Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 227 Generous

Chapter 227 Generous
It's really like that saying, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, now that she is married to the second idiot, she also wants to become a cute pet, and as the days go by, the water of life she eats is getting more and more A lot, gradually the wildness dissipated a lot, coupled with the education of the husband of the second idiot next to him, I was able to play with the little girl Tangtang from time to time a few days ago, and there was no need to worry about this little girl with the second idiot watching. The white wolf hurts people.

Tang Sheng told the second idiot that if your wife bites someone, she will be stewed right away. The second idiot was frightened when he heard this. Tang Sheng is the second idiot who kills chickens and fish in the kitchen every day. He had seen it countless times, but he couldn't guarantee that what Tang Sheng was telling was not telling the truth, so he was strict with this daughter-in-law on weekdays.

Originally, the second fool was just a husky, and he couldn't beat the real white wolf at all, but who made him a husky that has become a good one, so he not only rescued the wife from the zoo, but also educated her well. Sometimes martial strength is really not as important as the mind, and the saying that no matter how advanced the martial arts is, you are afraid of kitchen knives is not empty words.

Gently stroking the white wolf's body, and slowly moving his hands around the white wolf's stomach, the white wolf named Fangfang froze, and looked at the second idiot beside him, and saw that the second idiot didn't have any problems. His opinion is no longer moving, this is Tang Sheng, if it is someone else, I am afraid that the white wolf will bite someone.

Wolves are quite protective of their cubs, and the wolf cubs haven't been born yet. The ferocity of the female wolf is not a joke, but after drinking so much water of life, she has somewhat spiritualized, so I know that Tang Sheng will not hurt you. After touching her for a few minutes, Tang Sheng hesitated for a long time before swiping his hand, and a drop of bright red blood appeared on his finger.

Fangfang seemed to know something, and she looked at Tang Sheng with strange eyes, but her mouth grew wide immediately. With a flick of Tang Sheng's hand, this drop of blood entered Fangfang's mouth. The evolution of the white wolf Fangfang can also make the baby in her stomach stronger and smarter, and after drinking this drop of blood, I am afraid that the IQ of this white wolf will not be lower than that of her husband, the second idiot. It is probably difficult for an IQ to bully a wife.

There is a special fishy smell in the blood. The human sense of smell is not very sensitive, but the sense of smell of animals is much stronger than that of humans, especially large carnivorous animals such as dogs or wolves, but Tang Sheng's blood does not have that kind of fishy smell Well, Tang Sheng's blood is more of a strange and special energy than blood, and the power of this energy has surpassed the cognition of human beings today.

Catalyze the growth and evolution of animals and plants, let animals and plants improve quickly, have better offspring, purify water quality, as for diseases, etc., there are too many effects. If it is stronger, it can be compared with the gods in ancient myths. Yes, it is said that the blood of the ancient gods can directly create creatures, whether they are animals or plants.

Back then, Empress Nvwa kneaded mud to become a human being, but she didn't really turn the mud into a human being. She also needed to mix her own blood, but she didn't drop her own blood directly on the mud, but in the process of kneading the mud. The blood in the blood will slowly spread to those soils, so that those soils will become human beings.

Today, the second idiot came to Tang Sheng just to ask for something cheaper for his wife. Now that Tang Sheng paid a drop of blood, the second idiot was naturally satisfied, but he was still not satisfied. He kept rubbing his big head against Tang Sheng's trouser legs, hoping to make Tang Sheng Sheng also gave a drop of blood for himself, but Tang Sheng directly scolded him as a stupid dog and kicked him, then left helplessly.

Er Fool's name looks silly, but this husky is very shrewd. It is completely different from the mentally retarded Er Ha. He knew that if he continued to annoy Tang Sheng for a while, he might be beaten up, but he was helpless. I can only take my daughter-in-law and leave. Anyway, I can get a bargain. The last behavior is just a trial. If you try, you may succeed in getting the benefits, and you will not lose a piece of meat. The character of the two fools It is becoming more and more obvious.

However, the more such a personality is mixed, the better it is, and it is the same in human society. Thin-skinned can't afford it, and thick-skinned can't eat it. The second fool has brought the essence of this sentence to the fullest. The idiot got a lot of delicious food by virtue of his naughty personality, and the girl Tangtang fed him delicious food every day since she got acquainted with him.

Tang Sheng glanced at his trouser leg. This nasty second idiot rubbed the dog hair on his trouser leg again. Since the second idiot evolved, the hair on his body has been shedding almost every day. The frequency and speed of hair shedding are absolutely normal for dogs. Several times or even more than ten times, the floor of the house at home was covered with this guy's dog hair. For this reason, Tang Sheng bought a vacuum cleaner with high suction power.

Tang Sheng paid another drop of blood, and Tang Sheng didn't care. Fangfang, the white wolf, is now a member of the family. With this drop of blood, not only can Fangfang become smarter and start to evolve, but the wolf cubs born in the future may also be able to do so. Be very smart and healthy.

Last time Mr. Ye sent Ma Feng over to ask for this kind of purification energy. Tang Sheng only gave some concentrated saliva, not blood. This time, Bai Lang Fangfang gave blood directly. Tang Sheng felt that humans and animals still had to be separated. Human desires were too great and too deep, and if Tang Sheng provided blood, the energy would be too great, and I'm afraid it would be difficult to explain later.

It doesn’t matter to these animals, there is no need to explain anything, many times you are too kind to people but it is harmful, otherwise how can there be a saying that Dou Mien rises Miqiu, the more you give to a person, that person will change The more greedy you get, the more you keep giving, and later that person will take it for granted. When one day you stop giving that person will not only not appreciate you, but will hate you, saying that you are heartless and unjust, and he will take it for granted. Don't think about how much you have helped him.

On the contrary, animals don’t have so many crooked thoughts. When you help an animal, as long as the animal can help you when you need help, then he will help without hesitation. You treat him well, and he treats you better , There is no need to doubt this point at all, it is also described in a fantasy movie, a monster can have a master, follow the master for a lifetime, live and die together, but it is impossible for a human to have a master.

There was a girl who followed a man and let that man become her master. The demon next to her explained that it is impossible for a human to do it, because people have too many thoughts and desires, and they may change their minds anytime and anywhere , How could it be possible to follow the master for a lifetime?People are ghosts and ghosts, on the contrary, monsters are much more innocent, which is why Tang Sheng gave Fangfang a drop of blood to the white wolf just now.

(End of this chapter)

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