Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 76 Wang Wang

Chapter 76 Wang Wang
"How is this possible? Her father is the most famous entrepreneur in our city. How could he open such a restaurant in such a corner?" The two looked at each other with incredulous expressions in their eyes. , but seeing Zhao Ziyou continue to eat, the two of them continued to eat. The seafood here is really delicious. Not only does it not have the fishy smell of seafood in other places, but it also has a special sweet taste. It is so delicious. The dishes In the middle, the freshness of seafood is vividly reflected.

"I don't know. You should ask her this question. I'm not God. Hey, you two, eat slowly and save some for me." Zhao Ziyou felt a little anxious when he saw the fish in front of him keep decreasing. This fish is not small, it weighs about ten catties, but these two guys seem to be reincarnated from starvation, with large pieces of fish stuffed into their mouths, this fish is really not enough for three What the big guy eats, the most important thing is that this fish has only one main spine, and all other small spines are missing, which is really strange.

"Woof~", the three of them were eating fish and suddenly heard a dog barking. The three of them couldn't help being a little surprised. When they raised their heads, they saw a husky running in, and then the three of them all It was not a husky that surprised them, but what the husky did afterwards made the three of them unacceptable.

"Woof~~ (I'm back)", Sasha greeted in advance and ran in, just like a child who always shouted "Mom, I'm back" after returning home. Now Sasha can be considered a child, at least IQ About the same IQ as a child.

"Wow~~~~(What's going on? It's not even time for dinner, why is there a smell of cooking? Are you stealing delicious food behind my back again?)" Sasha turned her head and looked around Soon after, I saw three people at the dinner table over there, all of whom didn't know each other, but after thinking about it, it seems that this is a restaurant, and a restaurant is a place where people eat, right?It is not surprising that three strangers come.

Then Sasha ignored them, took out a mobile phone from nowhere, jumped onto the chair with a light hop, squatted on the chair with her two back feet, and lay on the other side with her front feet or more than half of her front body. At the dinner table, after putting down the mobile phone, I started playing with my mobile phone with my paws. From time to time, strange music came from the mobile phone. If you often play with your mobile phone, you will find these music very familiar. Many music is like that. Familiar with the majestic soundtrack.

"Wen Bin, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming? That dog seems to be watching the video on the phone." Zhao Ziyou was stunned and nudged Wang Wenbin with his elbow.

Wang Wenbin was also a little demented. He stretched out his hand to pinch, but Yang Zicheng next to him screamed out. It seemed that the pinch was painful. At this time, Wang Wenbin was also a little confused. He pinched the wrong person. I want Zhao Ziyou to pinch himself to see if he is dreaming, a dog is actually playing with his mobile phone, is this world too crazy or have I been completely eliminated by this advanced world?

Ye Susu toiled Tang Sheng in the back kitchen for a long time before finally adding a dish to the three of them. After all, they were considered friends, but this dish was made by Ye Susu. Compared with Tang Sheng, Ye Susu's cooking skills were much worse than Tang Sheng's, but The material is good. The size of each shrimp in this plate is about fifteen or six centimeters. They are all super species bred with eau-de-vie, not to mention the taste, and the plate of super shrimps The pricing has reached a terrifying 8000 yuan.

For rich people, 8000 yuan a dish is not expensive, but you have to know that there are only eight shrimps in this big plate, and it is also because of the size that it is too big to put eight shrimps. Shrimp will cost 1000 yuan.

This kind of super fancy shrimp is not only delicious, 1000 yuan for a shrimp looks very expensive, but if you take this super fancy shrimp to the laboratory for inspection, you will find such a shrimp for 1000 yuan It's too cheap, every flower shrimp contains anthocyanin, and the anthocyanin content of ordinary flower shrimp is also rich, but it's not too outrageous, and Tang Sheng used the water of life to breed flowers for seven or eight days. The normal value of anthocyanins in each shrimp is [-] to [-] times.

Anthocyanins have many functions, such as anti-oxidation, anti-cancer, enhancing immunity and so on. After eating this super flower shrimp, you will find that your skin will become different from before in a few hours. Although the change is not too obvious, if you look carefully, you will find that the skin will become whiter and tenderer. The most important thing is that this tens of thousands of times of anthocyanin will also cause rapid repair of the nervous system, making the nervous system overactive , can increase the speed of the brain.

And if you eat this super flower shrimp for three meals a day and excessively absorb this anthocyanin, it will have a special effect. Of course, the premise is that your body can resist the impact of so many anthocyanins. Sometimes excessive The body can't absorb things, just like if you insist on holding a ton of water in an ordinary bucket, I'm afraid the bucket will be washed down in the end.

"Sasha, why did you come back so early today? Didn't I tell you that this is the dining room, you are not allowed to come here, come back with me quickly", Ye Susu naturally saw Erha who was swiping her phone over there , hastily reprimanded him, and then took the big dog away with all his strength. Erha barked twice when he took him away, and pointed to the mobile phone on the table with his dog's paw, which means' I haven't brought my mobile phone yet." Ye Susu had no choice but to come back and take away the mobile phone that was stained with Salsa's saliva on the table.

It wasn't until this time that the three people here woke up, and they slapped themselves at the same time. Of course, they didn't use too much force, but their faces hurt a little. The three of them looked at each other and were a little stunned. Was that a husky just now?But why does it look more and more like Erlang God's roaring dog?Otherwise, how did you become refined?It's incredible that I can still play with my mobile phone.

The three of them looked at the empty dining room again. How strange this place is, the food is expensive and the service is terrible. There is no waiter at all. A husky can play with a mobile phone, but the seafood is delicious. , What kind of place is this?

"Shishi, your body is too strong, run slower next time, I can't keep up." Ye Tian gasped for breath, sweat dripping down from his forehead almost like running water .

"Grandpa, I think I am very ordinary. You are not slower than me at all. You can keep up with me even if I run faster. Hehe, Brother Feng is the best. I have been running for more than half an hour. It is so hot. I haven't sweated much today." Chen Shishi kept wiping the sweat off her forehead, even though she was wearing quick-drying sportswear, she was already drenched in sweat.

Ma Feng acted as if I didn't know you guys. In fact, Ma Feng didn't know how to complain at this time. Let me talk about Mr. Ye first. He has been with Mr. Ye for three years. Mr. Ye's health is not good. He was in a nursing home before. When I was a child, I spent at least half of the day either lying in bed or in a wheelchair, and I was only able to move around occasionally. Let alone running, I felt tired even if I walked fast.

Mr. Ye's health is really bad. He has undergone several major surgeries, and his vitality has been injured long ago. He has been injured several times on the battlefield. He is only in his 60s, but he looks about the same as an 80-year-old If it wasn't for the good maintenance these years, it would probably be gone long ago.

What now?Just over half an hour, I ran a distance of five or six kilometers in one breath, and it was still on the beach, facing the scorching sun. I guess even an ordinary person in a sub-healthy state cannot bear such an intense exercise method, but the old man is not He looked exhausted, and obviously still had some energy left.

(End of this chapter)

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