Chapter 33
After drinking a large bowl of seafood soup, Ye Susu broke out in a sweat, and the weather seemed to be less hot, and her body felt a lot more relaxed. This feeling of relaxation is really good.

But Ye Susu couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she saw Tang Sheng eating Hesai. This guy is too delicious. I just bought a big bag of flour a few days ago. It's only a few days' work, and it's at least half of it. , This is just like Zhu Bajie, a super idiot.

"Your craftsmanship is so good, our restaurant will definitely make a lot of money in the future, what do you plan to do with the money you make in the future?" Ye Susu tried her best not to take that bun, but in the end she couldn't help it.

Tang Sheng said that he had never been a chef and had just started to learn cooking, but Ye Susu would not believe it if he killed him. Why did the dishes so delicious without learning how to cook?It's unbelievably delicious, even if he grilled some scallops, they are much more delicious than others.

Ye Susu doubts that if she continues to stay here, she will grow into a super fat person. As a woman, her weight is the most important thing for her. How can she eat so much?But watching Tang Sheng eat so much diosmin, he couldn't control it.

The second-hand tables and chairs that Ye Susu got back have been placed, and the signboard of the Qise Paradise Seafood Restaurant has also been prepared, and it is hung at the gate, but Tang Sheng's ID card needs to be obtained before he can register for the restaurant The procedures will be opened at that time.

Although this restaurant will not be very popular at the beginning, after all, although Longjiao Village is not too far from Chuncheng, it is a dirt road and has not been repaired. The development direction of Chuncheng has always been to develop north and west. It was not included in the development plan at all, so the road leading to Longjiao Village has never been repaired, which also made Longjiao Village not very popular here. It is a relatively remote place next to a big city.

There are occasionally a few tourists in Longjiao Village on weekdays, but too few are too few. Those tourists are still attracted by the cheaper seafood in Longjiao Village. The seafood market in Longjiao Village has indeed attracted some tourists. People, but most of them are from the city of Chuncheng. Those people come here by electric bike or drive, buy seafood and then leave. They never stop in Longjiao Village.

And this abandoned farm is next to the sea, it is the most inward location, leaning on a large reef area, it can be said that this place is the worst in Longjiao Village in terms of land and location, otherwise It will not be built as a breeding farm, if the land has been rented out long ago.

Before this farm invested 700 million and took it in. Many people said that the Fengshui of this place is particularly bad. It is the place where Longjiao has sores in Longjiao Village. Anyone who does business here will lose money. Fishermen, they are originally Those with some superstitious thoughts, coupled with their lack of knowledge, believed in these things even more. Over time, the abandoned farm became empty, but it was cheaper for Tang Sheng.

If it is empty, it is also empty, and it costs tens of thousands of yuan to rent it out a year. Why not do it, and with Ye Susu's relationship, it makes more sense. In fact, when Ye Susu first rented this place, the village head of Longjiao Village was I persuaded her a few words, saying that this place is not good, but it is impossible to find a place that is cheap and big. Ye Susu is still a college student, and she doesn't understand some things in business and society at all.

In fact, geographical location is very important for doing business. If you are a business person, you will never rent such a remote place to open a restaurant. This is not courting death. The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, which is a literary description. Unless you can manage this place to the level of Michelin three stars, otherwise it will be too difficult to become popular.

Who would travel so far for a meal?There is still a section of dirt road to run, Tang Sheng is not a famous chef of the century, the right time, place and people can be said to not occupy everything, but Tang Sheng didn't think so much, no one will come if no one comes, he just relies on fishing You can support this place, and don’t need to think about other things for the time being. If no one comes, you can eat by yourself. Tang Sheng feels that his body needs more food or more energy.

"How do I spend the money I make? I haven't made any money yet, so how do I know what to do with the money I make? Let's think about those issues after I earn it. Didn't you say that you can't eat more because you're afraid of getting fat? Why did you eat another bun?" Tang Sheng Asked a little speechlessly, he couldn't believe what a woman said when he found out, Ye Susu always lied, and most of the time she was not as obedient as the second idiot.

