Chapter 7 Eating
Tang Sheng was finally sure that this was not a dream. After taking a deep breath, he took the money and walked to Xiaonan Street over there. He bought a T-shirt, a pair of big pants, and a few hairbands. He was no longer dressed as a beggar, wearing a pair of thick-soled sandals with the feeling of stepping on shit just bought, and holding a thick wooden stick in his hand, he was not much different from a tourist.

"Boss, here's hot pot chicken, spicy, five sesame cakes, two bottles of cold beer, and..." After changing his clothes, Tang Sheng walked directly into a hot pot restaurant. In a hot pot restaurant like Chuncheng I don't know how many seafood restaurants there are.

"Okay, it'll be ready soon." It's not eleven o'clock at this time, but it's time to serve someone later. Tang Sheng came in alone. The boss thought Tang Sheng came to order in advance, but seeing Tang Sheng sitting After ordering, I hurriedly responded, and about ten minutes later, the hot pot, lettuce and tofu were served.

"Hiss~~~, hoo~~~~", Tang Sheng cried, really crying, how long has he not eaten?Tang Sheng felt happy when he took the first mouthful of spicy vermicelli, and cried happily. He was still chewing the vermicelli, but his stomach was still growling.

The spicy and spicy vermicelli was finally chewed up by Tang Sheng and swallowed into his stomach. It was delicious, really delicious. After taking a bite of the biscuits, he ate a piece of chicken. Tang Sheng University is in Chuncheng. He has eaten too much seafood, but now this hot pot chicken fills his stomach even more.

After eating a piece of chicken, Tang Sheng burst into tears again. It was delicious. It was so delicious. Tang Sheng felt as if he hadn’t eaten food for more than ten years. The world is so beautiful. This was Tang Sheng’s only sigh.

Tang Sheng was really excited while crying and eating here, but he didn't know that the boss over there had been frightened. What was going on with this young man?The boss was a little dazed at this moment, but he could only lament that there are too many strange things these days. Looking around, no one is holding a mobile phone. It seems that this is not a live broadcast, so he shook his head and continued to work.

Five biscuits have already entered his stomach, and half a pot of hot pot chicken has also been eaten. Most of the vermicelli, tofu, spinach, etc. have also been eaten, but Tang Sheng does not feel full at all, but is even more hungry. My stomach is no longer growling, but the feeling of hunger cannot be faked.

"Boss, serve five more pancakes!" Tang Sheng rubbed his stomach, something was wrong, something was wrong, not to mention that he was full, his stomach was not even flattened.

Just now Tang Sheng felt a very strange thing. He used to eat every day. After eating, the food would naturally enter the stomach along the esophagus, and then the stomach would be filled slowly, but now?After entering the esophagus, the food that was eaten seemed to disappear out of thin air or turned into a wave of hot energy and penetrated into his body, and his stomach felt nothing at all.

How to describe it, in fact, there are some supernatural beings in this world. For example, some people's bodies can absorb metals such as spoons and small iron pieces. Their bodies are like magnets. There are some people who are not afraid of the cold. There is such a person in the Polar Bear Country, who runs in the ice and snow wearing only a pair of swimming trunks in the low temperature of minus [-] to [-] degrees in winter, without frostbite at all.

There is also a kind of person with a particularly thick gastric membrane and a very strong digestive ability, which is dozens of times the digestive ability of an ordinary person's stomach. Really very different.

However, Tang Sheng was different from that kind of person at this time. He felt that the food he ate in his stomach was completely digested as if he was rushing to eat it, and it was decomposed into the purest energy and stored in his body. His body seems to have turned into an energy black hole, constantly transforming the food he eats into energy and making it disappear completely, so he can't eat enough.

In order to confirm his guess, Tang Sheng naturally wanted to experiment. He ate five more biscuits. A full ten biscuits might fill the stomach of the king of stomachs, right?And there was a hot pot of chicken and vegetarian dishes. Tang Sheng rubbed his belly, but he still didn't feel full, but he wasn't so hungry anymore.

Of course, if he ate it again, Tang Sheng felt that it would not be a problem to eat three more servings, but if he really did that, he might become a freak, and maybe he would be arrested for research, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Now Tang Sheng felt that his physique was no different from that of Tang Monk. He couldn't help but think of the scene in the morning, when the ants, seabirds and those dogs all rushed over madly, as if they were coming for his own blood. Why does it look more and more like a real version of Journey to the West?

But Tang Sheng is not as stupid as Tang Seng. He wears cassocks every day, rides a white horse, and declares his name wherever he goes, "The poor monk is a Tang monk from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and he is going to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures." This is not clearly shouting 'Hey, monsters, Ben Roushi is here, come and catch me', this is definitely a manifestation of mental retardation.

Tang Sheng paid 180 yuan and walked out of the meal with a bottle of orange juice. It was just after twelve o'clock, and it was the time for the meal, and the shop owner and a few shop assistants just talked about Tang Sheng, a big eater, can really eat. He even made ten sesame cakes and a hot pot of spicy chicken by himself. When he gets busy, he will naturally forget about this topic.

Wearing a newly bought shorts and vest, Tang Sheng was also filled with emotions when walking on the bustling streets of Chuncheng. When he was in college, Chuncheng was not as lively and bustling. The population of Chuncheng at that time was not so large, and there were not so many cars on the road. Glancing at the car with a long queue waiting for the traffic lights, he shook his head and continued to wander.

After 12 years of absence, Tang Sheng really wanted to take a good look around this familiar yet unfamiliar city. The year he left, the capital had just hosted the Olympic Games. Several major events really happened in that year, such as a major earthquake and snow disaster. , the milk powder incident, Shenqi going to heaven, etc., everything is vivid in my memory, as if it happened just yesterday, but 12 years have passed in a blink of an eye, Tang Sheng is really full of emotions.

It is now the end of July, the hottest time of the year, and the temperature in Spring City is hot, humid and stuffy. It can be said that everyone outside will soak their clothes with sweat, but if you look carefully, you will He found that Tang Sheng's clothes, which were exposed to the sun, didn't look wet at all, not even a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Tang Sheng drank the iced orange juice in his mouth, but he really didn't feel hot. The big sun above his head would only make him feel warmer. Wandering leisurely in the streets and alleys.

(End of this chapter)

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