Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 272 Intense

Chapter 272 Intense

"What good thing made them go crazy?" Tang Sheng rubbed his chin and became curious.

"You lunatics, let us go, we are members of the dark church, are you trying to kill us?" Suddenly, a shout came from the surrounded crowd, speaking in English, which was still very bad, obviously English Not his native language.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise just after finishing speaking. People who are very familiar with firearms may be able to judge immediately that this is the sound of a sniper rifle. Unfortunately, it was useless. It is useless at all, unless it can accurately hit people, but now that it is raining so much, the power of the sniper rifle is greatly reduced, and the scope cannot be used at all.

"Kill them, we must grab the things!" A shout came from the other side, the voice was not loud, and it was mixed in the wind and rain. If it wasn't for Tang Sheng's ears, he wouldn't have heard it at all. After coming here, Tang Sheng I am also carefully observing and listening to the surrounding information. They are from the island country. The Shankou group in the island country is very famous. In recent years, the Shankou group has indeed become much weaker in the island country, but that is relatively speaking, and the Shankou group It's not that it's really dead, but that it's slowly hiding its power.

After the end of World War II, the island country was hit hard. At that time, the government of the island country could be said to be powerless, and its own country was in a mess. The Shankou Group stepped forward directly to help the country rebuild, and even directly lent a lot of money to its own country. Finally, in Shantou With the help of the Shankou Group's efforts, the island country slowly recovered its prosperity. From this, we can judge how powerful the Shankou Group's real power is.

After so many years, the tentacles of the Shankou Group have penetrated into all fields of the island country. From politicians to businessmen, from scientific and technological personnel to traffickers, it can be said that they all have their people. Most of the organizations and forces also rushed over. After all, there is too much wealth here. These organizations and forces are here to make money. These people are really not afraid of death, they are very crazy.

The fighting on both sides was fierce, and bullets flew across. Tang Sheng was also thinking about whether to take action now or wait. The rain is still heavy, and things are still falling from the sky from time to time, sometimes a sea fish, sometimes a fish The two stones showed how big the hurricane was just now, and countless things were swept up into the sky.

No matter how heavy the rain is, it is impossible for the accumulated water to reach the depth of the thigh in a short period of time. Where did the water come from?It's very simple. The hurricane directly rolled up an unknown number of tons of seawater. The seawater mixed with rainwater directly flooded this coastal area. Fortunately, no one came out when the wind and rain were the worst. If it is true It's cool when someone comes out.

At that time, it was not a downpour at all, but countless turbulent sea water directly smashed down from the sky. The terrifying impact alone could directly kill people. Compared with just now, although it still looks terrifying, obviously It was daytime but it was dark and scary, with heavy wind and heavy rain, it looked like the end of the world, but it was much stronger than before.

These forces and organizations have also built basements in their respective sites. The rain just now flooded their basements. After the worst storm passed, these people couldn't wait to run out. It's impossible not to run out. After a while, these people would have to be drowned in the basement, but for some reason, the wind and rain did not stop, so they fought.

"What's the situation here?" Meng Xing quickly ran over with more than 30 people, all armed, and asked anxiously when he saw Tang Sheng standing on a tree stump with a calm expression.

"The specific situation is not clear, but the general situation is that the group in the middle got something, and people from these forces around them want to grab it. Oh, by the way, those in the middle say that they seem to be some kind of dark church." Tang Sheng still spoke in an unhurried manner, it would be weird for people to see him like this, why?It was raining and windy around, and occasionally something would fall from the sky, no one would be so indifferent.

Tang Sheng's expression and demeanor are too leisurely. Originally, Tang Sheng wanted to go up and grab the things first, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He is really not a troublesome person. If the things are worth it, it's okay to say , if there are some things that he doesn't care about at all, then why would he snatch them?Are you uncomfortable?I'm afraid that everyone's guns will be aimed at him if he grabs the things. Although he is not afraid, it is too troublesome.

