Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 216 Sublimation

Chapter 216 Sublimation
Forced pressure made the body's self-adjusting type stronger. After Tang Sheng's blood entered their body, it would have gradually changed their body's evolution, but there was one exception, that is, there was external pressure or pressure. They would engage in extreme sports, which would prompt Tang Sheng's blood to rapidly adjust and transform their bodies, which happened to be the case now.

So in the end, the depth of Tang's father and Tang's mother's diving kept increasing. Yesterday, he reached a depth of 180 meters underwater, which was close to 200 meters, but his body became stronger. The whole body of flesh looks a little petrified, it doesn't look like ordinary flesh, it looks more like flesh carved from stone, of course it is flesh-colored stone.

"Grandpa and grandma, I still want to think about that big shell." Seeing Tang's father and mother carrying the bag and walking towards the beach again, Tang Tang chased after Tangtang, and Tang's mother smiled and picked up the granddaughter , When they were diving yesterday, they picked up a few very large shells on the bottom of the sea. They were very beautiful. There were dozens of pearls inside, but they were all white pearls. The shape was not good-looking, and the roundness was not enough. For a few dollars, Tangtang prefers those big shells.

"Okay, grandma will definitely bring it back for you today." Tang Ma pinched Tangtang's little nose with a smile and said, "Do you want to go swimming with grandma?"

As a result, Tang Tang's little head was shaking as soon as she finished asking Tangtang, like a bobblehead. At first, Tangtang really foolishly agreed, but she went there once and froze Tangtang enough, After I came back, I had a runny nose, and I drank ginger soup for two days to get better, but it made the little girl very upset. Since then, Tangtang has never been fooled again, and Tangtang's cute appearance attracted Tang's father next to him. Haha laughed out loud.

Tang's father and Tang's mother teased their little granddaughter for a while, and then walked to the beach together with a smile. Even though everyone else was wearing thick sportswear and suits at this time, these two elderly people in their 60s were still wearing summer clothes , After seeing it, others have to praise how good the body is.

I have to say that Tang's father and Tang's mother have changed a lot during this period of time, especially after slowly absorbing the few drops of Tang Sheng's blood and brain evolution, even the original old concepts have undergone earth-shaking changes. This is very gratifying news, at least Tang Sheng no longer hears his mother's nagging.

I remember that when Tang’s father and Tang’s mother first arrived, Tang’s mother would nagging almost every day. Her eldest son has been missing for 12 years, and now he is about to be 36 years old, but he is not even married. Let her be a mother. Now that the eldest son is back, there are no accidents, and there is no shortage of legs, so the most important thing is to get married.

So Tang Ma often nagged in Tang Sheng's ear to let him get married. Of course, this was only the first few days. Later, she gradually adapted to the life here, and after going out to sea for a while, her body became more and more serious. Getting stronger and stronger, and her brain getting better and better, Gradually, Mama Tang seemed to understand something, why did she say that?
Because Tang Sheng also recommended some books to his parents and let them read them when they have nothing to do. At the beginning, both Tang’s father and Tang’s mother felt dumbfounded. How can I learn things at such an old age?

But when they read those books, the two old people realized that they were wrong, and they were still very wrong. Not only did they slowly understand those books, but they also learned them at a frighteningly fast speed. Basically, they can read them once or twice. I have completely memorized it. As time goes by, the two old people read more and more books, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Knowledge can change destiny, this sentence is really a wise saying, knowledge can not only change a person's destiny, but also change a person's thinking, live to the old and learn, as long as your brain has not entered the level of dementia, when will It's never too late to start learning.

What's more, Tang's father and Tang's mother's brain has begun to evolve slowly. Many areas in the brain that were idle have been slowly opened up. After reading more books, the old ideas are gradually changing. Coupled with the impact of the current fairy life, Tang Ma no longer said those old words to Tang Sheng.

When a person's spirit has sublimated to a certain level, he can't help but ask, why do he live?The deeper philosophical question is who am I?Where do I come from?Where are you going?Due to the evolution of her body and brain, Tang's mother basically sleeps three to four hours a day, and she can't help but think about this problem many times when she is sitting at the table drinking milkshake coffee late at night.

I used to be busy almost every day, busy going to work, busy buying vegetables and cooking, busy inquiring about the messy gossip, busy worrying about my son's marriage, now think about how ridiculous it is, but every family This is how households live. Whether it is the work unit or the neighbors, they almost talk about their children, which university they went to, when they got married, which work unit they are married to, how beautiful they are, and how rich they are.

It feels so childish to see a child get a new toy and show it off to his friends, but why not the so-called mature adults in the end?After coming to the elder son's place, Tang's mother realized how ridiculous many of her ideas were after seeing the pattern of those rich people.

The words of the young people are so right. Poverty limits my imagination. Likewise, ignorance limits my life pattern. A meal can cost tens of thousands or even 10,000+. Bentley is Rolls-Royce, what kind of life is this?When chatting together, I don’t even talk about the gossip that I inquired about, whether it’s financial fashion or some aspect of technological development, future investment directions, etc., this is called life.

And through these stories, Mama Tang also gradually understood what life is. She also chatted with those wealthy partners or friends several times. It's too big, and there are too many cultures. People's horizons really shouldn't be so narrow, just like an old farmer in ancient times who hoeed the field every day, and asked him one day, what do you think the emperor eats every day?The old farmer replied enviously, the emperor must be able to eat a few meatloaf every day.

If the emperor really heard this sentence, he would spit out blood in anger. I eat dozens of dishes in rotation every day, and eat meat pancakes every day?You think I am a wealthy landowner. After coming into contact with this level, Tang Ma's ancient feudal concept finally began to change.

(End of this chapter)

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