Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 51 Chicken Soup

Chapter 51 Chicken Soup
Don’t forget that the resources in the sea are endless. Didn’t you see that the resources in the offshore are almost being scooped up by humans? How many fish were caught in the offshore 30 years ago? 30 years later, how many fish will be caught today?It is completely different. With the development of science and technology, ships are getting bigger and bigger. Even many [-]-ton giant ships have been driven to the depths of the sea to salvage the nets, and hundreds of tons of fish can be caught on the net with one net.

Human beings have already seriously damaged the ocean. If we continue to destroy the ocean sooner or later, if the ocean is destroyed one day, the earth will be finished. The ocean is the main pulse of the earth. What happens when a person's main pulse is cut off?There seemed to be no consequences other than death.

"No, it's not because your vision is too short-sighted, but because of your nature," Tang Sheng shrugged indifferently and said.

"My nature? What nature?" Ye Susu was a little surprised.

"Greed, human nature is greedy, greed is the original sin, the reason why you have that kind of thought is greed in the final analysis, let alone you, even a child's first thought after entering the candy house is probably to want to put everything Bring all the candies home", Tang Sheng's words stunned Ye Susu.

"Then why aren't you greedy? Aren't you a human?" Ye Susu soon became a little angry, and said that she was like an ordinary person, but thinking about it, she seemed to be really an ordinary person, but Tang Sheng was really There is a dusty atmosphere, why is this?

"Do you know why Taoists always say that Taoism is natural?" Tang Sheng asked with a smile. Ye Susu naturally shook her head. She has heard this sentence many times. Taoism most admires Taoism Naturally, but she doesn't know much about religion.

"For thousands of years, human beings have been advancing with their own footsteps, constantly surpassing, and some practitioners tried to use enlightenment to achieve the goal of longevity, but they all failed in the end. Tao is actually a law, and Tao follows nature. That is to say, nature is also a law.

When you can truly understand nature, you can understand a macroscopic law, and when you understand this macroscopic law, your life will become insignificant, and you will not care about many small mundane things.

When you stand on the beach and look at the boundless sea, do you feel startled and suddenly open up?Why do people feel insignificant when they look at the sea?This is a kind of contrast between man and nature.

Everyone lives in this secular world, with too much greed, money, sex, and power. After a hundred years, it will be nothing more than a pile of bones, just like kindergarten children snatching toys from each other. Don't you want to go home?
Everyone has desires, and there is an idiom called desires are hard to fill. This world is full of all kinds of temptations, and there are really few people who can really stand the temptations, so they will make all kinds of temptations. Mistakes, no one is special, are entirely self-inflicted.

Everyone likes good things, but you can't lose yourself for good things, just like this water of life, what did you think when you just knew the function of this water of life?Catching a lot of fish and earning a lot of money, do you feel that your desire-desire has inflated hundreds of times all of a sudden?
Hehe, it's normal, it means you are a normal person, but at this time you need to control yourself, you can't say that you have completely controlled your desires, but you must be more sober and see your nature clearly.

It's not that I'm not greedy, I also like money, and I also like endless schools of fish, but I have learned to really control myself. Controlling myself is not only about controlling my behavior, but also my own thoughts.

Why do many people become a little crazy after making money?Personality change?To put it bluntly, money becomes a catalyst of desire, which directly releases the deep-seated evil thoughts, and people become devils.

The choice of becoming an angel or a devil is entirely up to you. Slowly learn to control your thoughts, improve your spiritual realm, be neither angry nor angry, neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither argue nor argue, neither greedy nor bad, use the most peaceful Enjoying this life with all your heart is the most beautiful thing in this world." Tang Sheng's words made Ye Susu completely dumbfounded.

Although Tang Sheng might pour her a few big pots of poisonous chicken soup again, it sounded reasonable. Standing there blankly watching Tang Sheng for a full 5 minutes, a smile suddenly appeared on Ye Susu's face. .

This smile is like the Buddha's smile, peaceful, peaceful, gentle and full of wisdom. Seeing that Ye Susu seemed to understand something, Tang Sheng also smiled slowly. He knew that Ye Susu had really understood something. , that's fine.

After nodding, he took out two chairs, and just sat on the chairs with two fishing rods. Tang Sheng and Ye Susu casually fished on the fish raft, without talking, but the relationship was so harmonious. If it wasn't for pulling up the fish from time to time and then hanging the bait, the two of them would almost turn into stone men, as if even the sun in the sky was not so vicious.

Of course, the sun can't find them now. There is a relatively high shed on the fish raft, covered with a thick layer of black cloth. Let alone the sun, even if there is a heavy rain on the sea, there will be no problem unless there is a strong wind. The fish steak was a little dangerous, and the quietness on the fish steak made Ye Susu feel at ease. Four words can describe Ye Susu's state of mind at this time, "This is very good!" '

My peace of mind is happiness. I don't know why Ye Susu suddenly said such a sentence in his heart, and secretly glanced at Tang Sheng Ye Susu's ears suddenly turned red. Enjoying the tranquility of the afternoon, the mind is calm and naturally cool, this is to others, Tang Sheng's physique is very special, not to mention the shelter from the awning, even if he is exposed to the sun, he will not feel hot, his body I have bid farewell to normal people.

But the director of the law enforcement department of industry and commerce who drove over in a hurry kept wiping away his sweat, and looked at the big lock of this abandoned farm with a wry smile on his face, what is this called, his subordinates have caused big trouble He wanted him to wipe his ass, and he sighed endlessly. Even if he called, he didn't know who to call, so he could only wait. If this matter was not handled well, his future would probably be over.

At this moment, he didn't know how to complain. You said that you are such an awesome person, how could you open a seafood restaurant in the corner of Longjiao Village, and the price is so expensive. Isn't this a scam?Not only did he deceive others, but he also deceived himself. If he handled this matter by himself, he would probably be similar to his subordinates.

"My grandfather wants to stay for a few days." After more than two hours, Ye Susu went inside to take a bottle of mineral water and drank a couple of sips, and finally spoke. His tone was neither salty nor weak, as if he was chatting with Tang Sheng.

"Well, come on, my situation here is very good, very suitable for retirement", Tang Sheng also responded casually, with a soft tone, as if he might fall asleep lying on that chair at any time, if this It's the rocking chair at home. I'm afraid he has already fallen asleep.

"Why don't you buy a box of better mineral water?" After taking two sips, Ye Susu became a little depressed. She looked at the mineral water in her hand. It was completely fake. It costs one yuan a bottle for takeaway, but only fifty or sixty cents for wholesale. The water in a bottle is estimated to be filtered with tap water and poured by myself.

"I didn't buy this. The box of water was there when I bought the fish fillets. It's drinkable." Tang Sheng spoke softly and slowly, making people feel anxious.

"Let's get a bigger erythema to eat at night?" Ye Susu said with a smile after taking another sip of water, his eyes narrowed into crescents, and in that smile he looked forward to the happiness slowly, maybe he was imagining the happiness of eating erythema What about the taste?

"You are a glutton, what fish is expensive to eat, okay", Tang Sheng nodded and said indifferently, it was already past five o'clock, but the sun had not set yet, and no fish had been hooked for ten minutes , the reason is very simple, the second idiot has already swam over, but all the fish that come to bite the hook are scared away by this idiot dog.

 It's hot, it's hot, it's hot!I feel like I'm about to be roasted!

(End of this chapter)

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