If it was a stupid young man who didn't know everything, he might still do this kind of thing, but Tang Sheng was not such a young man. He would at least think about it before doing something, not to mention how fast his head was spinning. It took almost a moment to think through the cause and effect before and after, and there is no harm in waiting. Now that the two sides are fighting so fiercely, neither side is willing to give in. The result is still early, so why worry.

It's like playing chess, sometimes taking two more useless steps is also a strategy, and it's the same in life, many things can't be solved in a hurry, but obviously Meng Xing doesn't think so, He must pay attention to the current situation, and when he heard Tang Sheng say that the besieged people were members of the dark church, his face changed.

There are really many sects, organizations and forces in the world. Many people know about the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, etc., or movies or some unreliable gossip. After all, the Internet is so developed now. Although I know some news about these organizations, ordinary people really don't know how powerful these organizations are and what they are doing.

And some more hidden organizations are even less known to ordinary people. Tang Sheng used to be an ordinary person. To be precise, the mind and body are constantly evolving, and it can be imagined as enlightenment. I really don’t care much about these messy things outside, and it’s not surprising that I don’t know this information.

Sometimes people's curiosity is really heavy, I'm afraid almost everyone has seen some horror movies, right?Those unlucky tricks inside often killed me directly because of curiosity. Someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night or there were some strange noises in the corridor. At this time, I had to open the door and go out to have a look. It was not me. What is courting death?This kind of person deserves to die, not worthy of sympathy.

Some people can't stop them if they want to kill themselves. It would be more interesting if you stop the other party and hang up. His death may even be directly on your body. People's hearts are not old these days, even good people I can't do it, let alone do those things that seek death.

About ten minutes later, Meng Xing's face changed again. He also found out some general information about why these people fought. These are not ordinary people. Every organization has its own spies, so I really want to find out. Any less important news can also be done, not to mention that there is no need to do that now, just ask the besieging forces over there. There is also a special relationship between them and these forces. Sometimes they are against each other, and sometimes they cooperate with each other.

Speaking of which, this incident can be regarded as a coincidence. Why do you say that?The typhoon just now was a bit too big, and after thinking about it, it became clear how much sea water would have to be rolled up to fill such a large island into the sea water reaching the thighs, which is unthinkable. The typhoon in China absolutely cannot do this. Just look at the completely destroyed iron houses around. Those houses can be said to have all disappeared at this time.

Many huge trees with a diameter of one or two meters have been blown off. If someone stayed on the ground just now, it would take less than five seconds to go straight to the sky. Now the most violent wind has passed for about 20 minutes. Now, things that were blown to the Tianshan Mountains are still falling from the sky from time to time, so you can imagine how high these things were blown from the ground.

The typhoon this time was indeed quite terrifying. Not only did the endless seawater roll up, but even some sea mud under the sea several meters or even tens of meters was also rolled up into the sky, and some of the sea mud A special thing, it can be regarded as a special ship, as long as this kind of ship has a little knowledge of the sea, it can be judged that it is definitely not a ship of earth humans, because the shape is too strange.

After falling with a bang, it was only broken into two halves. The defense power was amazing, and when the ship fell, it was the moment when the power of the Church of Darkness came out, and they saw it. The ship was taken aback for a moment, and then began to search the ship, thinking that there would be something to gain, and it really did.

I found something similar to a safe. These people have a lot of tools here. It took less than 10 minutes to cut the safe with tools, and there are other forces among these people The eyeliner, this incident spread quickly, and two forces came directly and wanted to grab this safe. The people of the dark church naturally quit. This should be the absolute evidence of the wisdom and civilization of this planet. God knows this is safe. What's in the cabinet.

While fighting, they packed up the things in the safe. The two forces saw that the other party had a large number of people. If the other party took the things away, it would be completely useless. They simply announced the news in a small circle. Going out, the people of the Dark Church were soon blocked by people, and people from the five forces began to besiege the people of the Dark Church.

(End of this chapter)

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