Chapter 211 Box
Many things or buildings that are ugly, worthless, and random in our eyes are treasures in the eyes of archaeologists. They play a very important role in the cultural research of a civilization. It can be said that this city can create If it is the sea, then everything in it will be included in the research category.

"Huh? What's that?" Ye Susu exclaimed, looking at the things on the screen and exclaiming, the others also exclaimed, just now they were still complaining about how Tang Sheng could smash the stone platform with one punch Well, it's good now, it's a blessing, if Tang Sheng hadn't smashed the stone platform with a punch, the things inside would not have been exposed.

Tang Sheng was also surprised when he saw this thing. He guessed it just now. The success rate of guessing is not even [-]%, not even [-]%. Tang Sheng couldn't help but secretly sighed a word of luck, he could guess right this way, he really should buy a lottery ticket.

This is a huge box, 1.5 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high. Of course, this is an approximate value. Tang Sheng just estimated it. The box is made of metal, definitely not iron. It is cold and cold, and there are some special carved patterns on the box, which are very delicate, and occasionally one or two strange creatures can be seen in the carved patterns.

The appearance of this box is more valuable than the ones found just now. Tang Sheng ignored it after a brief inspection of the box. This box must be taken back, and he will study it carefully when he gets to the top. As for opening it Let's go up and talk about it. It must not be opened at the bottom of the sea, otherwise whatever is inside will be useless.

Tang Sheng stayed in this empty seabed stone city for at least three hours, but he didn't gain much. There was only a skeleton and a box, and nothing else. When Tang Sheng took this thing and put it on Everyone was excited when they were together, and soon these two things appeared on the giant ship. The space of the giant ship was larger, and there were also special equipment on the giant ship.

On the surface, it looks like this is a giant business ship, but it is actually a special laboratory. However, not many people know that this giant ship is a laboratory. This laboratory is completely confidential to the outside world. Such a laboratory There are many laboratories in every country. Some laboratories are built in the mountains, some laboratories are built deep underground, and of course some are built on the sea. They can be regarded as mobile laboratories.

As soon as Tang Sheng came up, almost everyone complained about it, how did you take the video?That said, why did you come up so quickly?But soon the skeleton and the big box were sent to the laboratory in the giant ship. Tang Sheng followed these people into the laboratory. Everyone is waiting for the results. Let's do a simple test first. .

After more than an hour, the test results shocked everyone, including Tang Sheng. Everyone knows that the age of the earth is about 46 billion years. Of course, this is only an estimate. Some people speculate that the age of the earth should be 50 billion to 70 billion years. In between, it is not completely certain. In 38, a team of scientists discovered some fossils, which were between 43 billion and [-] billion years ago.

From these fossils, it can be clearly proved that life existed on the earth 43 billion years ago. This result proves that the form of life appeared on the earth much earlier than people thought. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, exploration is also in progress. It has never stopped, and the discoveries one after another are constantly shaking people's nerves, and today they are shaking again.

Through detection, it was found that this box and this skeleton have been more than 30 billion years old. This is a shocking discovery, and through detection, this is not a skeleton, but a biological fossil. After immersing in the sea for 30 billion years, it may have turned into ashes long ago, but I don’t know what kind of energy radiation this skeleton has received, it has become as hard as iron, and slowly evolved into a fossil, and the research value of this fossil at this time bigger.

"Three billion years ago? This is definitely not the ancestor of human beings. It is much earlier than the ancestors of human beings. What is in that box? The things inside must be very important. You should open it and take a look," Tang Sheng thought. After a while, he said such a sentence, the surrounding generals and the heads of the three special forces all looked at each other in unison, but no one answered.

"That's right, I finally found a big box, I must open it to see what treasures are inside," Ye Susu said excitedly, she was also very curious about the box.

If someone else said this, I'm afraid Ye Tian would have slapped him and slapped him away, but this is his precious granddaughter, not to mention that this box was also brought up by Tang Sheng, Ye Tian quickly discussed with the other three old friends. In other words, I decided to open it and have a look. Anyway, the laboratory on this giant ship is very advanced and can completely simulate a vacuum environment. No matter what is inside, it is not afraid of damage.

What's more, this box will have to be opened sooner or later. Tang Sheng, the righteous master, fished it up. How can it be possible not to let him take a look?Tang Sheng is not an ordinary person. There are still too many places to cooperate with Tang Sheng in the future. They also know that this decision is a bit too hasty, but they are also curious about what is in the box 30 billion years ago. ?People can't help but guess.

Just do what you say, Tang Sheng, who was slow and careless about everything before, became vigorous and decisive at this time, and soon entered the laboratory with a few researchers. After tossing for more than an hour, the five researchers frowned. Frowning tightly, he kept checking with various instruments. The more he checked, the more incredible he felt. Even Tang Sheng was a little confused, how to open this box?

First of all, I don't know what kind of metal this box is made of. It belongs to a kind of alloy. Through testing and analysis, I am afraid that this kind of alloy does not exist on the earth. It is much harder than diamonds. Just now a researcher tried to drill a little powder After further analysis, the result is that the diamond drill bit can't make this metal wear even a little bit, and its hardness shocked everyone.

Secondly, the box is too big, but the seal is too tight. Although there seems to be a gap, it should be opened through this gap, but there is no keyhole keyhole on the box, and it cannot be opened with brute force. Until now I don't know how to open the box either.

(End of this chapter)

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