Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 269 Changes

Chapter 269 Changes
Every bee has a colorful and bright color, even the wings are colorful, when the wings are flapped, they will emit bursts of colorful rays of light, which is really beautiful, but also too dangerous, a little bit People with common sense know that the brighter the color of an animal or plant, the more dangerous it is, and the more likely it is poisonous.

The same is true for these bees, they can shoot bee needles from their tails, and the bee needles have super strong anesthetics, as long as they are scratched a little, they will feel paralyzed, and they will fall to the ground in less than three seconds, and then these and A bee as big as a rabbit will pounce on it to eat. Although the body is paralyzed, what kind of experience is it like to watch one's own flesh and blood being eaten by the bee?
Even Tang Sheng couldn't help shivering. If there were ten or eight bees, the key is that there are at least a few hundred bees. At this time, the soldiers of these more than 100 island countries are howling miserably. I can't feel the pain in my body, but the fear of watching my own death is even worse, and some of them are even scared to death.

The mouthparts of these bees are also very powerful, a bit similar to pincer mouths, they are constantly opening and closing, and with the constant movement, the flesh and blood are constantly disappearing, Tang Sheng waved his hand lightly, At this time, they were still more than 20 meters away from there, and they signaled everyone to retreat. The bees were all pounced on the islanders to eat at this time. As long as they didn't go to attack, there would be no danger for the time being.

As for saving people in the past?Forget it, Tang Sheng didn't dare to ensure the safety of Ye Susu's three daughters even if there were hundreds of bees, let alone Jiang Yong and the others. When everyone exited the [-]-meter range, Tang Sheng almost heard everyone He let out a long sigh of relief. Anyone who saw the scene just now would probably have a three-day nightmare.

After walking forward for about half an hour, Jiang Yongcai said that this time they entered together. When they first entered, more than 3000 people were all together. They were very powerful and had various hot weapons. After the deep end, everyone dispersed one after another. After all, they all belonged to people from different countries, and after the separation, it can be said that everyone regretted it.

Jiang Yong narrated the experience of his group. It was not particularly unlucky, because there were others who were more unlucky than them. As he walked inside, he would occasionally see a sentence of corpses. From the clothes, he could tell that they were all from Earth. Some were scouts and special forces from the armies of various countries, some organizations came in to explore, and there were some experts and professors. All of these people died here without exception, which further showed that this place is unusual.

However, as Jiang Yong said before, the resources here are too rich. There are many herbs and spiritual fruits that are not found on the earth. Even China's most famous Compendium of Materia Medica may not have these records. Although Tang Sheng is not Shennong But it is still possible to taste the herbs. After chewing the branches and leaves of several herbs, I couldn't help but praise them. The effects of these herbs are probably better than those of ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum. Of course, the effects are not the same.

This second earth is not a planet of cultivating immortals, nor is it a magical planet. There is no aura and magic energy, but the original ecology here is obviously much stronger than that of the earth, and there is a special gas in the air here Ordinary people may not be able to sense the composition, but Tang Sheng can clearly sense it. What is the effect of this gas composition?Very simple, it can slowly promote the evolution and growth of organisms.

After a long time, whether it is animals or plants absorbing more, the evolution rate and growth rate will increase a lot, the body size will become larger, and even the life span will be extended a lot. Don’t think that all the things on the earth are other planets in the universe. This is not the case. There are several metal elements on the second earth that have never been found on the other side of the earth, not to mention things similar to chemical elements.

It is normal for many plants to become stronger and stronger after a long period of nourishment by this kind of gas, so it is a common thing to find thousand-year-old ginseng and multi-year-old fleece-flower root here. If you eat these old herbs for a long time, you will become immortal It is impossible to transform into a demon, but it is no problem to evolve to a certain level. Tang Sheng couldn't help frowning after reaching this conclusion, because he felt that there might be more terrifying existences on this earth. What they saw These large, ferocious beasts are just the tip of the iceberg.

Why do mortals envy gods?There are so few most important elements, the first gods live a long time, mortals only have a lifespan of a few decades, and a few decades are very long compared to some insects, but if it is compared with some other animals Or the plants are much shorter than that. Isn’t there a saying that life is as short as a white horse? The second is that the gods have great abilities. They can turn mountains and seas with just a lift of their hands. Much stronger than ordinary people.

