Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 248 Merchant

Chapter 248 Merchant
What's more, these dilapidated fishing boats are about to be eliminated, and it's really useless to park them in the pier now. They don't go out to sea at all on weekdays, and even some damaged boats go out to sea after repairing them. These fishermen are really working hard to make money. Damn, don't imagine the life of these fishermen is so beautiful. Their daily life is no different from those farmers who work hard on the land, even worse than the farmers, because it is possible to die in the sea when going to sea, at least farming It's not life-threatening, is it?

Among so many fishermen, there are always bold ones. This is the case with fishermen from an island country. After failing to grab a good position, they directly looked at the island. Finally, they gritted their teeth and went up. The armies of various countries have already They all withdrew and went to grab those territories on the mainland. Naturally, they gave up here. Now that all countries are making arrangements for the future of their own country, how can they have the time to care about small things here.

At the beginning, this island was considered by many people to be a contested place, but when the satellite map was opened, everything changed, and this place became dispensable. No one or any country dared to snatch it. If anyone dares to do that, he will face the wrath of the whole world. Was Hitler awesome?No, it was wiped out by the whole world.

Now this island is tasteless to these countries, but it is a rare wealth for these fishermen. The minerals on the island have been protected by the military of some countries, such as the gold mine discovered at the beginning, Even the gold mine discovered by an individual or an organization is useless. Without the protection of the country, no individual or organization will be able to withstand this wealth.

In the face of such big issues, the country has become the strong backing of many individuals and organizations. At this time, many people finally understand the importance of the country to individuals and organizations. Of course, although the island looks very large, it is still in the sea. It's just an island with not many mineral resources.

But there are many wild animals on it, especially dinosaurs, which have been extinct on the earth for tens of millions of years. There are seven islanders on that fishing boat. A herbivorous dinosaur was hunted and killed. This dinosaur was not too big, only weighing more than two tons. After being chopped into pieces of meat, it was directly sent to the fishing boat by a crane.

Then this fishing boat did not continue to grab the territory, Shi Shiran returned home, and soon the island country broke the shocking news, the dinosaur meat was sold, and this fisherman was also the first person to eat crabs, and he directly caught and killed them. I caught a dinosaur and sold dinosaur meat. Although many people condemned this behavior, some paleontologists were so angry that they almost fainted, but there was nothing they could do. Wild animals are being protected all over the world, but are there still few wild animals that are hunted and killed every year? ?

The bold fisherman who protested and shouted slogans didn't bother to pay attention. A dinosaur was sold out in less than an hour, and the money he made was at least a hundred times that of fishing. Such a high profit made this fisherman I was stunned, but when I came back to my senses, I organized a few people and headed towards the island again.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The news that a dinosaur was sold for a sky-high price soon became known to countless people. Fishermen from all over the world who went fishing also began to be tempted. Who cares if the money is dangerous or not, is the smuggling army dangerous or not?Is it dangerous to commit drugs?A lot of people are still doing it.

Soon the island was in chaos. Dinosaurs were being hunted everywhere, and even many professional hunting teams went there. They were not these fishermen at all. A large amount of dinosaur meat was brought back by boats. There are some, these dinosaur meats seem to be a lot at this time, and a dinosaur is also very big, but how many people are there in the world?This amount of dinosaur meat is really not enough to consume, so almost everyone who buys dinosaur meat is rich.

Is dinosaur meat really as delicious as imagined?Of course not, it’s not even as good as chicken, let alone fish, but the rich eat it. It’s like a sea cucumber worth 2 yuan a catty. Is it really delicious when you buy it and cook it?If you really eat two bowls, it will definitely make you vomit. What you eat is nutritious, what you eat is what you eat, what you eat is high-end and elegant, so even though the dinosaur meat is not delicious, you can still eat it with more condiments .

How dare you call yourself rich if you haven’t eaten dinosaur meat?And just now Ye Susu and Su Yuchen vomited because Tang Sheng's method was wrong. If the meat is sliced ​​thinner, marinated in advance, and more seasonings are added, the taste is still good. Tang Sheng wants to taste this The original taste of the dinosaur meat is naturally more primitive, otherwise the two beauties would not have vomited.

Of course, don’t expect to sell dinosaur meat all the time. It’s not because you’re afraid that various countries will crack down on such behavior. Dinosaurs are indeed extinct on earth. If you raise one, it’s a priceless treasure. But on the second earth, dinosaurs are more expensive than mountains There are even more pheasants and wild rabbits in China, and they are everywhere. Even if you eat them for decades, you can't finish them.

