang Sheng next to him also smiled because of his 100% trust.

Ye Yuanshan also sighed, he also knew that his daughter was doing it for his own good, so he was willing to go all out, even if something really happened to his face, he wouldn't blame his daughter, after all, he also believed that her daughter would not hurt him, even though he was young He didn't take care of his daughter much, after all, he was too busy, but he would pamper her whenever he had time.

Ye Susu applied medicine to her father while crying, washed her hands, poured some liquid from the bottle, and then slowly wiped it on the freshly sutured wound with the pads of her fingers. The wound was so shocking that it felt like Terrible horror.

Ye Susu applied the medicine very slowly and carefully, little by little, her hands were as gentle as a breeze, and in just over 20 seconds, the horrible wound slowly began to heal, really fast, almost here The degree of subverting human cognition, Zhou Xueping rubbed her eyes again, she really couldn't believe her eyes.

"What about these sutures?" Ye Susu frowned looking at those sutures.

"Well, why don't you cut it open and slowly pull it out with tweezers?" Tang Sheng said uncertainly. These sutures should be a kind of biological suture that was unfortunately absorbed, but now there is no need for these sutures at all. , the wound has healed, but the sutures are unsightly.

Ye Susu nodded, also admired, got up and went out, and came back about ten minutes later, with a pair of tweezers and a pair of small scissors in his hand, just like that Ye Susu started to touch his father's face again. Toss up.

In fact, this kind of behavior is not allowed in the hospital. Since you have to listen to the doctor when you enter the hospital, how can you do it yourself?What if you mess up and make the patient's condition more troublesome?Who bears this responsibility?But Ye Susu didn't care about that, she only knew that her father should be healed as soon as possible, the doctor never thought that such a traumatic wound that would only heal within a month or two could heal so quickly.

After sterilizing the small scissors and tweezers, use the small scissors to cut the sutures, and then use the small tweezers to start pulling out those sutures. The speed is very slow, but it also hurts a little, making the corners of Ye Yuanshan's mouth twitch non-stop, but He saw the shocked expression on his wife's face and knew that the scar on his face had healed a lot, although he couldn't figure out what was going on and what happened.

It took more than 50 minutes and nearly an hour to pull out all the sutures. Then Ye Susu dipped some water of life again and wiped the place where the sutures were just lightly. They were completely cured, but whether it was Ye Susu or Zhou Xueping, the mother and daughter frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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