Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 260 Shoot to death

Chapter 260 Shoot to death

The six bodyguards beside him started sweating a long time ago, one was frightened by the python, the six of them probably weren't enough for the python to get stuck between their teeth, and the other was scared by the conversation of these three beauties Well, such a big boa constrictor doesn't think about how to escape, but also wants to use other people's skins to make clothes and shoes. If this boa constrictor can understand you, it will probably be furious immediately.

Tang Sheng was also quite speechless. This python looked like it was still hungry. Is it really good for you to just discuss it like this?And with the toy in your hands, you can't kill this python at all. In the end, you can't come by yourself. The problem is that even if you kill this python and transport it back, it will still be a big trouble. You can't let yourself drag this giant python. Let's go back?Tang Sheng also had a headache.

However, Tang Sheng didn't have a headache for a long time, because Ye Susu and the three daughters talked and gestured excitedly and was quickly noticed by the giant python. The huge eyes quickly looked over, and the huge tongue hissed out to show that This guy wanted to eat, Ye Susu and the three daughters screamed in fright and ran back a few steps, but when they looked back Tang Sheng was still standing there and cheered excitedly, as if Tang Sheng was about to play , and they are cheerleaders, making Tang Sheng sweat.

"I warn you, don't get closer, or I will have to kill you!" Tang Sheng sighed and comforted him, waved his hand, and signaled the giant python not to get closer, but unfortunately the giant python couldn't understand it at all. , and couldn't understand Tang Sheng's hand gestures. In the eyes of the giant python, these are just a few small bugs. Although they can't fill their stomachs, they can also fill their stomachs.

This giant python is definitely much bigger than the big guy made by the computer that played the role of white in the movie. When the huge head swings, there are big trees that are hit and swayed non-stop, and there are a few thinner trees. He was knocked down directly, and soon the big head stretched out towards Tang Sheng, and his mouth opened.

Tang Sheng hastily held his breath. Does the smell from the python's mouth smell good?Maybe there is poison, the person also jumped up directly, leaped up to a height of more than ten meters, jumped onto a big tree, avoided the mouth of the giant python, and saw the head of the giant python below was ready to raise it again. Together to find the target Tang Sheng sighed, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just come and vote.

With a slight kick on the branch, the whole person also jumped up, and headed towards the huge python head below. When it was about to land on the python's head, his fist waved directly. Tang Sheng's small fist and the huge python's head It is too small in comparison, but this boa constrictor may have lived for too long, and with some spirituality, it actually felt the dangerous breath, and kept spitting out its core and shrinking its head, intending to quickly avoid Tang Sheng body of.

But it was too late, the huge head hadn't shrunk halfway. Tang Sheng's body had already landed on the huge boa constrictor's head, and his fist also hit the head. The power of this punch was very particular. Yes, the huge power seems to be spread out flat, using a word-collision tactic, the giant python only feels a huge power directly spreading from a point on the head to the skull, almost at the same time. In less than a second, the brain buzzed, and then I didn't know anything.

The power of this punch was like a sound wave. It directly penetrated the python's huge head and hit the inside, causing the python to die on the spot. Tang Sheng had no choice but to kill him. He didn't have the time and mood to deal with this The boa constrictor is playing here. If he spends a while here with the boa constrictor, what will happen to Ye Susu? Just in case.

After crushing the boa constrictor to death with one fist, Tang Sheng jumped down from the boa constrictor's huge head again, and walked towards this side. Ye Susu and the three daughters were dumbfounded. They thought there would be a terrifying battle, but in the end It was the giant python that rushed towards Tang Sheng, and then Tang Sheng jumped up a tree, jumped down again, and then it was over.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you fight anymore?" Ye Susu asked stupidly when she saw Tang Sheng approaching, and then looked at the giant python over there, obviously motionless, as if she understood something.

"It's dead, but I'm afraid it's not easy to get this thing back so big. Even if I take this thing back, those people may kill us again." Tang Sheng said a little depressed. Toothed wolf spent millions of dollars, and 800 million of Ruanmei coins, and a few of them were strangled. They don't know how much it will cost them to transport such a big python back.

The initial estimated weight of this giant python is about 25 to 50 tons, which is definitely heavier than a huge blue whale. The heaviest of an adult blue whale is less than [-] tons, and the body of a blue whale The length is only about [-] meters, but this giant python has a body length of about [-] meters. If it is not much thinner than the blue whale, it will weigh four to five hundred tons. It is so heavy that it can only be used to pull goods. Shipping by giant ship requires the largest and most special kind of ocean transport ship, but not all ships can be transported back.

