Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 245 Situation

Chapter 245 Situation

Seeing that the island country Bangzi Country is eager to try, other countries will naturally stop watching, and naturally start to prepare. When the time comes, they will not be left behind, or else they will grab a few at the end. I'm afraid I can't cry in the Gobi Desert.

And many countries are also worried about what to do if they encounter intelligent life on this planet after they have robbed the land?If the technology of intelligent life on this planet is not high, it’s okay to say, then the history of landing on the American continent may repeat itself. Just think about the fate of those Indians, but what if the technology of intelligent life on this planet is higher than that of people on earth? ?Will that be the other way around?

The current situation can be said to be a bit chaotic. Various major issues such as land grabbing, war precursors, ethnic migration, geographical division, planetary environment, and geographic location research have yet to be resolved. Tang Sheng looked at the text on his notebook. The three heads next to all the detected data are also explaining these things.

In fact, these things are now confidential and cannot be disclosed casually, but Tang Sheng's level of confidentiality is quite high, and Tang Sheng now provides a lot of water of life every month, because these water of life are now in the military headquarters Many real special forces have been trained, why do we say real special forces?These soldier kings were already strong. After taking a lot of water of life, their physical fitness has improved again, and they have faintly surpassed the limits of human bodies.

These real special forces have reached a very strong level in terms of physical fitness and learning speed. No matter what they do, they are one against ten strong men. As long as the water of life can keep up, such strong men will become more and more powerful. Many, these people will come in handy in the future.

And the most important thing is that the water of life can not only make the body stronger, but also develop the human brain, so that the human body can be fully evolved. After taking the water of life, the brain area of ​​those scientists and scholars has also been greatly developed. IQ will continue to improve, and research results will also appear one by one.

This water of life is really terrible. If Huaxia is given another ten years, I am afraid that Huaxia's technology will reach an incredible level, but I don't want to have a little bit of clues here, and this space door appears, there is no such thing as Give Huaxia time to continue to grow and develop, but even so, he knows how useful Tang Sheng is.

This time I came here not only to introduce these situations to Tang Sheng, but Mr. Ye also tested Tang Sheng's attitude and wanted to hear his views on the second earth. Tang Sheng has many secrets, and God knows he still hides them. What a trump card, so Tang Sheng's suggestion must be listened to.

"Well, it's pretty good. After that, the number of people on Earth will decrease by at least half. Go to the Second Earth over there to develop. Hehe, okay, very good." After reading the data, Tang Sheng listened to Mr. Ye and the three of them. After finishing the current situation, he nodded with a smile and said such a sentence.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Ye and the three of them were a little dumbfounded. Why did you say such a sentence suddenly?Why did Tang Sheng's words sound a little sarcastic?Does he know something?Or does he know the level of intelligent life on the second planet?If it is higher than the earth, then the earth people will suffer a lot.

"It's nothing interesting. Now that we finally found the Second Earth, which is ten times the land of the Earth, let's grab it. Whoever grabs it counts. It's such a simple matter." Tang Sheng shrugged indifferently and said.

"Boy Tang, tell me first whether you opened this space door with that alien computer? Answer this question first." Finally, there is someone who understands. Gu Wen asked directly. In fact, this question is I should have asked from the beginning, but Mr. Ye had too many things in his mind, so he forgot about it before.

The other two old men nodded hastily, yes, there is another purpose of coming today is to ask about this space gate, after all, they first found an alien computer in the stone city under the sea, and then it was played by Tang Sheng After a month, I accidentally opened something to connect to other nodes, and soon this space door appeared. No matter how you look at it, it has a lot to do with that alien computer.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not, the alien text is too complicated, didn't I say it, it is impossible to fully understand the knowledge system of those alien civilizations within 800 years , half and half", Tang Sheng was telling the truth, and when he gave this answer, the three old men couldn't laugh or cry.

If Tang Sheng could really control that ancient alien computer, wouldn't he be able to open that huge space door at will?It would be even better if the space door could be moved. This is also the purpose of coming to Tang Sheng today, but it seems that this idea is about to fail.

"Why don't you care at all? This is a big deal." Mr. Ye was a little angry. Tang Sheng's leisurely lying there made people angry, and there was no excitement or urgency on his face. , Now when it comes to this second planet, everyone's emotions are extremely excited. In the past few days, almost all the news, all topics, and all discussions revolve around the second earth.

"It's a big thing? I think it's a big thing." Tang Sheng rolled his eyes. The three old men in front of him almost had a heart attack. In Tang Sheng's eyes, the discovery of alien planets and the discovery of dinosaurs that had disappeared from the earth for tens of millions of years turned out to be a big deal. Not only these three old men couldn't understand it, I'm afraid anyone else couldn't understand it.

Seeing the dumbfounded looks of the three old men, Tang Sheng could only explain it. From the perspective of the development and form of the earth, this is indeed a big deal, but for the common people, it has nothing to do with it for the time being. Although it is now a little unstable whether it is the school or the factory, and even many schools and some companies are on holiday, it is estimated that it will return to normal in a few days.

Everything will soon return to its original state. Those who should go to school, those who should go to work, eat and sleep will still live like that every day, and the exploration and development of the second earth is also a matter of national level. For ordinary people It's nothing more than one more topic of conversation. As for whether they will immigrate to the second earth in the future, it can't be decided in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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