Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 79 Mature

Chapter 79 Mature
"Huh? Why are you lying on top of me?" Tang Sheng slowly opened his eyes, but was startled. He was lying on the bed while Ye Susu was lying on top of him.

It seems that after drinking some wine last night, Ye Susu said that she wanted Tang Sheng to tell a story. Tang Sheng smelled the vague fragrance of Ye Susu's body and fell asleep again. Ye Susu saw Tang Sheng fell asleep Boldly put her head directly over it, she really wanted to find out if Tang Sheng's heart really didn't beat when he was sleeping, because Tang Sheng's chest really didn't rise and fall when he fell asleep, which was a bit scary.

Carefully put her head on Tang Sheng's left chest, afraid of waking Tang Sheng up, when her ear was put on it slowly, Ye Susu suddenly smelled a strange breath, which fascinated her, as if The whole mind was completely relaxed, and within a second or two, Ye Susu was completely immersed in this kind of intoxication, and even forgot to listen to whether Tang Sheng's heart was still beating.

Then, in less than ten seconds, Ye Susu was completely immersed in it, and then fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. This sleep was so comfortable, how can I describe it? As if it was fully charged, when Ye Susu was woken up by Tang Sheng's words, she was extremely energetic, and immediately got up immediately.

"Huh? Where is this place?" Although Ye Susu was extremely energetic, she was still a little confused. It was already bright outside.

"My bed, what are you... ouch", before Tang Sheng finished speaking, Ye Susu covered his mouth, and Ye Susu pinched his arm severely, and then saw Ye Susu run away quickly It made Tang Sheng smile wryly, and slowly remembered what happened last night.

Ye Susu doesn't use perfume very much, but she does use cosmetics. The faint smell of cosmetics is quite pleasant, and there is also Ye Susu's body fragrance mixed in. Tang Sheng hasn't touched a woman for 12 years. It can be said that he is abstinent After 12 years, this time I smelled the feminine breath of Ye Susu, and I was a little intoxicated. I wanted to do it but felt it was inappropriate. In Tang Sheng's eyes, Ye Susu and his age were too different. She was just a little sister, so he simply went into a daze. Well, or I really can't resist.

But he didn't expect that Tang Sheng had slowly practiced the magical art of the unity of nature and man, and he became unconscious again in a very short period of time, and then his body began to exude attractive temptations, Ye Susu was like Like a mosquito, she got into the net obediently, and slept on Tang Sheng's body like this all night. When she woke up in the morning, Ye Susu's hand was still tightly clutching Tang Sheng's clothes. That comfortable look made Tang Sheng open his eyes. When I opened my eyes and looked at it, my heart fluttered for a while, but I held it back.

After Ye Susu ran out, she was naturally very shy. Fortunately, there was no one at home in the morning. Chen Shishi and her grandfather went out for a run, and even Ma Feng went to exercise. Sleep in your house all night?Still lying on top of him?Covering his face, his cheeks felt hot, and he quickly remembered what happened last night. Didn't he want to hear if Tang Sheng had a heartbeat?Why does it seem like I fell asleep instantly when I lay on top of him?How strange.

Ye Susu felt more and more that Tang Sheng was a strange guy, who always seemed to reveal some strange secrets, which made people puzzled, but when she thought of Tang Sheng's pleasant smell, she couldn't help it. Fascinated, Ye Susu stomped her feet fiercely, Ye Susu decided that she must find out the secret of the stone.

After changing into casual clothes, Tang Sheng tidied up and went out. Let Ye Susu cook breakfast. Although her skills are still not good, after three days of learning, she no longer puts salt so hard, but she barely ate it. Today he I want to see Zhou Manman. I made an appointment to meet at the gate of the school at eight o'clock in the morning. Although it's only six fifty, it's really far away from the school.

After sending Ye Susu a message, Tang Sheng strolled out. At this time, the sun had already started to rise, and when the sun rose into the sky, it would continue to usher in a scorching hot weather.

