Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 466 The Finale

Chapter 466 The Finale
At this time, the monitoring station sent another message that the earth is slowly shrinking, while the second earth is slowly growing. The most surprising thing is that the continents on the earth are inexplicably blurred as the earth shrinks, including the continents. Everything on the ground also began to blur, as if it had become a projection, and then floated through the space gate and appeared in the ocean of the second earth. The whole process was really a bit mysterious.

Whether it is Asia, America or Antarctica on the earth, these lands were transferred to the ocean of the second earth through an incredible process. It only took eleven hours for the earth to disappear without a trace like a soap bubble. disappeared without a trace, and the Second Earth expanded about three times.

After getting the final confirmation, everyone was stunned. What is going on?Tang Sheng was also puzzled, how did the two planets merge together like this?It is fused in a way that human beings can't understand, and even if all the earth is filled in the second earth, the second earth will not be able to expand three times, because the second earth is more than eleven times larger than the earth. What is the principle?

Can a ping-pong ball and a tennis ball be combined to make a basketball?Obviously it is impossible, the size alone cannot be achieved, but now it happened, Tang Sheng always felt that there was some special secret in it that he did not understand. Some scientists once said that the universe is divided into many spaces. levels, that is, the so-called multi-dimensional space, and the space of each dimension has its own physical laws, which means that the physical laws discovered by human beings may only be applicable to the range of their own universe or even only in the solar system. In other words, the physical laws of the universe with different dimensions will change.

Now it is certain that the solar system was artificially created, and so is the earth, so the laws of physics discovered on the earth are only applicable in this big laboratory, and not applicable to the real universe. Now I am afraid that human beings will have to relearn again Physics, because entering the real universe requires a new understanding of all physical laws. For example, in this real universe, the speed of light can be surpassed at will, and many unbelievable or even incomprehensible phenomena will appear, such as now one plus one does not A situation where it is equal to two appears.

There were still too many people on Earth who did not immigrate to the Second Earth before. Some people were unwilling, some people had no chance, and some were not qualified at all. The Federation even made such an opinion that in the future, all Those who are not worth saving will stay on the earth, and all those who are worth saving will be transferred to the second earth for development. This is equivalent to dividing human beings into different classes. In fact, those capitalists have been doing this all the time. As a result, this proposal After it was proposed, it was sprayed bloody by countless people.

Well now, there is no need to talk about this proposal. The two planets have merged, and now many people are confused, because it seems that human beings can never go back. After entering the night, the starry sky that human beings see is a strange starry sky. Humans on Earth have completely escaped from the big laboratory of the solar system, and will never go back.

In this real universe, the starry sky at night is brighter and twinkling, and there is no cosmic wall here. After entering space, human beings can go anywhere. Of course, the real universe is more dangerous. It’s a strange way to get out of Xinshou Village. Can human beings really live in the real universe?At this time, countless people are afraid, confused, and terrified.

Obviously all of this is controlled by the Stone Tablet computer. After merging the two planets together, the Stone Tablet computer still didn’t stop the flashing light, but the light became brighter and brighter. Tang Sheng’s face was not only a wry smile, but also a bitter smile. I have lamented many times that the Luoyi civilization should not operate that stele computer, and researching things beyond their own civilization level will make a big mistake if they are not careful.

The Luoyi Civilization Research Stone Tablet computer did improve their civilization level a lot at the beginning. It is estimated that the Luoyi people were similar to the earth's technology at the beginning, and may even be inferior to the earth's technology. Their technology is not Natural development, but began to cut corners, and accidents occurred during the rapid development.

If their civilization technology develops naturally, it will not cause the launched satellites to go out of control, and thus be discovered by the third-level mechanical civilization race, and then be exterminated. This is a fight with the law of the dark forest. Whoever comes out first in the dark forest Whoever speaks will be the first to be discovered, and the end of being discovered is death.

The universe is so big that it is not so simple to find traces of other civilizations even for civilizations of level [-], level [-], level [-] and higher that can travel through galaxies, but it will be different if you send signals indiscriminately , Isn't this a direct meal delivery? The Luoyi civilization obviously didn't realize this.

Now the Stone Tablet computer has merged the two planets for some reason, is it still sending out signals?If this is the case, I am afraid that it will not take too long to attract the attention of other advanced civilizations. When those advanced civilizations invade, human beings will definitely not be able to stand this planet.

