Chapter 69
Today's test was very successful, and the hidden functions of the body were also tested. Tang Sheng thought he was Tang Seng before. If he was caught by a monster, it would be troublesome. He doesn't have Sun Houzi and Zhu Bajie to save him, but now But Tang Sheng knew that he was no longer Tang Seng. If he fell into a desperate situation, he could become a monster. Hehe, this can be regarded as his own life-saving means.

Of course, this kind of life-saving method cannot be used casually. If people see it, it will be troublesome. If the real version of the Hulk really appears, it will probably cause a sensation in the world. At that time, you will be hiding in the deep mountains and old forests It will also be dug out, so once the transformed body is seen by others, it must be silenced.

But there are still many questions to be clarified, such as how big can my body grow up to?How strong does it become?Where is the limit?And how to freely control your own body?Can you just make your body stronger without getting bigger?Are there any other hidden features?Of course, the premise of all these is that the energy is sufficient. It seems that a lot of tests will be needed in the future.

Looking at the dark sea around him, Tang Sheng couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did this kind of test in the ocean and in the dark night. Otherwise, it might really be discovered. Sea water is also the best umbrella, and this method can continue to be used in the future.

After wiping the water jet off his body, he went into the hut in the fish raft and looked at his watch. It was already around one o'clock in the middle of the night, so he should go to bed first. At this time, the terrifying giant returned to normal, and the fish that had just been scared away slowly wandered over again.

In fact, Tang Sheng has already discovered that he doesn’t need to sleep at all. Normal people need sleep. If they don’t sleep for a long time, the brain will gradually go wrong. If they don’t sleep for three or four days, the brain will gradually swell. And hallucinations will follow. If you don't sleep for five or six days, the human body will reach a limit, and eventually your organs will fail and you will die.

But Tang Sheng's body has not only this problem at all, let alone five or six days, even if he doesn't sleep for five or six months, Tang Sheng will not feel the slightest problem with his body, but Tang Sheng still thinks he is human after all, yes, just He thinks that's all, he is no longer human.At least the body is no longer an ordinary human body.

And sleeping as a person is very normal. It has been a habit for more than 20 years. Naturally, you have to stick to it. When Tang Sheng lay there and closed his eyes, his brain began to empty slowly, almost within a few seconds. Sheng fell into a state of emptiness again, almost exactly the same as when he was in a daze. This was not sleeping, but a daze with his eyes closed.

In fact, this is a realm that is in line with nature, and you can also understand the realm of the unity of nature and man. This kind of perception of nature can make the evolution of Tang Sheng's body faster, and at the same time, the free energy in the surrounding air will also Slowly enter Tang Sheng's body and store it.

Why does Tang Sheng often feel that the night passes after opening and closing his eyes?It's normal, because this realm and nature have merged into one, just like a rock, even if it stands there for thousands of years, it doesn't seem like time is passing by. The same is true for Tang Sheng, time has nothing to him Great effect.

"Huh? That's..." At five o'clock in the morning, Tang Sheng was woken up by a loud phone ringing. After answering the phone, Tang Sheng was so angry that his nose almost crooked. Ye Sufei said that he would come out early. Catch the sea, today is the tide at 05:30 in the morning, but I have no choice but to come back by paddling a small sampan.

But he didn't know that after Ye Susu came back yesterday, he put on the newly bought skirt to show him, but this guy took the fishing rod and went to sleep on the fish raft, Ye Susu was really angry, what is it when a woman is angry I could do it all, no, I tricked Tang Sheng into telling him to catch the sea at five o'clock this morning, but Ye Susu happily turned off the phone and went to sleep after the phone call, but Tang Sheng didn't know that Ye Susu was playing a prank. I really ran to the reef area here and waited.

He didn't wait for Ye Susu, but he saw a figure on the edge of the cliff in the reef area. At this time, the sky was basically bright, but it was still a little dark, and the distance was too far, so Tang Sheng couldn't see it clearly.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Sheng began to slowly mobilize the hidden energy in his body, trying to use this energy to his eyes, but just as soon as he mobilized, he felt his body swell, which scared Tang Sheng to give up in a hurry. The energy in the body is still a little out of control, and I need to contact it a few more times.

Tang Sheng's ability at this time is not enough to completely control the energy in his body. If he can completely control the energy in his eyes, he can easily use the energy directly to his eyes, increasing his vision dozens or even hundreds of times, but he can't. It's like It's because you suddenly have incredible power, but you can't control it. Tang Sheng has no choice but to run to the edge of the cliff.

Wang Shan ran a dead horse. It didn't look too far away, but when he actually ran, he realized that it was at least [-] kilometers away. However, Tang Sheng's body did not belong to human beings, so after running there, Tang Sheng didn't feel anything at all. Feeling tired and not even out of breath.

"No!" Tang Sheng yelled, but it was still too late, the person standing on the edge of the cliff had already jumped down, looking at the slightly thin figure Tang Sheng frowned, and ran straight away without even thinking. In the past, the speed was very fast. If you really want to test it, you will find that Tang Sheng's sprint speed is definitely catching up with the Olympic sprint champion. The problem is that the sprint champion is wearing running shoes on a flat rubber track.

But what about this time?Tang Sheng wore a pair of sandals and ran on the uneven rocky ground. When he was about two meters away from the edge of the rock, Tang Sheng leaped and jumped down. When he jumped off the cliff, Tang Sheng also observed the situation below. , the tumbling waves are constantly hitting the rocks of the cliff, stirring up waves of waves.

'Plop~~', a very slight sound of entering the water was directly covered by the sound of waves hitting the rocks. Tang Sheng opened his eyes immediately after entering the sea, searching for the person who just jumped into the sea, and the two of them jumped into the sea one after another. The time difference was no more than 20 seconds, otherwise it would be difficult to find it under the rough sea waves. Tang Sheng swam over when he saw the figure falling straight to the bottom of the sea.

He grabbed the opponent's clothes and began to paddle vigorously upwards. I don't know if the height of the cliff jump just now was too high, which knocked this person out. At this time, the person Tang Sheng was pulling was not at all. Struggling, Tang Sheng pulled the man out of the sea in less than half a minute.

People who have not received professional training probably don't know how to save people in the water. When saving people, many people just swim to hug each other and try to drag them to the shore. In fact, this is the most wrong way. 90.00% of the consequences of doing it will be directly pulled by the drowning person and sink into the water, not only can't save people, but even their own lives will be taken in.

Because the drowning person is completely unconscious after being choked by the water, and will not let go if he catches anything, and will desperately drag the grasped object underwater. He died with him, and it was completely an instinctive reaction.

The correct posture should be to approach the drowning person from behind, and then stretch out his arms to directly strangle the opponent's neck, just like the fighting scene in the movie, use one arm to tightly strangle the opponent's neck, let the opponent completely To be controlled by it, and then to swim back in backstroke and drag it ashore, this requires great physical strength and control of the rescuer.

But Tang Sheng wasn't worried about this issue at all. First, the opponent didn't have any struggles, and seemed to have passed out. If Tang Sheng came even a minute late, the opponent's life might really be over. Second, even if the opponent was really physically strong Tang Sheng was held back very strongly, and Tang Sheng didn't worry about being drowned at all. At most, he would directly knock the opponent unconscious underwater, and then drag him ashore.

(End of this chapter)

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