Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 28 Ocean view room?

Chapter 28 Ocean view room?
It has been abandoned for three years, and it can be said that there are dilapidated houses everywhere. This abandoned farm used to have two rows of houses for workers to live in. The houses were a little crumbling. The villa is well built. I'm afraid it was the place where the boss lived back then. It can still be lived in, but it needs to be cleaned carefully, and there are too many tatters inside.

Those breeding ponds include fish, sea cucumber, and abalone. Cement boards and cement pipes are thrown everywhere, and many of them are broken. Even the fence of this farm collapsed in two places. , All the iron parts on the doors and windows are rusty, and the wooden door may fall down if pushed. There is no way, the sea water is very corrosive, and it is like this at the seaside.

This is quite a good sea view room. Although it looks dilapidated, it can be tidied up slowly. Tang Sheng really doesn't lack time now, and this place is really big enough. Maybe he can do more in the future. I couldn't help but look at Ye Susu again, feeling a little suspicious, how on earth did she get such a big place with such a low price of 8 yuan a year?Is the village party secretary a relative of her family?

"Facing the sea, I believe this place will become a paradise when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom next year." Ye Susu looked at Tang Sheng with a smile and said. Tang Sheng nodded. Sheng somewhat understood why she was so persistent in renting this place for herself. Rather than helping herself, it might be better to say that she yearned for such a simple life.

Many people are really dissatisfied. They always want to make money. After making money, they want sex. After having a beautiful wife, they will look for other beauties. They want to make more money and have all the beautiful things. , But in the end, I found that everything was nothing more than nothing. Four words can sum up this kind of behavior, and it is hard to fill it.

If Tang Sheng hadn't had that bizarre experience, I'm afraid he would have become that kind of person, chasing these things that everyone yearns for, but now, Tang Sheng may have been lying in the wild for 12 years, with his head all over his head. It's broken, the kind of chasing fame and fortune has completely faded away, and I like this kind of leisurely life of salted fish instead.

"Well, this place is indeed a bit dilapidated, can people live there?" After looking around, Ye Susu also felt a little regretful, despite the fact that this place has only been restricted for three years, but it is full of weeds and is full of tatters. Some are too desolate, will it be haunted at night?

"Of course, hehe, don't worry, we have plenty of time anyway, we can tidy up slowly, promise, tidy up the innermost room first, and I can live here comfortably, do you want to come here too Say? You are also the boss here, you have half of the shares here." Tang Sheng also saw that Ye Susu was a little uncertain, knowing that she also felt that he did something stupid when his head got hot, so he hurriedly laughed and joked.

"No, I'm a little scared to live here at night in such a big place." What Ye Susu said was indeed the truth, but there was one thing she didn't say. There are only two of us in such a big place. If you mutate into a beast at night What should I do?

Although Ye Susu thinks that Tang Sheng is not that kind of person, she and Tang Sheng are just friends now. She really doesn't know much about Tang Sheng, and even if she is an old friend she is familiar with. Men and women are different. Girls should be more self-respecting. , how can you do such an outrageous thing?

Tang Sheng shrugged his shoulders, as long as Ye Susu throws away the thoughts of regret, he can do it, Tang Sheng started to pick up the garbage here slowly, not to mention, there are really some good things left, However, Tang Sheng was also speechless after reading the remaining items. The plastic basin shattered when he touched it, making it useless. Dozens of pairs of gloves can still be used, not bad.

There is no electricity here, the water pipes need to be repaired, and the water source in Longjiao Village needs to be reconnected. There is no internet, windows, doors, etc. have to be replaced, weeds have to be removed, and the fence has to be repaired. , There are always too many things to do, which makes people feel that there is no way to start. The most important problem is that Tang Sheng doesn't have much money at all now, and there is a long way to go.

Of course, there are many advantages to renting this place. For example, Tang Sheng can go fishing in the sea with peace of mind in the future, and he can also open a food stall or restaurant here. When the sea tide is high, the distance is less than 100 meters. It can be said that the sea is at the door, which is very convenient for Tang Sheng to do things, and the place is also remote, which is very suitable for Tang Sheng to do some other experiments.

Everything is like this, both good and bad. What we need to do is to carry forward the good aspects and minimize the bad aspects. The so-called bad aspects here can be solved with money, so Tang Sheng only needs to earn some money in the future. Those problems that make Tang Sheng dissatisfied with money can be solved. It really comprehends that sentence, money can solve 90.00% of the things in this world, and even love can be easily bought.

"Why don't I pay to renovate this place first?" Ye Susu asked as she looked at the slowly setting sun in the sky. There are too many things to buy here, and she knows how much money Tang Sheng has in his pocket. up.

"No, I'll take care of this, I'm a man, this thing is too childish for me, take it easy, but there is one thing that needs to be done first tomorrow, that is, the water and electricity here must be connected, as long as With the water and electricity connected, I believe this place will change its appearance very soon.” Tang Sheng was standing on a collapsed wall at this time, and he was very happy to see this huge area. When he makes money, he must keep this place for a long time Tang Sheng has already fallen in love with this place.

"Well, I'll take care of this tomorrow morning, it's very easy." Ye Susu could also feel Tang Sheng's happiness.

"By the way, please help me to ask if I want to rent this place for a long time. I like this place very much," Tang Sheng said casually.

"Long-term rental? How long do you want to rent?" Ye Susu asked a little strangely.

"Well, let's rent for 50 years first." Tang Sheng's words made Ye Susu speechless. How is that different from buying a house?But I didn't think too much about it, and felt that Tang Sheng's thinking was a bit too advanced, so he turned around and left.

Originally, Ye Susu wanted to ask Tang Sheng if you were not afraid to live here alone at night?But Ye Susu gave up when she saw that Erha didn’t go with her, and at the same time she was a little angry with Sasha, obviously I fed you so much, you should be nice to this guy, it’s too bullying, complaining about Erha at the same time Tang Sheng was also hated, and the resentment was great.

"Er Silly, this will be our home from now on, are you happy?" Tang Sheng stroked Er Sha's dog's head and asked with a smile.

"Wow, woof", the dog is really spiritual, even if he is a very old husky, he is also spiritual, so he answered Tang Sheng directly, and ran around after being touched by the dog's head, as if he was very familiar with this big yard. I'm happy, it's much more comfortable than that kind of small building, even if Ye Susu lives in a building with more than 200 square meters, it can't compare with this place at all.

"Gulu~~~", well, I'm really hungry, Tang Sheng smiled wryly, time always flies by when doing things, and a day is almost like a blink of an eye after carefully inspecting this big yard , didn't even eat at noon, and now Tang Sheng's stomach was growling with hunger, and Ersha was also hungry, sticking out his tongue and kept looking at Tang Sheng.

 The temperature is starting to rise, man!I guess I'm going to stick my tongue out again!Just got back from running and cycling!
(End of this chapter)

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