After several years of scientific and technological leaps, the current human civilization has surpassed the first-level civilization, and in some respects it is even close to the second-level civilization. Obviously, it is also the result of overtaking on a curve, but the foundation is still too weak. Any third-level civilization that can come here now Super civilizations can easily wipe out human beings, so is it good or bad for human beings to escape from that big laboratory?

This is a bit of a head-scratcher. Someone imprisoned you in a small yard with food and drink. You feel that such a life is too boring and boring, and you don’t want to be imprisoned. One day You ran away, but when you ran out, you found that you were surrounded by boundless primitive jungles. You didn’t have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. You were hungry every day and you had to avoid the attacks of wild animals. So do you think the decision to escape was correct? Woolen cloth?Is it better to be imprisoned with food and drink every day, or is it better to be free and free to die at any time every day?

Some things have already happened, so it’s useless to regret it, so let’s accept the reality. Although the reality is sometimes cruel and unacceptable, you must have the courage to face the facts. A true warrior dares to face the bleak reality. In life, dare to face up to the dripping blood. There is still a long way to go in order to evolve human beings, so we must not give up.

"What's going on? Why is it dawn?" Tang Sheng's younger brother, Tang Yuan, is living a very comfortable life these days, because of his elder brother Tang Sheng's relationship. Tang Yuan's life is absolutely colorful, whether it is the water of life or the potion of life. They can be easily obtained, and even obtained the source of life, which is a weapon that allows the human body to evolve rapidly. Tang Sheng never told his brother that the so-called source of life is his own blood.

The merger of the two planets also attracted Tang Yuan's attention. Such a major event would be inconceivable to any human being. The five large plates on the earth have now become the subcontinent in the ocean on the second earth. Why is it called the subcontinent? ?Because from the satellite, you will find that these five new continents are completely out of place with other continents on the second earth.

How dense the implants on other continents are, how rich the plants are, how many beasts there are, and these five new continents that are not too big are completely different, with low trees and few plants But it has a large population. The only advantage of this continent is that there are no beasts on it, and humans can live safely for the time being.

The development of this matter is not to mention these ordinary people, even those leaders don’t know what to do now. I am afraid that the distribution of all forces on the earth will have to be reshuffled before, but a big country should still be a big country. As for many Small countries should disappear a lot, and there will never be more than 200 countries on this planet in the future, because the conditions of this planet are more demanding and easier to develop.

You have to accept such a huge change if you don’t accept it, but only one day has passed, before nearly 80 billion human beings on the earth have fully accepted it, strange things have appeared again. Tang Yuan drank a lot of wine yesterday, and it was also because the two planets Excited and worried, but with Tang Yuan's evolved body, even after drinking a lot of wine, he didn't get drunk, so he was woken up by the sound of his mobile phone when he fell asleep.

Tang Yuan was stunned just as he picked up the phone. He casually glanced at his watch. Since the time difference on this planet is completely different from that on the earth, his watch is also a special electronic watch that can Accurately display the state of each moment, such as dusk, night, morning, day, noon and more than a dozen states. At this time, the electronic watch shows night, but why is the sky bright outside at night?

With a slight movement of his ears, Tang Yuan has already heard many people talking about something outside. The area he lives in is also very high-end, and there are a lot of scientific researchers. Tang Yuan actually doesn't have much interest in these things. It's just that his five-year-old daughter developed a strong interest in scientific research after evolution, so he moved here as a last resort. As Tang Sheng's younger brother, Tang Sheng can live in any place, and he lives here for his daughter , That's right, a five-year-old child has already started the road of science after evolution. When human beings began to evolve, not only the social structure began to change, but also many familiar habits began to change. At the age of seven or eight, one can become a real Scientists, can you believe it?But it happened.

When Tang Yuan walked out of the gate, he was surprised to see a lot of people standing on the clean and level street. These researchers all raised their heads and looked at the sky. Could it be that those ferocious beasts have invaded the city?No, others may not know about this city, but Tang Yuan does. It was built by mechanical spiders of a third-level civilization. It not only has many functions but also has a strong defense force. The 100-meter-long city wall alone is not a beast that can break through it at will. of.

When Tang Yuan looked up, the sun in the sky was rising at a relatively fast speed, and the voices of people around him were also heard in his ears. Naturally, what everyone was talking about was this weird phenomenon. It should be night now, why did the sun suddenly up?There are scientific researchers around here, and what they say really makes sense.