What is the concept of more than 50 meters long?Standing at the head of the giant python, it was really scary to look at it. Ye Susu smacked his lips after the giant python was dying. He felt that Tang Sheng was indeed a bit perverted. If such a giant python was thrown over the earth, It was definitely a much more terrifying existence than the big monster in the movie Godzilla, but it was killed by Tang Sheng in one go, and it only took a few seconds.

"But it's too wasteful to put it here like this, what a good python skin", Zhao Xuejun also knew that if he had to transport this giant python back, it would be impossible for the shipping cost to be less than 600 million U.S. dollars, but such Youlan Black python skin, and it’s so big, you can’t find the second one on the whole earth. After looking at it for a long time, I didn’t dare to touch it. The faint blue light reflected in the sun is very weird. It looks poisonous.

Tang Sheng was about to open his mouth to say that this python skin is indeed poisonous, but it is only slightly poisonous. The toxin is very mild, and it is still kind of paralytic. In fact, even if people touch it for a while, it will be fine. It's a bit similar, but before he could speak, he couldn't help but look in one direction, and his ears couldn't help moving.

"What's the matter? What happened again?" Ye Susu was Tang Sheng's girlfriend after all, and she was the one who cared about Tang Sheng the most. Seeing Tang Sheng's ears moving, she immediately asked. Some people's ears are indeed fine. It's very fun to move, but Tang Sheng's ear movement means that something happened, and the channel in the ear becomes a more weird arc, which can make the hearing stronger and hear the movement farther away.

"There are people over there who are in big trouble. They seem to belong to Huaxia. If they don't go to the rescue, those people will probably die." Tang Sheng hesitated before speaking.

"What? We Chinese people? Then hurry up and save people." Ye Susu immediately became anxious when she heard the news. Ye Susu's kindness came from the bottom of her heart, otherwise she would not have won Tang Sheng's favor Yes, Tang Sheng had just come out of the closed space at that time, and he was still a beggar. Ye Susu immediately took out 100 yuan when he heard his hungry rumbling. Now that he heard that people in his own country were in danger, he would She made a move, especially since she had absolute trust in Tang Sheng, as long as Tang Sheng stepped in, there would be nothing to deal with.

Tang Sheng nodded and took the lead to run in one direction. Ye Susu also started to run. Su Yuchen and Zhao Xuejun did not lose the chain, and immediately began to raise their legs to keep up. Finally, the six bodyguards were at the end. With Tang Sheng clearing the way, they don't have to worry about safety issues at all, they just need to control the rear.

You must know that this is a virgin forest, and there is no road. Maybe you can run a kilometer or two on a flat road without getting tired, but if you walk through a mountain road without a road, you will know how difficult it is. Let’s not talk about poisonous insects and ants. , just the completely uneven road surface, big pits that may appear everywhere, and sometimes stepping on clods of dirt and stones, and running in the forest without roads is quite exhausting, and you need to put your legs Raised very high.

Have you ever done a high leg run?Running 50 meters on flat ground can make an ordinary person out of breath, let alone in this kind of potholed mountain forest, Tang Sheng easily held a machete in front of him, and swung the knife It is almost the same as a propeller, whether it is a huge leaf or two or three meters of tall grass, it will be cut off by it, and sometimes the branches with thick wrists cannot escape the fate of being cut off.

After rushing all the way, a road was opened in an instant, and Ye Susu was not slow to follow. At first, Tang Sheng was worried that the people behind would not be able to keep up, but he soon felt relieved, Ye Susu's physical strength was too strong. Strong, already ran almost 300 meters, Ye Susu is still very relaxed, not even feeling out of breath, as if just walked a few steps.

Su Yuchen and Zhao Xuejun in the back were a little bit closer, but they were only panting slightly, and their faces were starting to turn red, but it was very slight. On the contrary, the six bodyguards were panting louder than these two beauties. At this time, the six bodyguards are also cursing their mothers in their hearts. It doesn’t matter if Tang Sheng is a super monster. These three beauties are not ordinary people. Have you ever seen ordinary people running so fast and for a long time in the virgin forest? ?It's going to kill you.

After running for more than 500 meters, the six bodyguards were already out of breath. If they ran such a distance outside, the six bodyguards would not be so unbearable, but there is no road here at all. They are running with their legs high. It's still so fast, they feel that even those special forces kings can't stand the speed and road conditions, Su Yuchen and Zhao Xuejun are breathing a little louder.

(End of this chapter)

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