Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 224 Location

Chapter 224 Location
The three female soldiers, Huang Wenhui, Liu Tingting and Huang Jiayi, can be said to be really one in a thousand. They are all top-notch in terms of ability, appearance, body and mind. I am afraid that the ordinary ones will not be dispatched to Tang Sheng's side. , and because of this, these three girls were favored by the rich man who had dinner in front of them, and all three of them had several suitors.

In today's money society, too many girls can't resist the temptation of money. For example, in some special industries, they can get a lot of money first, flight attendants, tour guides, etc., as long as they have enough good looks, they will have the opportunity to meet some rich men. Well, it is not a fantasy for a duckling to become a white swan, and which girl can resist the temptation to enter a wealthy family?

It is precisely because of this that these near-water industries are so sought after by people, but there are not many people who have really taken that step. Most of the jobs, let alone contacting the rich, may not even have a chance to take a look. The restaurant can be said to be the most likely position in the world, and it has direct contact with several billionaires every day.

Some of these billionaires are divorced, and some are still unmarried. Of course, even those who are not married will have a few children. This is nothing new in today’s society. Coming to Tang Sheng’s place is to eat Yes, to improve the health of the body, but soon these three girls entered the eyes of these rich people.

Body, brains, management skills, etc. are all top-notch, and with more contact with each other, they naturally become friends. How does it feel to be pursued by several billionaires?It's really both painful and happy. Happiness is easy to explain. Almost all girls expect to have this kind of happiness, but the pain is that they are a little confused.

First of all, I feel that although those rich people are polite, their age does not match my age. The youngest one is about ten years older than me. The second is that they still have a very special mission. During the mission Naturally, they can't fall in love, and if they apply, they can apply, but the most important thing is the third point, that is, they feel that they really have nothing to talk about with these rich people.

On weekdays, these rich people talk about how the company is doing, what is happening with the Nasdaq stock, what news is there in Silicon Valley, what do girls like to talk about?Naturally, it is some romantic things, such as stars, movies, bags, which place has the most beautiful scenery.

This is the case, when you get something, you will naturally lose some, these rich people get a lot of money, slowly talk about money, chasing money has become a kind of instinct for them, if they don’t chase money, their life will be like It doesn't make sense, if not, then they wouldn't be billionaires.

In the eyes of many money-worshiping women, this kind of billionaire is definitely the best son-in-law. I don't care what he does every day, as long as he gives me the most money to spend every day, but the three girls Huang Jiayi all have For their own pursuit, they have lived in the army for several years and have not been contaminated with too much worldliness. Naturally, they feel that they can't get along with these rich people.

Even if they were to choose one among rich people and salted fish bosses like Tang Sheng, they would definitely choose a salted fish boss like Tang Sheng, and they would not choose those rich people who are so busy every day that they don't even touch the ground for half of the year. Being on a plane sounds high-end, but you don't know what pain is until you actually live that life.

"Well, can the boss recruit a few more people? The three of us are so busy every day that we don't even have a day off. We can't always be like this? The country stipulates that we have two days off a week. The boss has pity on us." Huang Jiayi pouted helplessly, making a coquettish appearance.

Huang Jiayi was also very helpless. Who would let her lose in the game of rock-paper-scissors? She was smiling and pretending to be coquettish, but she cried because she was not such a person at all, but for Tang Sheng The boss, Huang Jiayi, was also very relieved. From the perspective of Huang Jiayi and the three girls, this boss not only had a girlfriend, but also looked a little weird, like a zombie. He just lay there after he was busy every day, and almost never saw him move his place.

They guessed that if Tang Sheng didn't have to go to the kitchen to cook and eat, he would probably lie on a chair 24 hours a day. Something like a millstone, like a blind man groping for an elephant, if they hadn't been in contact with Tang Sheng all the time, they would really have thought it was a madman.

"Look at my brain, I forgot, hehe, I'm sorry, in this way, I will give you full responsibility for this matter. Anyway, the three of you are in charge of the front of the restaurant, recruiting a few people, how to take a break in the future, and other things You are in charge of everything, as for the salary and treatment, you go talk to that girl Su Yuchen, how about she is in charge of the entire company's accounting now?" Tang Sheng smiled apologetically and offered a plan.

That's true. Ordinary people always look forward to the holidays when they go to school and work, and they can rest and rest. But for Tang Sheng, every day is a rest, and every day can be busy. Tang Sheng has no idea about holidays. Those rich people are really similar. When your assets reach a certain level, you are no longer a screw, but a subjective and active switch.

And your switch is not something you can turn off if you want, because you are reluctant, as long as you turn off those products that are constantly being produced, they will stop, the production line will stop, and the most important thing is that if you turn off, it will cause More serious consequences, the screws below are countless human heads, once you close the thousands or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of heads who follow you to eat, you will be hungry.

There are still many shareholders behind you, and you don’t want to close those shareholders, which creates a result. Even if you don’t want to go forward one day, there are still countless people behind you who push you to go forward. No way, ordinary people can resign directly if they don’t want to do it, and change their way of life, but when you reach a certain level, resignation becomes a luxury.

Now Tang Sheng has a similar look. Tang Sheng went out a few times before, and the rich people immediately went crazy when the restaurants here closed. The eloquence of those meals will also deteriorate a lot, because the cooking skills of those chefs are really far from that of Tang Sheng, a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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