"It's really a rock, a rock, a broken rock!" After receiving Tang Sheng's message, Ye Susu stomped her feet fiercely. After chasing after her, she saw Tang Sheng's back 60 meters away, but she was too shy to chase after what happened just now. Going up, knowing that Tang Sheng is going to see his old lover today, Ye Susu always has a kitten scratching her heart, and she really wants to go with her.

It took Tang Sheng more than 20 minutes to walk to the main road. This road is really difficult to walk. Not to mention the dirt road is very bumpy. This road was even worse before. The owner of the previous farm made this dirt road simple. After some repairs, it got better, but after several rounds of heavy rain, the road became difficult to walk again.

After taking a taxi, Tang Sheng went directly to Chuncheng University of Technology. At this time, although the students are on vacation, those who are going to work are not on vacation. In a metropolis like Chuncheng, there is still a lot of traffic when going to work, and the taxi takes less than 5 minutes. I ran into the first car accident within minutes, and waited for seven or eight minutes before finally driving again. Then there was the second car accident. There are more and more cars in Chuncheng, and there are naturally more and more novice drivers. I don’t know about such accidents every day. How many appear.

It was already 58:[-] when Tang Sheng got off the taxi. If he was going to school, he must be late today, because it will take some time to walk in. Tang Sheng glanced around when he got off the bus, and saw Over there was a woman in a light green dress, holding an umbrella and wearing a pair of sunglasses. Tang Sheng just glanced at it before swaying past.

"Huh~~, I'm not late, it looks like she hasn't come yet." Tang Sheng said to himself, with a wry smile on his face, why?Why didn't I feel any excitement even though I came to see my ex-girlfriend?When looking at the gate of Chuncheng University of Technology, the scenes of getting along with Zhou Manman kept appearing in front of her eyes.

Three years of falling in love and falling in love at that time felt really good, but why couldn't arouse the passion in my heart?Don't you want nothing now?No, no, I was still very excited to see the youthful and beautiful Ye Susu lying on her body in the morning, if I hadn't held back and almost kissed her, I would still have lust, huh?I came to see Zhou Manman, why did I think of Ye Susu again?He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his forehead.

"Tang Sheng?" A familiar but very mature female voice came into Tang Sheng's ears. Tang Sheng turned his head hastily. It was the woman in the green dress that he saw just now. Tang Sheng was naturally a little dumbfounded. up.

The mature woman took off the big sunglasses on her face and directly revealed a delicate face. Tang Sheng was stunned after taking a look. It was Zhou Manman, a slightly familiar face, but Zhou Manman and The gap between Zhou Manman in Tang Sheng's memory was too big, too mature, which made Tang Sheng unacceptable for a while.

In fact, Tang Sheng still cannot accept the fact that 12 years have passed. In Tang Sheng’s consciousness, he has only been starving in that strange space for more than three months. After he came out, everything changed. In his consciousness, Zhou Manman should still be the young and beautiful girl who is full of vitality and a little bit of youthfulness, with slender hands, a little makeup, and a graceful waist, but what the hell is this mature woman in front of her?Tang Sheng was really taken aback, his eyes were full of surprise and disbelief, he even closed his eyes and shook his head, but it was still the same when he opened them again.

There is a fairer makeup on the face, but it doesn't match the light makeup at all, and the small waist is gone. Although there is no bucket waist, it doesn't match the slenderness. The slightly plump figure makes this skirt It is also a little less elegant, wearing a platinum necklace around the neck, and a pale pink pearl is inlaid on the necklace, the hair is dyed a little yellow, but the lips are very red, and the fingernails are also red , with a faint smile on his face.

If other people see Zhou Manman like this, they will definitely be moved. Mature, charming, and plump figure are the signs of a mature woman, and her skin is also well maintained, but this is not the same as Zhou Manman in Tang Sheng's memory. Man is completely different, the difference is too far, naturally it is unacceptable for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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