The third is that mortals often get sick and their bodies are very weak, while gods are so strong that they almost never get sick. Have you heard of any gods who are sick?I have never had it before, and there are fourth and fifth, etc. I will not describe them one by one. It is always that gods are a thousand times stronger than ordinary people, so since ancient times, both ordinary people and emperors and generals have thought about chasing them. That illusory dream.

Ever since Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to take [-] boys and girls to search overseas fairy islands, there are still many people studying religion and some supernatural phenomena. Since ancient times, this pursuit has not stopped for thousands of years. Then the problem comes, many of them are not. I believe that there are really gods in the world. After all, this thing sounds too unreal. A person with a little basic knowledge of physics will understand that this should be a deceiving trick. It is similar to those magicians. Fake.

But since it is fake, why do so many people pursue it?I am afraid that many people know about Qin Shihuang's experience of seeking immortality and imitating Taoism. Xu Fu's name is too famous, but there are many people who don't know that there are so many generations of emperors who have never really pursued immortality since ancient times. Are all people fools?Do you really think that those royal education started from the age of three or four, and educated so many fools?Let these fools go chasing illusory things?

The so-called "no wind, no waves", this is more or less tricky, but anyone who knows how to think carefully will know that there are too many abnormal things in it. Since ancient times, there have been so many dynasties and so many people. Some special people, these people have abilities beyond ordinary people. To put it bluntly, they are individual evolutionary bodies. These evolutionary bodies have evolved their bodies or brains for special reasons, and thus become beyond ordinary people in some aspects.

However, the probability of this kind of evolution is too low, so ordinary people can't get in touch with it at all, because there are too few such people, such as people with a photographic memory, there are really such people in the world, but look Can anyone around find one?But if I can’t find many people, I don’t believe it. How can people have a photographic memory? Haha, the fact is that this kind of person can not only have a photographic memory, but can even remember the things that happened every day in their lives. Everything, everyone I met, and every word I said was clearly remembered, which was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

This is just a special case of brain evolution, and there are some special cases of body evolution. Some of these special individuals have left their names in history, while others have disappeared from the public, and they have lived a lifetime at ease. There are many legends about immortals, and the most famous one is Peng Zu. Some people say that Peng Zu lived for more than 300 years, and there are also legends that Peng Zu lived for more than 800 years and experienced many dynasties.

Later, people thought it was ridiculous to be over 800 years old. This is completely impossible. How can people live for such a long time?But some things just cannot be understood by normal people. How many people have there been in thousands of years of history?It's not surprising that there is a super-evolved freak, is it 800 years old?According to Tang Sheng's speculation, if the evolution of the human brain exceeds 30.00%, it is easy to be over 1000 years old, and it is not impossible to live for [-] years.

Those emperors control the entire country, and at the same time control all the secrets of the entire country. So many emperors have pursued longevity. Would they be so stupid if they had no basis?I am afraid that many emperors will madly pursue the way of longevity if they have some sufficient evidence. Of course, even if they are emperors, they think the way of longevity is too simple. For example, the evolution of the brain is very high-tech. Stuff, even with the current technology, it is only possible to find out some ways, and it is impossible to master it at all.

In fact, Tang Sheng didn't believe in these things before, but since he experienced the adventure, Tang Sheng has been relieved. This world or this universe is far from being as simple as we imagined. Now when the space gate is opened and the second earth appears, it is obvious Even more outrageous things happened. The animals on this planet appear to be much larger than those on Earth, but they are actually the result of evolution.

This kind of evolution has something to do with the air on the second earth, and also with the herbal spiritual fruit on the second earth. Obviously, this is an opportunity. If we seize this opportunity, maybe the human beings on the earth can change a lot of things. To put it bluntly, this thing can have a special optimization cycle.

What is an optimization loop?That is, the faster the progress of human beings, the more advanced the science and technology will be, and the more things will be researched and refined. When a certain qualitative change is reached, the speed of evolution can be accelerated again, and the cycle of human beings will continue. Progress can take off.

(End of this chapter)

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