Dinosaur meat is very fresh now. After a few days, when dinosaur meat is delivered in large quantities, people will not be so enthusiastic when they realize that dinosaur meat is not very tasty. Rare is more expensive. When things are completely flooded, they are worthless, and the truth can also be reversed.

The sky-high price of bluefin tuna is now unaffordable for ordinary people, and they are all sold by the piece, but how much was there in those days?It is everywhere in the sea. No one in the nobles at that time ate tuna. All the tuna caught were eaten by slaves. The nobles never ate this kind of inferior food, but they don’t want to change completely today after a hundred years. I can't afford it, but it has become the pursuit of the rich, is it ironic or not?
"I don't want it." Ye Susu shook her head and gave Tang Sheng a supercilious look. Tang Sheng was a little stunned. Tang Sheng thought that the price of sea fish has dropped a lot now. It has dropped a little in the past two days. It can be said that there are many expensive sea fish. The price has dropped to three or four tenths of the original price, and he intends to lower the price of the dishes in the restaurant, but Ye Susu replied like this.

"Now that the price of sea fish has dropped so much, we should also express it?" Tang Sheng said helplessly.

"You don't understand business, so don't worry about it. Not only will we not increase the price, but we will raise the price after a while." Su Yuchen next to him also gave Tang Sheng a supercilious look, naturally blaming him for meddling, although Both the farm and the restaurant belong to Tang Sheng, but he has never been in charge of anything. Why is he so diligent this time?
The restaurant's interests are also related to Su Yuchen's income. If the price of the restaurant drops, Su Yuchen's income may also decrease. Ye Susu is not only a shareholder of the restaurant, but also the proprietress. How could she agree to lower the price?She had already discussed this issue with Su Yuchen.

Soon the two girls, Su Yuchen and Ye Susu, started chatting again about how much they would increase the price of the restaurant in a few days, even the price of mineral water. Tang Sheng couldn't help but smile wryly after thinking for a while. After getting up, he also read a lot of books on business, and soon understood why the price of sea fish was falling, but the restaurant did not lower the price and wanted to raise the price.

There is a saying that rare goods can be lived in. Speaking of which, the price of sea fish has nothing to do with the pricing of Tang Sheng's restaurant. It seems to be related, but in reality?The reason why Tang Sheng’s restaurants are so popular and the prices are so high is not because the dishes here are delicious. The most important thing is that these dishes can improve people’s physical fitness. Eating them for a long time can make people healthier .

In China, the theory of Chinese medicine for thousands of years has focused on dietary therapy. We always say that diseases come from the mouth. In fact, more than 90.00% of the diseases really come from the mouth, including the things we usually eat and the water we drink. Our bodies all have certain burdens.

Our body can be compared to a car. At the beginning, our body is clean. It is a high-end car and needs to be filled with 98 gasoline. However, after ten years of use, the gasoline label needs to be reduced to 95. Because When the impurities in the body increase to a certain level, 98 gasoline cannot be completely burned, and the performance of the car will become worse and worse as time goes by.

Scientists have long researched a conclusion, that is, if a person eats and drinks from birth without any toxins and excessive impurities, then the human body will have no problems at all for 120 years, but because of various Reasons, especially eating and drinking, coupled with drinking and smoking, etc., the life span of the body will be greatly shortened.

But anyone with some medical knowledge probably knows that women live longer than men, why?It is very simple, that is, women smoke and drink too little, while the proportion of men has increased by dozens or even hundreds of times, which fully proves that the research results of those scientists are true.

The body that has been used for 60 or [-] years can suddenly be fully purified and improved. This kind of opportunity to buy life with money is a rare opportunity. Haven’t you seen that countless rich people are rushing to apply for membership cards here?If the price is lowered now, wouldn't that lower the standard of this restaurant?Now Su Yuchen can be regarded as a business elite. After discussing with Ye Susu, he should simply raise the price. As for the drop?That's impossible, and the price will not be lowered if you kill it.

This kind of rare goods is the real nature of a businessman. Tang Sheng’s thought of wanting to lower prices means that he is definitely not suitable to be a businessman. If there are other businessmen, the price of food in this restaurant may have been raised several times. Now that Su Yuchen just wanted to raise the price, it was already a great deal of face.

(End of this chapter)

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