"Look, as I said before, the sudden increase of this planet by three times will inevitably cause a change in the gravitational force between the planets. If the balance of the gravitational force between the planets is broken, something will happen, and it will even cause a collision between the planets. Then it will be the real end of the world!"

"No, no, no, after the gravitational balance between planets is destroyed, a new gravitational tug-of-war will be formed. Now the original planetary disk is definitely deformed and dislocated, but it will not react so fast, and you have not found it. Now we see There is something wrong with the sun, it seems to be smaller, this should not be caused by the deformation of the planetary disk."

"If you want me to say that you don't have to worry about this at all, the two planets suddenly merged together. This kind of merger itself is a bit mysterious. It can't be explained with our current physical knowledge, so the big deviation of the planetary disk should also be It can be adjusted automatically, as for the end of the world you mentioned? Forget it, this slogan has been shouted for countless years, and we are still living well!"

"Stop making noise! ​​Have you noticed that the gravity of this planet is changing? It seems that the gravity of this planet is a little bit stronger than before."

These researchers talk about everything, of course, most of the topics are the sudden appearance of the sun in the sky. What would you think if you got up at one o'clock in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and found that it was dawn?You would say that is absolutely impossible, but now it happened like this, after Tang Yuan answered the phone, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Brother, hurry up... come on, I'm in the... hall, wait... come on, bring it together..." The voice was intermittent, obviously the signal was very bad, Tang Yuan called Trembling, he knew that this time the matter was serious, the merger of the two planets might just be the beginning, and something big would happen later, so he ran back to the house immediately.

Too many people on the original earth had mobile phones, but at this time, those mobile phones can be said to be basically scrapped. First of all, after the merger of the two planets, all the networks were interrupted. If you return to the universe where the earth is located position, you will see that the unknown tens of thousands of satellites that once orbited the earth have all flown towards the distant universe, some hit the moon, some flew into the sun, and more entered the universe. In the depths of the universe, the earth disappeared, and without the gravity of the earth, these satellites would naturally not continue to orbit in a spherical shape.

And now the communication network on the Second Earth has only just been established, and it is all for military use. The communication for civilian use has not been fully popularized at all, and even the signal has not been fully spread, so now almost everyone's mobile phone has no signal. Yes, Tang Yuan's mobile phone is also connected to a special satellite system because of Tang Sheng's relationship, so it has a signal, but the signal is also very poor now.

After Tang Yuan called his wife and daughter up, he drove a flying car towards Tang Sheng's restaurant. It took less than 10 minutes, but it was very fast. At this time, there were many panicked people in the city, and even Some people are running around in flying cars and don't know where they want to go, but more people are in fear.

When Tang Yuan brought his wife and daughter to Tang Sheng's home, he received unacceptable news. In fact, more than 100 people had gathered in Tang Sheng's home at this time. Almost all of these more than 100 people were Chinese officials. On the one hand, there are still a large number of scientific researchers, and some information is still being sent here in real time.

Why does the sun rise at midnight?People now know that the so-called rising of the sun is actually the planets revolving around the stars, and the rising and setting of the sun will repeat continuously. This is a natural phenomenon, because the rotation will never stop. The principle is the same for both the earth, so the sun rising in the middle of the night means that there is a big problem with this rotation, otherwise many researchers would not think it is the end of the world.

However, if there is a big problem with this kind of natural law, it cannot be solved by humans at all. At least the current level of science and technology of human beings is still unable to solve this kind of big problem. The information is not that there is a big problem with the rotation of the second earth around the stars, but that there is a big problem with the second earth itself.

Yes, there is something wrong with the planet that has just tripled in size. The merger of the two planets was completed eight hours ago, and the change also started eight hours ago. Suddenly, a layer of A faint energy film, and then the planet began to stop rotating. The planet itself was rotating, and at the same time it was rotating around the star, that is, the sun, but now it stopped rotating, and the rotation around the star also stopped.

Suddenly, an unknown force appeared. After this force appeared, the planet was no longer affected by gravity, and started to move in a certain direction. At the beginning, the speed of movement was very slow, very slow, so eight It was only hours later that the concrete phenomenon on this planet really appeared.

