Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 254 Organization

Chapter 254 Organization
If there is no tent in this wilderness, something will happen. Don’t think that camping in the wild is so fun. If you come to such a primitive area, you will die anytime, anywhere, especially when you sleep at night. Rat ants are infested, and there is no shortage of poisons. Areas like this where giant trees have been cut down are better. If the surrounding vegetation is denser and the water source is closer, it will be more dangerous.

But today's primary danger is not from nature and those poisonous mosquitoes, but from the same human beings. How can we say that human beings are sometimes more terrifying than ghosts and gods? When human beings are blinded by greed, they really do everything. It came out that wild beasts kill and eat meat every day to survive, but human beings are not like this in many cases, and there are too many examples of human beings killing each other. This has been the case since ancient times, and it has continued until today.

"Don't move!" Tang Sheng was still lying there, a sharp dagger was placed on Tang Sheng's neck almost instantly, and a black man who was at least two meters tall whispered a warning in English in Tang Sheng's ear.

Tang Sheng opened his eyes and took a look. This guy's skin is so dark that he can be said to be a natural invisible person in the dark. He even shaved his head. A big white eyeball can never find him.

"You are so strong, you must be three tall, believe it or not? Believe it or not, I will test it for you." Tang Sheng also replied in English, but his words were a bit strange. He was holding a knife on his neck. He actually wanted to give someone a medical examination. The black man was stupefied after hearing this. What's going on?Is this a neurosis?
After frowning, the strong black man firmly believed this, because any normal person would not lie outside in the middle of the night, if it is possible in the yard of his own house in the countryside, lying here is obviously feeding mosquitoes , if this person continues to lie here overnight and falls asleep, I am afraid he will never wake up the next day.

When the black burly man was a little surprised, Tang Sheng sat up directly, and the knife on his neck was still on his neck. At this time, the black burly man felt something was wrong. Just now he said don’t move. I'm not kidding, I really grabbed the knife with all my strength, if Tang Sheng made any changes or even yelled, the knife would instantly separate the opponent's neck.

But Tang Sheng just sat up like this, the knife seemed to have cut through the hardest cowhide, no, it was much harder than cowhide, because this sharp dagger that a strong black man thought could separate any skin could not even touch Tang Sheng. His skin wasn't scratched even a little bit, and there wasn't even a white mark, which was a bit scary.

This is not the first time this strong black man has done this kind of thing. To be precise, he is a killer. He knows too much about the human body, and he knows better when he stretches out his hand. He glanced at the back of Tang Sheng's neck with the help of the light over there. This strong black man is a little timid, won't he hit ghosts, right?Immediately afterwards, he felt a small hand holding his wrist. Indeed, Tang Sheng's hand was really small compared to this strong black man. It was at least half smaller than his hand, but it was much stronger. How many.

"Ah~~~", the strong black man felt as if his hand was pinched by a mechanical hand, and he cried out almost instantly, it hurts, it hurts so much, his wrist bones are probably going to be broken at this moment, in the dark night Such a shout can be heard far away, and the three bodyguards who were still on guard over there heard the sound almost instantly, and made defensive equipment, even the three sleeping bodyguards also Gu Lu got up, only Ye Susu and the three beauties were still sleeping soundly in the tent, and they didn't hear the shout at all.

The black burly man also knew that he had broken a big deal, so he hurriedly shut up, but at this time, blood was flowing from his mouth, and the shouting stopped, but he bit his lip directly in the state of too much pain, Tang Sheng If he didn't pay attention to this, he chopped the black man's neck with a hand knife, and the result was. . . .Forehead. . . .Not dizzy?
Tang Sheng was a little depressed, isn't that how it's always played in movies?Try again, still not fainted, well, Tang Sheng slapped the strong black man unconsciously, and he passed out with a slap. Before he passed out, he could still see the strong black man spitting blood from his mouth.

In fact, the movies are all deceptive, you just slash the back of the opponent's head with a knife and you faint, don't talk about it, if it's that easy, why fight?Wouldn't it be good to keep hitting the back of the opponent's neck?If Tang Sheng, an ordinary person, had struck harder, he might have knocked him out, but this black burly man is so strong that even his neck is full of muscles. This body definitely weighs more than three hundred catties. It's impossible to knock him unconscious if you don't hit a certain amount of strength.