"Why are you so annoying?" Ye Susu kicked Tang Sheng hard angrily. She didn't want to eat this bun just now. Who made Tang Sheng's buns so delicious? She really couldn't help it. No, I'm going to run and exercise on the beach over there in a while, or I'll really gain weight.

"Hehe, blame me, blame me", Tang Sheng chuckled, and ignored Ye Susu's duplicity. After steaming sixteen steamed buns, two were eaten by Ye Susu, and the other two entered the second idiot's stomach. Tang Sheng ate all the food, and Tang Sheng's appetite scared Ye Susu again. This guy is really a glutton, but every time he sees Tang Sheng eating so happily, Ye Susu is very envious.

"Why don't you teach me how to cook?" Ye Susu hesitated for a while and then said, looking at Tang Sheng hopefully, hoping that he would agree, but she saw Tang Sheng shook his head slightly, "Why?"

"Well, how should I put it, in fact, cooking skills don't need to be taught at all, they need to be learned and practiced by themselves," Tang Sheng said after a moment of hesitation.

"Learn to exercise by yourself? How do you learn how to exercise?" Ye Susu was very puzzled.

"Did you see this arm of mine? Do you know how to build muscle in my arm?" Tang Sheng stretched out his right arm and asked. Although the sun in Chuncheng is very strong and very hot, Tang Sheng's The skin is still so fair, but there are not many muscles on the arms.

"It's very simple, you just need to take a dumbbell, and after a few months of lifting the dumbbell every day, your arms will be full of muscles," Ye Susu answered directly.

"That's right, it's that simple. Look, you can answer it straight away. In fact, cooking is so simple. Many people say that cooking requires talent, but it's not. The so-called talent has most of the acquired hard work and a small part of it. talent,

Smell, taste, and feeling can also be trained. For example, when you fry meat, first, you need to know how thick to cut the meat. If you cut it thin, it will dry out and the meat will lose moisture. It’s very hard to eat, but if you cut it thickly, you won’t be able to fry the inside, but the outside will be burnt. This requires your knife skills and experience in frying meat.
Second, when frying meat, you need extremely sharp eyesight to clearly see every change in the meat slices. You must accurately grasp the degree to which the meat slices are burned by the iron plate. If you can grasp every trace of the changes in the ingredients, then you Naturally, his cooking skills are not bad,

The third is some simple knowledge, such as how much salt to put, how long to marinate, what materials such as star anise and cumin need to be added, how much to put, etc. After understanding these things, it is basically completed.
Cooking is as simple as that. Practice makes perfect when you do it more. It is not difficult. You don’t need to be taught. You just need to think about it yourself. The most difficult thing is to exercise your body. If you can If you have complete control over your body, you will be successful in everything you do,
For example, just now you clearly said that you only ate one bun, but in the end you couldn’t help but eat the second one, so you have to exercise for another hour, otherwise the fat will definitely accumulate on your body, this is your I didn't control my desire for food well," Tang Sheng's words were like poisonous chicken soup, instilled in Ye Susu's head.

This can't be blamed on him, he really has nothing to do, he can't tell the truth to Ye Susu, because I have eaten an elixir, so I have become different from ordinary people, whether it is smell, taste, feeling or self-control of the body Sex has reached a level that a human being can't do at all, so don't compare me to this monster, or you will be autistic.

If Tang Sheng really said that, there are probably only two results. The first is that Ye Susu beats him into the hospital, and then he is caught as a guinea pig after being found to be abnormal in his body. The second is that Ye Susu directly calls the director of the mental hospital to send him Hurry up, so Tang Sheng had to talk nonsense and pour a bowl of poisonous chicken soup to make Ye Susu feel that it made sense, and then gave up his plan to worship himself as a teacher.

Well, this bowl of poisonous chicken soup is really delicious, Ye Susu believed it in a daze, and felt that what Tang Sheng said was so reasonable, she could learn it slowly, practice makes perfect, as long as she thinks about it, there is nothing difficult Yes, you can learn it. After thinking about it clearly, he gave Tang Sheng a big smile. It seems that he was really poisoned.

 So hot!I'm going to run and ride a bike in a while. Well, I hope I can lose weight. It seems that I have lost two catties!

(End of this chapter)

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