That is to say, it should be night at this position, but now it has become day. That is because the planet is moving in a certain direction, passing through the side of the sun, so humans in this area can only see it. When the sun rises suddenly, the speed of the planet is still increasing, that is to say, the day will pass in a few hours, and the whole planet will be completely plunged into darkness, because the direction of the planet's movement is an unknown direction .

Sure enough, after only five and a half hours, the daylight here completely disappeared. Many humans on this planet could see that the sun in the sky was getting smaller and darker. Not to mention humans, those The vicious beasts also sensed the drastic change in the environment, sobbing and covering their heads, as if waiting for their final fate.

At this time Tang Sheng was also a little dazed. Since the planet merged with the earth and expanded three times, it seemed to have become a spaceship. It started by itself, and then began to accelerate in one direction. Starting from zero, a dozen Hours later, it has accelerated to close to the speed of light, and the speed is still increasing.

It is reasonable to say that the planet accelerates at such a fast speed that all people, animals and even beasts on the planet cannot withstand such a speed, but the energy film is like an indestructible shield, absorbing all impacts. It was incredible to resist.

At this time, everyone on the planet can no longer see the daytime, because there are no stars around, and they are completely separated from the gravitational disk of the stars, but they can see that the starlight in the distance changes from one point to another. Lines, this is a strange phenomenon formed at too fast a speed. When 21 hours pass, all creatures on this planet, including humans, only feel their bodies lighten suddenly, as if their souls have come out of their bodies. It also stopped, and even the thinking seemed to be frozen. From this point on, its speed really surpassed the speed of light.

Some scientists have speculated that time will flow backwards when the speed exceeds the speed of light. Unfortunately, this conclusion is wrong. Time does not flow backwards. However, all creatures in the protective shield seem to be completely frozen, and even their thinking cannot It worked, and the entire planet entered a weird dimensional tunnel.

I don't know how long it took, maybe an hour, or maybe 1 years, when the human mind started to work again, all the people and all the beasts and beasts saw an incomprehensible scene, and this planet really Like a spaceship, it is entering a huge port, and what is moored in the port is not a spaceship, but a planet.

At this time, the atmosphere has completely disappeared. As long as your eyesight is good enough, you can even see everything happening on other planets far away. Of course, you can also use special telescopes. Due to the development of science and technology, humans have researched many alternatives. Telescopes, these telescopes are small but can see very long distances, which is comparable to the astronomical telescopes of the past.

In the end, this planet, which has been called the second earth by human beings, also began to slow down, and finally moored in this huge port, and two ports protruded from the port, directly holding the planet up and down, and other People may not see so clearly, but Tang Sheng can see everything clearly, no matter how far away, his eyes are much stronger than astronomical telescopes, Tang Sheng has already seen what happened on other planets when he slowed down. Unbelievable things, some of those things even surpassed Tang Sheng's understanding. What is this place?Could this be the center of the entire universe?

Tang Sheng had to think this way. Humans believed that the sky was round and the earth was round a long time ago, and later they said that the earth is the center of the universe, and the sun is the center of the universe. Today, these cognitions have been broken again and again. Now the human cognition The universe still can't see the momentum, and naturally it doesn't know where the center of the universe is, but this time Tang Sheng felt that they really came to the center of the universe, and they didn't come alone, but with the whole planet. All human beings come, a great war will break out here, and the victor of the war may be able to solve the most mysterious mystery in the universe.

If it is said that humans invaded the second earth from the earth to fight those fierce beasts, improve their technological strength, and find those special wealth to improve their own civilization level, it is a normal-level difficulty task, then the whole planet has come to this strange planet now. The difficulty of the real nightmare-level hell, many people may die here or many creatures may die, but evolution is like this, there is no reward if there is no effort.

The two connecting ports, one up and one down, are also two special passages. The passage can connect a special area that cannot be regarded as a continent. I don’t know how vast this area is, but there are many things in this area that are more terrifying than beasts. Monsters, when these monsters smelled the strong breath of life on this planet, they rushed up immediately, directly invaded the planet through two channels, and the war was about to break out. Tang Sheng held Ye Susu's hand and smiled slightly. She was terrified, but after seeing Tang Sheng's smile, her mood gradually returned to calm. She knew that the days to come would never be peaceful again. They had already embarked on a road of no return, and in fact, life is a road of no return. (end)

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(End of this chapter)

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