It was precisely because of the body and quality of this professional killer that he was sent to fight in the front, but he got off to a bad start, and encountered a monster that was much more perverted than him. Slack, Shi Shiran walked in one direction and walked over.

"What did you do to Carson?" Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him, Tang Sheng didn't look scared at all. Even if the other party had at least twenty hot weapons pointed at him, the leader was a strong white man with a height of 1.9. He was more than [-] meter tall, wearing a green and black camouflage outfit, and his muscles were really scary. Seeing Tang Sheng's unmoving face, he felt a sudden in his heart, and asked a question in English.

His name is John, and he is the captain of this team. He has performed at least a hundred missions, and more than twenty missions were very dangerous. After experiencing so much, John has evolved an instinct. Although there are many people on his side and they have weapons at this time, he has a feeling that if they really do something, they must die. That's why he didn't act immediately.

"What are you guys doing here with weapons in the middle of the night? Tell me, and give me a reasonable explanation, or else..." Tang Sheng didn't say the rest, but the threatening tone Even a fool can understand it.

"Boy, do you know who we are? We are the executors of the ancient Roman club, you better be sensible." Another thin but very fierce man with a beard in his 30s couldn't help shouting angrily. One sound, but the sound was not loud, and obviously did not dare to shout too loudly.

These guys are not idiots. It's night in this completely unrestricted area. If you shout too loudly, you may be brought into trouble by yourself. Not to mention that there will be all kinds of chaos around here at night, Those wild beasts in the distance would often run over and grab a few people and run away.

Although the island has been slightly developed now, many trees and shrubs have been cut down, exposing flat land, and there are many people, but it is daytime, and at night, it is the time for many wild animals to prey , especially some large beasts, will be dispatched at night, so many people gathered here, for those beasts, that is food.

There are not only dinosaurs on the second earth, but also many, many beasts that have long been extinct on the other side of the earth, and even many beasts that do not exist on the earth are not lacking here, such as a black animal similar to a leopard, an animal that comes to explore Scientists have given this animal a weird name, called Nether Black Cat.

This ghostly black cat looks no different from a magnified cat from a distance, but its speed is very fast, its skeleton is also very large, its whole body is jet black, even its two eyes are jet black, isn’t it the radiation With a white-gold glow, some zoologists think that it should be called a leopard, but this guy is really too similar to a cat.

Just being silent on the ground is too cat-like. Running in the forest at night makes almost no sound, and the sharp claws can easily tear flesh or even iron. At the beginning, because of this ghostly black cat, at least More than 30 people died in the night.

Its fur is also very tough, and ordinary pistols can only cause minor injuries to it. There are really a lot of this kind of ghost black cats on this island. At least more than a hundred of them have been hunted and killed. In the vicinity of the city, people still disappear from time to time at night. The black shadows are fleeting, and disappear with the people. Most of the time, people can't even scream. The speed is too fast, and it really approaches quietly like a nightmare. .

Coupled with the kidnapping and extortion of bad people around, it can be said that the degree of danger here has really reached a terrifying level at night. Those fishermen who come to the island do not dare to live on the island at night. They all live on the boat. Yes, but even so, accidents often happen, but these people are holding their heads to make a fortune, and if they really lose their lives, they can't blame others.

"Ancient Roman Club?" Tang Sheng frowned and curled his lips. There are at least dozens of mysterious organizations in the world, and there really is such a club among them, but isn't that club called the Roman Club?Why is there an extra ancient character?Tang Sheng was really curious.

The Club of Rome ranks ninth among those mysterious organizations. It is a special club composed of global think tanks. It has a long history. It has a history of nearly a hundred years. Most of its members are elites from various countries , There are also a small number of political figures, this club regularly holds meetings to discuss global financial issues.

Someone once said that this club has caused at least three global economic crises. Why did it create such an economic recession?Naturally, it is to make money. Members of this club can make a lot of money if others are unlucky. With money, many things are much easier to handle, especially in some economically developed countries, money can really Do many things.

(End of this chapter)

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